BUG/Parity Issue

Entered "Import Sentence Diagrams" into the Command field. This command appeared in the drop down list. However, hitting Enter did not appear to do anything. While searching to see if this was on KS4J's parity list, Logos Quit unexpectedly.
2642.LogosLogs Jack Caviness 20120708-070035.gz
Tried this again. Rather than an Unexpected Quit received a frozen application with core 3 activity @ 100% for an extended period of time. Attempted Cmd-Q. The window closed, but L4 Mac refused to turn loose. Finally forced quit from Activity Monitor.
6661.LogosLogs Jack Caviness 20120708-072405.gz
Recommend that Logos either fix this feature or disable the command.
Jack Caviness said:
While searching to see if this was on KS4J's parity list
Added another bullet point to Feature Parity list:
- PC Command can import Libronix 3 file(s) while Mac import has lots of leaking memory errors
Jack Caviness said:Recommend that Logos either fix this feature or disable the command.
+1 [Y]
After successful import using Logos 4.5c SR-2 ( on Windows 7, tried creating similar path on Mac
- Opened my user's Documents folder
- Created Libronix DLS folder, then opened it
- Created SentenceDiagrams folder, then opened it
- Into ~/Documents/Libronix DLS/SentenceDiagrams folder, downloaded one of the Sentence Diagram files by Terry Cook
- Tried Import Sentence Diagrams command using Logos 4.5c SR-2 ( on Mac OS X 10.6.8 that did nothing
In contrast, Import Sentence Diagrams command using Logos 4.5c SR-2 ( on WIndows 7 worked to import sentence diagrams by Terry Cook (in my user's Documents\Libronix DLS\SentenceDiagrams folder), which quickly sync'd to my Mac, then could be opened.
Last year, another Logos 4 Mac user was unable to import Libronix 3 sentence diagrams on a Mac => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/32414/242277.aspx#242277
Jack Caviness said:Logos Quit unexpectedly.
Looking in Logos4.log noticed Mac path ~/Libronix DLS/SentenceDiagrams being used for Import Sentence Diagrams command, which was followed by lots of errors about just leaking.
Moved my Libronix DLS folder to have same ~/Libronix DLS/SentenceDiagrams path, then used Import Sentence Diagrams command with one sentence diagram (_Jude), which produced lots of memory leaking errors:
along with successfully importing _Jude diagram so modified Feature Parity list item.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Last year, another Logos 4 Mac user was unable to import Libronix 3 sentence diagrams on a Mac => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/32414/242277.aspx#242277
I'm pretty sure I too have asked for some way to import Terry's files into L4M. (And if I haven't, I'm doing it now. [:D])
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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I can reproduce the leaking error. I was under the impression syncing should not be able to be imported on Mac as Libronix DLS never had the tool. Clearly somewhere along the way the ability found itself into Logos 4 on the Mac.
Though I was able to reproduce the leak errors, I was unable to reproduce the behavior that was Jack's impetus for starting the thread. Jack, if you don't mind could you post the file you imported so I can see if I can reproduce what you were experiencing. If you don't want to post it publicly, would you mind replying to an email I send you with it? I used the Galatians one here http://wiki.logos.com/Tools_and_Files_supplied_by_users#Sentence_Diagram_files.
Someone from Quality Assurance should be back to provide more information after the issue has been resolved.
Thank you
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T.Allen said:
Jack, if you don't mind could you post the file you imported
The file did not import.
The memory leak were caused by my faulty memory (human, not computer) [8-|]. I had previously imported all of Terry's diagrams into L4 Windows; however, I had forgotten the convoluted procedure that was necessary to get L4 to discover the files. I actually expected L4 Mac to work like every other application—fancy that! I expected to issue an import command and receive a dialog box to select the file(s) to import. How thoroughly foolish of me.
What is especially irritating in this whole incident is the deafening silence from Logos. It seems that when I start a thread with BUG in the title, Logos chooses to ignore it. [U]
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Jack Caviness said:
What is especially irritating in this whole incident is the deafening silence from Logos. It seems that when I start a thread with BUG in the title, Logos chooses to ignore it.
You only posted this on the 8th, which also happened to be a Sunday. And you got a reply Monday afternoon by the looks of it. You feel ignored that fast? I wouldn't even have started waiting for an answer until the middle or end of the week. Last week Logos finally noticed a bug I posted about more than five months ago...
I've started looking through and bumping old bug reports of mine, and I'm pretty sure I will find a number of them both five and twelve and twenty months old without even a case having been written for them yet. So personally I'm more than happy the few times I get noticed this fast. It doesn't happen all that often...
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:Jack Caviness said:
What is especially irritating in this whole incident is the deafening silence from Logos. It seems that when I start a thread with BUG in the title, Logos chooses to ignore it.
You only posted this on the 8th, which also happened to be a Sunday. And you got a reply Monday afternoon by the looks of it.
Oops [:$] Did not realize that T.Allen was a Logos employee. I have posted several bug reports that were never acknowledged; therefore, I assumed the worst. I now have two women in my life that catch my mistakes and call them to my attention. You do not have red hair by any chance do you? [:D]
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Jack Caviness said:fgh said:Jack Caviness said:
What is especially irritating in this whole incident is the deafening silence from Logos. It seems that when I start a thread with BUG in the title, Logos chooses to ignore it.
You only posted this on the 8th, which also happened to be a Sunday. And you got a reply Monday afternoon by the looks of it.
Did not realize that T.Allen was a Logos employee. I have posted several bug reports that were never acknowledged; therefore, I assumed the worst. I now have two women in my life that catch my mistakes and call them to my attention. You do not have red hair by any chance do you?
It would be helpful to get a copy of the diagram you were trying to import. I'll send you an email you can reply to if you didn't want to post it here.
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Jack Caviness said:
Did not realize that T.Allen was a Logos employee.
Well, he doesn't have an icon, but the way he writes he's got to be. In fact, now that I check his profile he seems to be identical with Tommy Ball.
Jack Caviness said:I now have two women in my life that catch my mistakes and call them to my attention.
Sorry about that! When it's in answer to someone's question I feel I have to (and would hope others do the same for me), but this time I didn't actually catch any mistake. I thought you were just being impatient, and was a bit surprised to see you impatient that fast, given how much longer we've become accustomed to wait. Actually, most of all I probably used you as an excuse for having another go at Logos for all the times they do deserve being called out for their "deafening silence".
No, no tinge of red in my hair, I'm afraid. It's a very unusual hair-colour over here. The Vikings went to the Celts, not the other way around. Plus Swedish Vikings generally went East, not West.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Hunter Clagett said:
It would be helpful to get a copy of the diagram you were trying to import.
We are apparently not communicating very well. As I stated above, I expected the command to provide a standard dialog box where I could select the file I desired to impoort. I had forgotten the convoluted method required to import them into L4 Win. I just remembered that I had imported them into the Windows version and was just testing to see if this had been incorporated into L4 Mac yet. There was no specific file that I was attempting to import.
T.Allen stated that he could duplicate the memory leak. That would be the main problem.
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Jack Caviness said:Hunter Clagett said:
It would be helpful to get a copy of the diagram you were trying to import.
We are apparently not communicating very well. As I stated above, I expected the command to provide a standard dialog box where I could select the file I desired to impoort. I had forgotten the convoluted method required to import them into L4 Win. I just remembered that I had imported them into the Windows version and was just testing to see if this had been incorporated into L4 Mac yet. There was no specific file that I was attempting to import.
T.Allen stated that he could duplicate the memory leak. That would be the main problem.
Yes, I am sorry. I did get a bit ahead of myself there.
We have been able to verify the memory leak associated with this issue, but have yet to be able to cause Logos to crash by that process.
Our thought was that the file(s) you were using were causing a different behavior, or a more extreme version of that memory leak.
Are you still getting a crash when you attempt that import?
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Hunter Clagett said:
Are you still getting a crash when you attempt that import?
No crash. In fact, it does not appear to do anything. Has this command been enabled in L4 Mac?
Will include logs just in case they show something.
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Hunter Clagett said:
We have been able to verify the memory leak associated with this issue, but have yet to be able to cause Logos to crash by that process.
Our thought was that the file(s) you were using were causing a different behavior, or a more extreme version of that memory leak.
Wonder about trying to import all of Terry Cook's sentence diagrams ?
Importing one diagram has lots of memory leaks, importing many diagrams would increase memory leakage and crash potential.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Wonder about trying to import all of Terry Cook's sentence diagrams ?
Can you import any diagrams into L4 Mac? I have not succeeded.
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Jack Caviness said:
Yes, earlier in this thread => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/51784/380640.aspx#380640 posted logs showing Jude sentence diagram import that successfully completed with lots of memory leaking errors. Closed Logos 4 Mac after completing one sentence diagram import so could compress and post logs.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Jack Caviness said:
Yes, earlier in this thread => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/51784/380640.aspx#380640 posted logs showing Jude sentence diagram import that successfully completed
I have all of Terry's diagrams imported in L4 Win except Jude. Attempted to import the Jude diagram into L4 Mac without success. Created a LibronixDLS folder containing a SentenceDiagrams folder into my Jackcav/Documents folder. Placed the Jude document into the SentenceDiagrams folder and issued "Import Sentence Diagrams" command. Nothing, Nada, Zip, Refrained from adding a few colorful nautical expressions here [:D]
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Jack Caviness said:
Created a LibronixDLS folder containing a SentenceDiagrams folder into my Jackcav/Documents folder.
Wonder about using same folder as Sentence Diagrams that crashed earlier for you:
~/Libronix DLS/SentenceDiagrams
Idea: could move other sentence diagrams to a different folder so only Jude is in your user's Libronix DLS / SentenceDiagrams folder.
Jack Caviness said:Placed the Jude document into the SentenceDiagrams folder and issued "Import Sentence Diagrams" command. Nothing, Nada, Zip, Refrained from adding a few colorful nautical expressions here
Understand desire for colorful expressions. My initial attempt to import sentence diagrams on my Mac also did nothing. After changing file location, was able to replicate memory leak errors plus import Jude diagram.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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T.Allen said:
I was under the impression syncing should not be able to be imported on Mac as Libronix DLS never had the tool. Clearly somewhere along the way the ability found itself into Logos 4 on the Mac.
You could not prove that by me. I have been unable to import a single diagram. Watching Activity Monitor while issuing the command shows minimal activity. KS4J seems to be able to import, but no one else has reported this ability.
Has the feature been implemented or not? A response to this question by Logos would be much appreciated.
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I have been able to import a sentence diagram on the Mac platform.
Jack Caviness said:Created a LibronixDLS folder containing a SentenceDiagrams folder into my Jackcav/Documents folder.
The issue for you may be that the file structure created needs to go through the Home folder, rather than the Documents folder (as KS4J has mentioned.) Also, there should be a space in your file name: 'Libronix DLS' not 'LibronixDLS'. (Do note, however, that 'SentenceDiagrams' does not have a space in it.)
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Tonya J Ross said:
The issue for you may be that the file structure created needs to go through the Home folder, rather than the Documents folder (as KS4J has mentioned.) Also, there should be a space in your file name: 'Libronix DLS' not 'LibronixDLS'
Guess that is what results from setting up operations from memory rather than looking it up [:$]. Moved and renamed the Libronix DLS folder and tried the command again. Diagram imported properly. I did not notice a serious memory leak.
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Tonya J Ross said:
I have been able to import a sentence diagram on the Mac platform.
First attempt crashed. Logs: 0763.Import Sentence Diagrams crash.zip
I suspect I may have hit Enter twice. Perhaps that's what Jack did as well when he had his crash? Easy to do when nothing seems to happen and you start wondering if you executed the command or just selected it. A popup saying first 'Import in progress', then 'Import successful' would be nice. [;)]
Or maybe I just ran out of memory.
Second attempt succeeded. Noted that starting to type Import Sen only suggests the command Import All. Maybe that would have worked as well, but if one does specifically want the Import Sentence Diagrams command one has to know it and type pretty much all of it before the dropdown recognizes it. [:(]
Are sentence diagrams supposed to always open in a floating window?
Thanks to Jack for finding the command, and to KS4J for figuring out how to use it!
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:
Thanks to Jack for finding the command,
I had used the command in L4 Win when Terry first began making diagrams available. Curiosity caused me to try it in L4 Mac to see if it had been implemented yet.
fgh said:I suspect I may have hit Enter twice. Perhaps that's what Jack did
fgh said:and to KS4J for figuring out how to use it!
That's the important part. In my defense, I could say that in L4 Win the Libronix DLS folder does go into the Documents folder [:D]
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Jack Caviness said:fgh said:
and to KS4J for figuring out how to use it!
That's the important part. In my defense, I could say that in L4 Win the Libronix DLS folder does go into the Documents folder
Observation: Jack's initial crash report has the correct folder location. Personally a bit surprised that Logos 4 Mac is lacking Documents in the path for Libronix DLS import.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Tonya J Ross said:
I have been able to import a sentence diagram on the Mac platform.
And what about vocabulary lists from http://www.logos.com/training/vocabularylists? Have you found a way to import those too (without access to Windows)? Because we haven't.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:Tonya J Ross said:
I have been able to import a sentence diagram on the Mac platform.
And what about vocabulary lists from http://www.logos.com/training/vocabularylists? Have you found a way to import those too (without access to Windows)? Because we haven't.
Personally created folder ~/Libronix DLS/VocabularyLists then copied a couple vocabulary lists from http://www.logos.com/training/vocabularylists (changing file name to *.lbxvl by removing .xml addition from download using Safari), followed by Import All command using Logos 4.6 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 that now has a couple new items in the File menu:
Thankful still have a working Libronix 3.0g installation (on Windows 7) so can copy folder names:
- Annotations
- BibleReadingPlans
- Collections
- CustomToolbars
- GraphicalQueries
- ResourceAssociations
- ResourceMarkup
- SentenceDiagrams
- Timelines
- VerseLists
- VocabularyLists
- WordLists
- Workspaces
Edit: also learned Import Word Lists command can import *.lbxvl (vocabulary list) files in folder ~/Libronix DLS/VocabularyLists
Keep Smiling [:)]
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changing file name to *.lbxvl by removing .xml addition from download using Safari
How did you manage to do that? No one else has succeeded in changing the file type from .xml
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Personally created folder ~/Libronix DLS/VocabularyLists then copied a couple vocabulary lists from http://www.logos.com/training/vocabularylists (changing file name to *.lbxvl by removing .xml addition from download using Safari), followed by Import All command using Logos 4.6 on Mac OS X 10.6.8
I already tried exactly that (and a number of other things) before writing my post (and before writing the post in the beta forum, which you may or may not have seen), and it didn't work for me.
No, wait, I didn't try Import All. I tried Import Word Lists, but I tried it with both folder names: WordLists and VocabularyLists.
Tried Import All now, still without luck, but it did do one thing: it showed me what the log should look like: there were lines about finding and skipping the SentenceDiagram folder, but no line about the WordLists folder.
Ah, finally! Knowing the 'log speak' saved me from having to restart all the time to find out if it had worked. Seems the folder name has to be VocabularyLists, WordLists didn't work. And although you say Import Word Lists worked for you, I'm 95% certain I tried it yesterday with both folder names, without success. But Import All plus the right folder name did the trick.
Ah, again. Found a useful post by Tonya. One has to look at the suffix to know what folder name to use.
Oh no! I spoke to fast. The log showed the 2 vocab lists were imported, but now L4 crashes every time I open it. I just have time to open the File dropdown and confirm they're there, and then it shuts down. I guess I'll have to go write a crash report instead of the import manual I had planned. [:'(][8o|]
Jack Caviness said:Not correct. My beta forum post yesterday, which you answered, said I'd done it. Just use Cmd-I on the file and delete the extra suffix. (Though admittedly, given that I still couldn't make it work, I thought at the time that removing the suffix wasn't enough to change anything 'for real'.)
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:
Not correct. My beta forum post yesterday, which you answered, said I'd done it. Just use Cmd-I on the file and delete the extra suffix. (Though admittedly, given that I still couldn't make it work, I thought at the time that removing the suffix wasn't enough to change anything 'for real'.)
Even my wife does not correct me as frequently as you do [:D]
I had been trying to change the extension in the Finder, which formerly worked in 10.5 (or was that 10.4?). In any case, after deleting the .xml at the end of the extension, I imported the word list without incident (Seow's Hebrew Grammar).
I hereby resolve to never again disagree with you, at least not today [:D]
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Glad you got it working better than I! (Brave of you to try after my report. I think I would have waited.)
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Jack Caviness said:
Long time ago adjusted my Finder Preferences to show extensions, so can see .xml addition to a file name:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Long time ago adjusted my Finder Preferences to show extensions, so can see .xml addition to a file name:
Just for clarification, I did know that. What I did not know at the time was how to permanently remove the .xml extension. In previous editions of the Mac OS, this could be done from the Finder. fgh clued me in that in OS 10.6.8, it must be done from the Info screen
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Jack Caviness said:
In previous editions of the Mac OS, this could be done from the Finder. fgh clued me in that in OS 10.6.8, it must be done from the Info screen
Actually, it turns out it can be done from Finder as well. I don't know why I didn't try that first, but I did now.
(Correcting myself, since you missed your chance to.[:D])
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Jack Caviness said:
I could not make that work.
- Click to select the file.
- Click once more to get into 'renaming mode'. (No double-click, of course, that would open the file instead.)
- It will look like this:
- Click and drag to select the ending instead:
- Remove. (Or click at the end and backspace instead.)
- Enter.
- Confirm.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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My internet service was down for the last three days, so I just saw your post.
I really think I had tried all that, and the file just reverted back to .xml. Of course, it is remotely possible that my memory is faulty [8-|]
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Jack Caviness said:
My internet service was down for the last three days, so I just saw your post.
Ouch. Noticed you weren't around.
Jack Caviness said:I really think I had tried all that, and the file just reverted back to .xml. Of course, it is remotely possible that my memory is faulty
Software can never be trusted to behave consistently[8-|]:
fgh said:And although you say Import Word Lists worked for you, I'm 95% certain I tried it yesterday with both folder names, without success.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:Jack Caviness said:
My internet service was down for the last three days, so I just saw your post.
Ouch. Noticed you weren't around.
Nice to be missed, unless you were relieved [:D]
fgh said:Jack Caviness said:I really think I had tried all that, and the file just reverted back to .xml. Of course, it is remotely possible that my memory is faulty
Software can never be trusted to behave consistently
Tried again to change the .xml extension in the Finder without success. Had to use Get Info
fgh said:And although you say Import Word Lists worked for you, I'm 95% certain I tried it yesterday with both folder names, without success.
Just deleted all my imported vocabulary lists because of the bug fixed in SR-1 and reimported without any problem. Altogether that was six lists.
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Jack Caviness said:
Tried again to change the .xml extension in the Finder without success.
How weird.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2