Bug: Bible reading schedule, with audio reading

Philip Larson
Philip Larson Member Posts: 248 ✭✭

I've tried 3 times to begin my Bible reading in 6.2 Beta 4, the Every Day Bible 2015 schedule, with David Cochran Heath. He starts reading a few words in Numbers 27 (as the schedule has it), and then Logos crashes.

I just got the update this evening, and now I'm trying to read.

I'm on Windows 8.1 Pro, a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro.


  • Angela Murashov
    Angela Murashov Member Posts: 1,532 ✭✭✭

    He starts reading a few words in Numbers 27 (as the schedule has it), and then Logos crashes.

    We have an active case for this in Development. I'll add a link to the case so we will update you once the crash is fixed. [:)]

    As a workaround, if you set the resource columns to "None" you should be able to Read Aloud until the crash is fixed. 

  • Dylan Rondeau
    Dylan Rondeau Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,401

    He starts reading a few words in Numbers 27 (as the schedule has it), and then Logos crashes.

    We have an active case for this in Development. I'll add a link to the case so we will update you once the crash is fixed. Smile

    As a workaround, if you set the resource columns to "None" you should be able to Read Aloud until the crash is fixed. 

    This is fixed in 6.2 RC 1.

    Dylan Rondeau, Software Tester

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