BUG: Prologue to Sirach lacks versification/chapter
Churton, W. R. The Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures. London: J. Whitaker, 1884. This resource generally as standard English bible tagging … except for the prologue to Sirach. Please fix
Missing: David Cochran Heath narration of Exodus 2:1-10 of the ESV
«Oops! This belongs in Feedback 9but I cannot figure out how to delete…)!» The narration always skips this section; however, the system narration functions normally for this passage.
Block rather than versified tagging
I swear I reported this for the first set (additions to Daniel) but when I went to update it to say all additions are affected, I cannot find the post. Moore, Carey A. Daniel, Esther, and Jeremiah: The Additions: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. Vol. 44. Anchor Yale Bible. New Haven; London: Yale…
Bonus Monthly Subscription Free Book?
I finally gave in a signed up for the Pro monthly subscription. The sign up page mentions that one of the benefits is getting a free monthly book. I assume that this does not mean the Logos monthly free book since I was already getting that without a subscription. How do I choose the Bonus Monthly Subscription free book?
Why is the Dynamic Price for Tyndale Commentaries higher than buying them separately?
My dynamic price for this set is $45.82 I own all but these three newer volumes which cost $10.99 each: I Peter revised ed, Colossians and Philemon by Thompson (a single resource), and Philippians by Brown.
Block rather than versified tagging
Moore, Carey A. Daniel, Esther, and Jeremiah: The Additions: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. Vol. 44. Anchor Yale Bible. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2008. The tagging for the Additions to Daniel are for the entire block rather than individual verses as shown in the text. I've not checked…
Where did the menu item for similar commentaries go?
I used to be able to pull down an item above a commentary to select a similar resource. Where did that go? Thanks.
Am I permitted to offer for sale my logos account here?
Hi guys, I have over 8k books in my logos library but totally lost faith (pun intended) with Logos and going back to printed or kindle books (work much better for me). I only use logos as I do with the kindle app; one book open at a time only. I have never used any features since they have no use personally. The program is…
BUG: Milestone error fails to recognize break to new document.
resource: Cowper, B. Harris. The Apocryphal Gospels and Other Documents Relating to the History of Christ. Fourth Edition. London; Edinburgh: Frederic Norgate; Williams & Norgate, 1874. Error:
BUG: Prayer of Manasseh is not the Song of the Three Youth
A simple error in tagging in Sayce, A. H., ed. Tobit and the Babylonian Apocryphal Writings. The Temple Bible. London; Philadelphia: J. M. Dent & Co.; J. B. Lippincott Co., 1903.
Moved: Install box opens, weird
This discussion has been moved.
What is meant by research edition? Question re: tagging standards on Old Testament Pseude
Consider the research edition of Bauckham, Richard, James R. Davila, and Alexander Panayotov, eds. Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: More Noncanonical Scriptures. Vol. One. Grand Rapids, MI;Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013. The works included in this volume generally lack references/milestones.…
Puzzling choice of tagging
This is not an error per se but rather a very off choice. deSilva, David A. The Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha: A New Translation. Edited by Douglas Mangum, Lynsey Stepan, and Kelsey Matthews. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Academic, 2023 does not contain the Book of Odes yet rather than using the Prayer of Manasseh reference one…
Yet another tagging error
deSilva, David A. The Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha: A New Translation. Edited by Douglas Mangum, Lynsey Stepan, and Kelsey Matthews. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Academic, 2023. You are over-exercising my patience muscle. Does anything actually have correct tagging? 3 Maccabees is bleeding into 2 Esdras …
Why can't I put any book I want into these two apps? It just doesn't work
BUG: missing versification ...
Kiraz, George A., and Andreas Juckel, eds. The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Lamentations, Prayer of Jeremiah, Epistle of Jeremiah and Epistles of Baruch. Translated by Gillian Greenberg and Donald M. Walter. Antioch Bible. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2013. The link to an unversified Baruch is clearly…
BUG: Two milestone/reference errors in a single line of text
Deane, William J. The Book of Wisdom: The Greek Text, the Latin Vulgate, and the Authorized English Version: Text. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1881. The text in 3 columns has one missing tagging, one correct for at least the first verse, and one combining verses 1-16. With approximately have the resources of paraBiblical…
Wisdom of Salomon Chapter 1 ... verse 1 is not tagged correctly
Pietersma, Albert, and Benjamin G. Wright, eds. A New English Translation of the Septuagint (Primary Texts). New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Note missing verse number
RE: NETS translation. Logos please look up the definition of consistency
Pietersma, Albert, and Benjamin G. Wright, eds. A New English Translation of the Septuagint (Primary Texts). New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007 uses the notation of 1 Reigns, 2 Reigns, 3 Reigns, and 4 Reigns as is common in LXX based Old Testaments. 1 Reigns is treated as I would expect - as are 3 Reigns and 4…
Anglican and Baptist Portfolio Library
I purchased the 2025 Portfolio Libraries and the Anglican and Baptist pages are showing I can still purchase some of the lower libraries in each of those denominations. For Anglican, it is showing I can purchase Starter through Gold and for Baptist, it is showing I can purchase Starter through Silver. All are $0 and no…
Coverdale apocrypha - Greek additions to Esther mislabeled; Daniel not versified
In Ball, C. J. The Ecclesiastical or Deutero-Canonical Books of the Old Testament Commonly Called the Apocrypha. London; Edinburgh; Glasgow; Melbourne; Sydney; New York: Eyre & Spottiswoode, n.d. The Greek Esther is marked Chapter 11 Esther but tagged Chapter 16 Judith … Additions to Daniel and Prayer of Manasseh lack…
No reference/milestone tagging: The Doctrine of Addai, the Apostle.
Addai of Edessa. The Doctrine of Addai, the Apostle. Translated by George Phillips. London: Trübner & Co., 1876. The resource lacks any reference/milestone for the text and its translation. This greatly reduces its value as it is not discoverable through the usual means.
How can i access my print library books that are in Logos?
2025 Denominational Library Email
I received an email about the release of the 2025 Denominational Libraries being available, but when I click on the link, it brings up the already existing Standard, Preacher, and Researcher options, but nothing I see to choose a denomination. Am I doing something wrong?
Academic Near Eastern Studies
I am creating this thread to help group together academic Near Eastern Studies resource requests so they're easier to find and vote on. For people that want to help, links to resource requests that should be posted here meet the following criteria: Resources focused on the Near East. That is, they focus chiefly on Israel…
BUG: Gold Wesleyan 2025 is not showing Interpretation Commentary in the Listing
I was browsing through the denominational libraries for Gold Wesleyan 2025. For reference: https://www.logos.com/product/377474/2025-wesleyan-gold The Interpretation commentary is a highlighted resource in the set. But it does not appear at all in the listing of resources. I've further reconfirmed it that when I check the…
Tyndale Commentaries - Duplicate Purchase
I had previously purchased the Tyndale Commentary on Acts by I. Howard Marshall (LLS:TNTC65ACUS / 2016-10-17T15:08:40Z / TNTC65ACUS.logos4) some time ago. I purchased the 2025 Lutheran Platinum Denominational Library and a duplicate version of the same book was downloaded (LLS:TNTC65AC / 2010-12-09T00:28:32Z /…
Smyth & Helwys or Welwyn
Looking at the Baptist Platinum mainly for these two commentary sets. Please provide me your opinion of these sets if you own them.
Is possible to search for latin lemma (not only inflected)
I'd like to know if is possible to search for a radix or a general lemma (not inflected) also in latin or only in greek and Hebrew, and if yes how can I do it. thank you in advantage
Works by Walter Wangerin, Jr.
I would love to see a Walter Wangerin collection, or even just the beginnings -- his most significant books. They are all gems though. (I wrote the entry on Wangerin in the Encyclopedia of Christian Literature, so I'm kind of biased; I've read almost everything he's ever written.) Amazon.com's bio: "Walter Wangerin Jr. is…
Adventist Books On The Book of Daniel or Revelation
What resources do you know of in Logos that relate to either the book of Daniel or Revelation? Are you aware of any available pdfs that I could use to make personal books on either of those books?
Commentary needs indexed by Bible
Volume 3 of Richard Sibbes' works consists exclusively of a commentary on 2 Corinthians 1 (500+ pages on 1 chapter!). However it isn't indexed by Bible, and so doesn't appear in passage guide. Is there any reason why it couldn't be? Thanks!
Spotify-like Recommended Resources
It would be helpful to have a recommended resources or recommended authors section whenever we buy resources or view the resource info. It would help with research and/or personal study.
Multiplying believers and discipleship through LOGOS.
I have recently had so much interest about the LOGOS app in my new church. I am so excited to help others to get started. I will be assisting others via Learn LOGOS webinars @ my church. I invite any suggestions to make this process as user friendly for the varied skill sets in the audience. I did find some fast font ideas…
BUG: missing tagging for Acts of Andrew
in Montague Rhodes James, ed., The Apocryphal New Testament: Being the Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Apocalypses (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924), 359. Andrew's prison discourses runs several pages yet has no tagging. 2. Andrew's Martyrdom has incomplete/dead reference throughout the text. e.g. (Laudatio 46, Mart…
Many BUGS: Why is the Life of Adam and Eve column labeled Apocalypse of Moses as well
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament: Expansions of the “Old Testament” and Legends, Wisdom, and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms and Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works. Vol. 2. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1985. The Apocalypse of Moses seems to be…
Very interesting Pre-Order on Ten Commandments - join in
I think this pre-order on the decalogue (ten commandments) needs more people joining in! They are very good:
The Idea of the Holy: An Inquiry Into the Non-rational Factor in the Idea of the Divine and Its Rela
Okay, I first read this in the late 60's so when it was mentioned in a reading for CH351, I thought I might benefit from a refresher … only to discover this seminal work is not in Logos. Amazon blurb: Rudolf Otto's classic The Idea of the Holy brims with deep theological and philosophical insights into the theory of…
Faith in Formulae coming Jan '25
I'm very excited for this set to be released in January 2025. I'm posting this here in case you missed it. Faith in Formulae
2025 Denominational Libraries are out
But where are they? when I click the banner, nothing happens.
Wrong Books Listed in SDA 2025
@Cheyenne Lehto While looking at the SDA Libraries (I've only looked at Bronze, Silver and Gold) it appears, to me, that the wrong books are listed. I am talking about each level's own web page. When you look at the Resource Highlights for each package, none of them are listed in the list of resources. In the list of…
BUG: Missing "p" in the table of contents but not in text
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Vol. 1. New York; London: Yale University Press, 1983.
Is there a way to compare various denominational libraries?
The denominational libraries are out, but Logos has made it hard to find them, and impossible to compare them. I am thinking of purchasing a denominational library, but I want to compare the platinum, diamond and portfolio libraries of a particular denominational library. Can Logos please make this available?
BUG: missing reference
Charles, R. H., ed. The Book of the Secrets of Enoch: Translation. Translated by W. R. Morfill. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1896. lacks a reference on the initial introductory "verse".
BUG: Missing reference
Infancy Gospel of Thomas in Brannan, Rick. Greek Apocryphal Gospels, Fragments and Agrapha: Introductions and Translations. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2013. Here the introductory verse not only has no reference but is included in the Introduction section when you try selecting it. It is important that the introductory…
BUG: missing reference
Charles, R. H., ed. The Book of Jubilees or The Little Genesis: Translation. Translated by R. H. Charles. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1902. lacks a reference for one to access the introductory "verse".
BUG: no distinction between introductory material and text
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Vol. 1. New York; London: Yale University Press, 1983. ENOCH TRADITIONS PRESERVED IN MERILO PRAVEDNOE F. I. Andersen, “A New Translation and Introduction,” in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, vol. 1 (New York; London: Yale University Press, 1983), 216. It is not…
BUG: Not all reproducable but index/milestones are clearly screwed up
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Vol. 1. New York; London: Yale University Apocalpyse of Elijah - trying to copy search reference on first verse led to various types of freezes; evidence of how messed up the beginning of the document is: Additional evidence of how screwed up the tagging is…
BUG: inconsistent milestone tagging
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Vol. 1. New York; London: Yale University Press, 1983. This resource consistently has milestones for prologues, titles, and other items appearing before chapter 1. However, this resource Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament:…