Is BHQ Job on the radar?
Just curious if BHQ Job is on the radar for Logos? @Rick Mansfield (Logos) ? 🙂
Will Logos carry Jacob Milgrom's 2003 edition of his JPS Commentary on Numbers?
Also, I spent some time looking for the right forum for this question but did not find it. Is there a "best" forum for inquiries about whether particular books will be added? - Ed Taylor
Romans studies suggestion
Hello all, I'm considering studying Romans this next year. I'm curious what commentaries or other resources people would recommend. Thanks.
Smyth/Helwys Book of the Twelve only tagged for 9
See the attached photo but this resource is only tagged for 9 out of 12 prophets. Hoping to get it updated. Thx!
Please help me with your web interface, its leaving me exhausted
I'm a student at Liberty and I have several books I need to read on Logos. The search function is so counter-intuitive, it literally has caused me to simply buy books on Amazon because its just not intuitive for me to use. I have put together 2 images below showing one typical example of a problem I have all the time with…
Rick Warren
Buenas noches en español tenemos el comentario de todo los comentarios de rick Warren del Nuevo Testamento y son de mucha bendiciĂłn y he visto que en inglĂ©s está todo los comentarios del Antiguo Testamento pero esta en inglĂ©s, nos gustarĂa verlo en logos pues serĂa de mucha bendiciĂłn para nuestro ministerio
Erroneous type metadata on books
Monographs should be Bible study (or commentary) Good questions have small groups talking - series Monographs should be sermons The Message Builder - 2 series Great Preaching Series Preaching Biblical Literature (possibly) The Pentecostal Minister Sermon Resource Manual Monographs should be prayers Everyday Prayer Series…
Need help adding a book to my account.
Hello! Can someone direct me how to fix this error?
Hint: The Christ in the Bible Commentary is a Bible commentary (read with sarcasm)
Yes the 6 volume Simpson, A. B. The Christ in the Bible Commentary. Wingspread Publishers, 1994. is in canonical order and has a Bible index. Why is it monograph rather than Bible Commentary?
SUGGESTION - The Islamic Antichrist - Joel Richardson
SUGGESTION - The Islamic Antichrist - Joel Richardson The Bible predicts in the last days a charismatic leader will establish a global following in the name of peace. Islamic prophecy also predicts that a man will rise up to lead the nations, pledging to usher in an era of peace. Islam’s savior is called the Mahdi.…
Use the Reading Plan feature to keep track of a Print Library book?
I noticed I was able to filter by my Print Library under the Availability tab when creating a new Reading Plan, but none of my books I've added showed up after adding said filter. I know print library books can't be read and only searched, but would it be possible to use these features just to easily track your reading in…
Metadata missing or erroneous
should be Catholic Turner, Paul, and John W. Martens, eds. Liturgy and Life Study Bible. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2023. should be Restoration (Church of Christ) Roberts, J. J. M. First Isaiah: A Commentary. Edited by Peter Machinist. Hermeneia. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2015. should be Judaism Berlin,…
"Everyday Gospel" needs to be to changed to Calendar Devotional
I've been reading Paul Tripp's "Everyday Gospel" and noticed that it's been marked as a Devotional, but it should be a Calendar Devotional. Thanks.
Why not sermon outline type
This is a monograph Cantrell, Donald. 50 Splendid Sermon Outlines. Vol. 10. Cantrell’s 50 Splendid Sermon Outlines. Donald Cantrell, 2020. I really don't understand the number of times books have metadata errors as obvious as this.
Daily Doctrine by Kevin DeYoung should be formatted as a yearly devotional?
Daily Doctrine: A One-Year Guide to Systematic Theology | Logos Bible Software I was expecting "Daily doctrine: A one-year guide" to be formatted as a daily, one-year devotional. I can't even figure out how to make my own reading plan; it either breaks it up into month-long sessions, or it wants to break it up by page,…
C.S. Lewis's "Till We Have Faces"
It's nice to see you've now got Reason and Imagination in C.S. Lewis: A Study of Till We Have Faces in pre-pub, but could we please also have the book that this is a study of? Kind of hard to get much out of a study of an original work without the original itself to read side-by-side. Thanks! And this is one of Lewis's…
Okay, I upgraded my library and immediately regretted it
@Mark Barnes (Logos) Okay, I let a sales person talk me into a library update at < $1 a book. However, as I started to explore it I got more and more annoyed at how many of the Bible commentaries lack a denomination even when it is in the title of the book. There also seems to be more inconsistency in Bible study vs. Bible…
Missing ebook sale - Zondervan (again)
This ebook is meant to be on sale for $3.99 until the end of the month.
Tripp Journey to the Cross - ToC Needs Repair
Tripp's Journey to the Cross resource has a Table of Contents that is off. The way the resource is currently, generating a reading plan results in over 80+ readings (This is a 40 day devotional). Also, some days have multiple entries in their ToC and others none. I would appreciate if this could be fixed. I'm not so sure…
I can't open my prioritized books. How do I do that?
I came to Logos from Wordsearch and have never been able to use it effectively. I have books prioritized on the list on the right side of the page but when I try to open them, nothing happens.
Resource Collection Unlocking All Linked FSB Resources?
Is there a single package (other than one that contains EVERY one of Logos' products) which will effectively unlock all of the references that can be found in the Faithlife Study Bible? To be clear, I'm speaking of the extra library resources which are often displayed for suggested further study after clicking a plus sign…
Indexing off hours
Is there a way of making Logos index off hours? To be able to schedule indexing when I'm not using my PC. To apply an hour like 2AM… Something like the Windows update. Sometimes indexing happens during the day when I'm busy using my PC… Very inconvinient. Thank you. Al
Are books randomly added to subscriptions? If so, how do you find out which books?
Which books are added to subscriptions?
I already own TDOT. Would there be much benefit from also owning NIDOTTE?
BUG: Pre-Pub Collection
The description for pre-pub "Historical Books, 9 vols. (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary | TOTC)" with an estimated ship date of April 2025 indicates it will include the latest volume of 1 & 2 Kings is linking to the previous version of that resource not the new version also in pre-pub. Link below - please review.…
status of Mobile Ed course OT344 Hamilton on the Psalms
It has been listed as in progress since 2022, could we have an update on the status of the course?
incorrect metadata in type field
These are monographs but should be devotionals Madrid, Patrick. A Year with the Bible: Scriptural Wisdom for Daily Living. Charlotte, NC: Saint Benedict Press, 2012. Aquilina, Mike. A Year with the Angels: Daily Meditations with the Messengers of God. Charlotte, NC: Saint Benedict Press, 2011. Murray, Andrew. Waiting on…
Monographs that should be church history
Parsons, Philip. A Beginner’s Guide to Church History: An Overview of the Christian Era from an Evangelical Perspective. Truth for All Time. Leominster: Day One, 2019. Haight, Roger. Christian Community in History: Comparative Ecclesiology. Vol. 2. London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2014. Harnack, Adolf von.…
Book in my library that the store front shows as not available
I try to keep tabs on the books that I have purchased but not received. However, it has gotten so that the storefront status is not reliable. Here is a list of books in my library that the storefront has me still waiting for: In library but still in prepublication Anonymous, Anonymous. Embracing Obscurity. Nashville, TN:…
Renting recourses
Is there a way to see what is available to rent on logos? I know that the Galaxy journals are available and some stuff from spurgeoun, but is there a search queue or a list anywhere? Also, if anyone knows of any good recourses please let me know as well.
Does anyone else see a problem with this book being offered in a Christian Bible program?
Art Magick: How to Become an Art Witch and Unlock your Creative Powerby M. B. Roberts Have we become "Woke"???
Did you miss this Lexham Press book Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition
Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition | Logos Bible Software Logos blurb: Holy Scripture requires holy reading 2023 Credo Magazine Book Award Winner - Theological Retrieval Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture…
Question about Revelation (BECNT) by Schreiner - Greek text tagging
I just started reading Schreiner's commentary on Revelation today. I've noticed that the Greek text and transliterations are not tagged with pop-up definitions (compare to Osborne in the BECNT and multiple other commentaries in different series). Has Logos cut back on the tagging or is this an aberration?
Please pre-order Reading the Bible Badly: How American Christians Misunderstand and Misuse their Scr
Why do you need to pre-order this? (1) Because I just discovered I could not add my copy to my print library because the Logos version is still in pre-pub. (2) Because it includes an interesting lectionary (WBL) which has as a goal to be more complete than the RCL when viewed from a Sunday's only perspective (3) Because it…
Sehnsucht journal (vol 10-14) not included in Wipf & Stock Sale
Volumes 1-9 of Sehnsucht: The C.S. Lewis Journal are all included in the $6.99 Wipf & Stock publisher sale this month. Volumes 10-14, however, are not, as they are only available in this bundle (which has no discount for the sale): Is there any chance of making these other 5 volumes of the journal available individually,…
Good way to add Kindle Book ISBNs to Logos
Anyone have a good/efficient way to add Kindle book ISBNs to my "Physical Book" library in Logos?
Q. To add books to my print library...
… this must be books that are carried in Logos' catalog? Do I have that right? Or is there a way to add a paper book which I have which is NOT in Logos' catalog, just so I know I have it? Thanks!
Humankind vs mankind in LEB translation of Gen 1:27
Wouldn't be the most accurate translation of "hadam" is "mankind." LEB translates "hadam" as "humankind." Asking for a friend.Â
Best Bible Study Resources for Regular Christians
I'm looking to empower dedicated Christians to seriously study the Bible. I'm going to teach a class on how to study the Bible and want to help them put together some good resources to aid in their study. I'm looking for you recommendations for your top study Bible AND your top 3-5 other resources that you would recommend…
J C Ryle Daily Readings from all four Gospels
does Logos have the devotional of J C Ryle.
Top Catholic Bible Commentaries
I am trying to put together a list of recommended Bible commentaries for each of the ACELO churches ((high)Anglican-Catholic-East Orthodox-(high)Lutheran-Oriental Orthodox. I have used ChatGPT and Perplexity among my sources. This list is for Western Catholic resources: Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS)…
Why can't I put any book I want into these two apps? It just doesn't work
Word Biblical Commentary
How is it that there's no volume on 1 Corinthians in this series? Is there one in the pipeline?
A Companion to the Book of Enoch: A Reader's Commentary - Both volumes now available!
Both volumes to Dr. Michael Heiser's commentaries on 1 Enoch are now available to order on prepub. Currently they are $9.99. There is no ship date listed yet.
Action Bible Updated?
What's the difference between these two? The first entry in this picture was released 2020, the other one in 2010. The newer version is missing one of the authors. Doug, the text writer, but still has Sergio, the illustrator, and the same publisher. I have the hard copy older version (2010). The Logos shop preview won't…
Latest Book By John Ortberg
New book by John Ortberg, Steps, shows a release day on Feb 4 and yet, it hasn't shipped. For some unknown reason, you can't buy the book on Faithlife Ebook store as well. Please make it available as I have I don't want to but the book on kindle. Would rather prefer the Logos ecosystem. Thanks
Looking for dictionary recommendations
I’m looking to go beyond my one volume dictionaries. Categorically , I am a total layman with a strong interest in scripture. I love long form journalism, and am looking for that in biblical articles, but I do not have any background in the languages. I’m looking at the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary set, the IVP Black set,…
Type Monograph Should be Type Bible Commentary
This book is type monograph and has nothing in the library subject column indicating it may be or may have been an ebook. However, it is the same format and indexes as the rest of the books in it's series, which is "Reformed Expository Bible Studies". LLS:REBS70EPH 2021-05-10T20:29:28Z REBS70EPH.logos4 I believe it should…
James Leo Garrett's "Systematic Theology"
Faithlife, Could we get Dr. Garrett's 2 Volume Systematic added to the Dataset that populates in the Passage Guide? This is a great resource, especially from a Baptist viewpoint. Thanks!
At last ... at last! Ahab and His House of Horrors is on Sale!
I've been wanting to buy this book for a long time. I just couldn't justify the price: Just the title seems somewhere between Halloween, and Assyria … who could resist?! Where could Ahab have possibly gotten so many horses? And who was feeding them? But more seriously, it's a discussion of how one deals with canon vs…