Churchman's Guide - Community pricing book at $7

Rayner Member Posts: 591
edited November 2024 in Resources Forum

I was scanning through a list of not yet published Community Pricing books yesterday and discovered the Anglican gem, "The Churchman's Guide". Although it's over 100 years old, it concerns certain definitions that are simply unlikely to change eg. re feast days and ceremonies.  Also, it's only $7 and could drop.  Just highlighting in case others may be interested...

The Churchman’s Guide is specifically designed to help Anglican laity and church leaders easily access information about both commonly used and obscure ecclesiastical terms, formulas, dates, people, offices, and ceremonies. As a small reference guide, this book aims to clarify terms that have become ambiguous through overuse or neglect. Succinct definitions and articles explain theological terms, feast days, ceremonies, and many other aspects of church life. The Churchman’s Guide allows readers to understand the church’s life, and enables all church attendees to knowledgeably participate in services. Though written more than one hundred years ago, these definitions still provide lucid and accessible treatments of the key aspects in Anglican ecclesiology, concepts, and institutions.