SR-6 ( Release Notes

Bradley Grainger (Logos)
Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 11,969
edited November 20 in English Forum

Service Release 6 (SR-6, v4.0.3.2984) was released this evening.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug preventing IE proxy credentials from being used when signing in
  • Fixed crash caused by creating a shortcut to a locked panel
  • Fixed OutOfMemoryException when indexing user-created documents
  • Fixed downloading loop related to hidden resources
  • Fixed crash caused by Speech Synthesizer when opening resource panels
  • Fixed bug that could overwrite Logos 4 resources with LBXLLS copies
  • Fixed crash entering lemma:h in Greek Morph Search
  • Fixed bug causing table of contents to jump around
  • Fixed hanging indents in resource display
  • Fixed size of popups in resources when Program Scaling is set
  • Fixed sync problem with Guide Templates
  • Fixed bug preventing "update resources" from finding some resource updates; "update resources" now takes a very long time to run. (Note: you must be signed in and working online to check for resource updates)

New Features:

  • "update now" and "update resources" show a "Checking for updates..." indicator in the upper-right of the main window

Known Bugs:

  • Closing the Sign In screen (e.g., by clicking the X in the upper right) crashes the application.

For SR-5 release notes, see:


