BUG: Text Box Woes - Desktop Edition ( 6.1 b6 running on MAC 10.10.2)

I noticed some glitches in UI and sync within text boxes on iOS mobile... but I am finding at least one issue on desktop as well. I deleted the text from three boxes on mobile, the desktop app had more than enough time to sync (including me pressing the sync button a couple of times), yet the text remained in the box. When I scrolled down so that the text boxes were no longer visible and then back up, the text was gone. 

iOS thread link: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/100695.aspx 

Here are some screen shots. In the first one, I have deleted the text in all three boxes on mobile and synced L6. In the second screen shot (taken just a couple of seconds later), I quickly scrolled down and back up. NOTICE: The first text box still has the text despite the text box being emptied on mobile.

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