biblical hebrew

Has Logos any plans for a Hebrew audio tool? That would be so helpful.
Is this what you are looking for?Norman Nicoll said:Has Logos any plans for a Hebrew audio tool? That would be so helpful.
Hebrew Audio Pronunciations by Randall Buth
Or maybe this?
Old Testament Hebrew Vocabulary (audio) by Jonathan T. Pennington
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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No, I mean that you could listen to for instance BHW 4.18 Audio. There is at the moment an ESV Audio whereby you can listen to scripture being read. It would be so helpful for those learning Biblical Hebrew.
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I meant to add that the Audio symbol for English Bibles appears only to be available on the Logos App on my Tablet, whereby you can listen to scripture being read in English. So the question is why not an Audio for Hebrew as well?
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Norman Nicoll said:
So the question is why not an Audio for Hebrew as well?
I don't know. There is Greek Audio New Testament, so there ought to be a Hebrew Audio Old Testament.
But they have had Greek Audio Pronunciations for much longer than they had Hebrew (the Hebrew one took forever to complete), so perhaps they haven't yet been able to work out how to get that to integrate into read-aloud for Hebrew. Or maybe they have to contract with a read-aloud person fluent in Hebrew to read all the text and they haven't done that yet.
In the meantime, there is a Hebrew Audio Bible on the internet:
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I'd like to complement Rosie's Hebrew Bible link with these mp3s of the Hebrew bible, though they are obviously not complete:
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Thank you again Rosie, As ever very helpful
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Thank you David. This helps although it would be good to press Logos, as Rosie says' for Hebrew Audio Old Testament.
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I note your comment thanks. The question is: How do you move a thread to a different forum using a moderator?
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Norman Nicoll said:
How do you move a thread to a different forum using a moderator?
You can email the forum moderators using and ask them to move the thread.
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Thanks a lot Rosie and David for the links!
Surprising that I was able to understand something of it, I had thought I can only read Hebrew
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11
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I don't know if you'll find this helpful, but for the Hebrew learners here,
you may want to take a look at this recent post of mine:
The most important Hebrew feature Faithlife (Lexham) could ever have for pronunciation0