The Duties and Doctrines of Self-Examination

Calvin Habig
Calvin Habig Member Posts: 439 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Despite all of the hullabaloo about the Christian Classics Library, my conscience does not bother me by keep on posting docx of public domain works that Logos does not list on their site. I have several I will post either today or tomorrow, but in the meantime, here is the "Duties and Doctrines of Self Examination" by James Haldane.  The Haldane brothers' biography is a Logos work, but not this tract.  If the tract is found in the biography, will someone who has the biography please let me know and I will have it removed...

Your humble servant,

Cal H

4786.Doctrine and Duty of Self-Examination.docx
