Learn Logos with the lesson study on Luke

A lot of SDA pastors have come on board with Logos lately, so in agreement with Martin Weber I am making a series of 13 free video-tutorials about how to use Logos to go with the Sabbath School lessons for April-June 2015.
So pick up some tips about the Gospel of Luke for your class this sabbath while learning Logos at the same time!
The first video is about 40 minutes, to teach some foundational features of Logos that everyone needs to know. After this the videos will be shorter each week.
Go and watch it now (and subscribe to the Youtube channel for updates):
- Reimar
Reimar Vetne, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of New Testament
University of Montemorelos, Mexico
Great idea. Make sure show them how to get the lesson in the Logos Software. https://faithlife.com/adult-bible-study-guide/documents
Here is how to compile the lesson in Logos. https://www.logos.com/training/logos4/windows/pbb_3
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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These videos are great! Thanks so much for sharing. I've already learned a few tricks in how to get more out of Logos 6. I look forward to the other videos that will come out when they do.
Now, if only Logos would support Personal Book syncing with mobile devices, then we could actually have the quarterly itself on our iPads and iPhones to study throughout the week and at church.
I am thankful that at least we can load the quarterly into the Logos 6 desktop program for now, through the method that Lynden shared.
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Most pastors and Logos users won't take the step of making the quarterly into a Personal Book. It is a strategy just for the most devoted Logos fans... The best hope is that Faithlife eventually will start publishing the quarterly as a regular Logos book.
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Great news--the North American Division has picked up this story and shared it on their Facebook page. Please go there and "like it" and maybe even share it:
Scroll down a bit and you'll see it.
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Glad to hear Martin. Posted links to the Faithlife group for the lesson and how to make the lesson into a Logos Book on their Facebook Page.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I'm glad you got those links in there. Very helpful. More than 50 people have shared the link to Reimar's videos, and what you've posted optimizes the benefit anyone can receive.
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I liked it very much. Thanks
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Now 550 people "liked" the videos on the NAD Facebook page, and the comments on YouTube have been most encouraging. Reimar has done a huge favor for all of us in the Logos SDA community.
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Thanks so much Reimar. You introduction regarding studying actual the Bible texts rather than the topic got my wife on the edge of her seat - she takes a SS class. She was happily following your suggestions all yesterday evening having great fun.
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I'm glad that you all find it useful [:)]
Here is the next video for this second week of April on Luke 3-4:
- How to use the Cross References and Ancient Literature sections in the Passage Guide
- How to use the new Cultural Concepts feature
- How to search for graphical images in Logos
- Bible fact (Luke 3:3): what repentance (metanoia) actually means
- Bible fact (Luke 3:4): which religious groups considered themselves to be "the way" of Isaiah 40:3
- Bible fact (Luke 4:9): what exactly was the "pinnacle" of the temple0 -
Here is Week 3 on Luke's gospel.
- Logos: How to use the Factbook to study about John the Baptist
- Logos: How to use Cross References in the Passage Guide to find out when Jesus is quoting Scripture
- Logos: How to use a 'synopsis' (harmony) to see parallels between the gospels
- Bible Fact: What did Jesus and John the Baptist disagree about?
- Bible Fact: What did the phrase 'Son of Man' mean at the time of Jesus?0 -
Each has been very helpful. Thank You!
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Here is Week 4 on Luke's gospel.
- Logos: Which are the best commentaries on Luke in the SDA packages
- Logos: How to download interesting sermons on the sabbath school passages
- Logos: How to do a Bible word study
- Bible Fact: What the words 'disciple' and 'apostle' really mean
- Bible Fact: Why we should avoid semantic anachronisms like 'dynamite' for 'power'0 -
Continuing THANKS.
('Dynamite' has been a regular irritant of mine ever since I "saw the light" when reading Carson).
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As a Sabbath School teacher and Bible student I very much appreciate your providing the video instruction on using Logos to study the lesson and prepare for teaching it. You are doing a great job.
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Here is Week 5 on "Jesus and the Sabbath". The video is a lot longer than usual, since the Sabbath is important to Adventists...
So it's less Logos and more Bible this week. Hope it is useful.
- Personal rant about how Adventists tend to portray Judaism
- Logos Library Management: how to prioritize and tag resources
- Logos search: How to find a Bible reference in a collection of books
- Bible scholarship: What leading scholars are saying about Judaism, Jesus and Sabbath keeping
- Logos resources about Paul and the Sabbath0 -
[:)] It just confirms that you are working from your own personal script!! The updates on ,leading scholar' views were much appreciated.Reimar Vetne said:Personal rant . . . .
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Here is the Logos tutorial video for week 6 on "Women in the ministry of Jesus".
- How to learn more about each woman in the Factbook
- How to find out which Old Testament texts Mary (Miriam) is alluding to in Luke 1
- How to set up multiple windows with Bible texts, commentaries, Bible dictionaries and Greek lexicons
- Bible fact: What role did women play in Jesus' ministry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk2WOYD7bP40 -
Reimar, I can't say enough about what you are doing for us with these videos. Thank you so much!
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I have appreciated you taking the time to use the Sabbath school lessons as a teaching tool for Logos. I have been a long time customer of Logos but I do find the learning curve to be very high. I notice that many SDA users are ministers and are well educated in theology, Greek, and Hebrew so they have some advantage in that area. I am layperson who teaches a Sabbath school class and your using the lessons to provide a practical approach to using Logos is a great help. My other struggle with Logos is trying to remember everything I learn. Thank you for taking the time to do this and may God bless you in your ministry as well as your family. [A] [Y]
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May God bless your Sabbath school teaching ministry, Clifford! We need more teachers like you who take the Bible seriously and dig into the material each week. Logos is a great tool for this.
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Reimar Vetne said:
We need more teachers like you who take the Bible seriously and dig into the material each week.
[Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y]
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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The next two tutorials are uploaded already.
Week 7 on "Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Prayer":
- How to make a passage list document, print it out, or use to memorize verses
- How to search for all the times the Holy Spirit is used in Luke, print it out, or save to a passage list
- How to search for all the times praying is used in Luke and turn it into a cool visual filter in your Bible
Week 8 on "The Mission of Jesus":
- Some good Logos resources to buy about the parables of Jesus (Bailey and Snodgrass)
- How to highlight in books you read
- How to utilize the power of note-documents
- Bible fact: Some insights on the parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDxqE04C8V00 -
Much appreciated!
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This lesson was a great one. Very helpful.
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Lesson 7 and 8 were absolutely eye opening. A true aha moment for me. I never understood about the notes and was not using them but now I see how to use them and how to find them. Thank you so very much! God's blessing to you.
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I'm glad they were useful, Clifford! I am trying to demonstrate different features of Logos each week, depending on what is suitable to the lesson material.
Does somebody have some suggestions for features in Logos that you are curious or puzzled about and want to see demonstrated? Just let me know, and I will try to incorporate it into the videos in the second half of this quarter.
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Here is Week 9 on "Jesus, the Master Teacher".
- How to search your library for information on the authority of Jesus (Sunday)
- How to compare the sermon on the mount in Matt 5 with the sermon on the plain in Luke 6 (Monday)
- Bible fact: Some insights you might not know about the parable of Good Samaritan (Wednesday, Thursday)0 -
It's so great that Reimar's videos have been watched for a total of 2,000 hours now. What a blessing from our brother!
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Here is Week 10 on "Following Jesus in Everyday life".
- How to do a morphological search for all imperatives (commands) in Luke and save it as a cool visual filter in your Bible
- Bible fact: The importance of Luke 22:24-27 for all leaders in the Church
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2eUbka5xvw0 -
Here is Week 11 on "The Kingdom of God"
- How to use the "Favorites" function in Logos to organize bookmarks and folders of important books and articles
- What you can use the Lexham English Septuagint for, even though you don't know Greek
- Bible fact: Some insights on Kingdom of God, the word "gospel" (evangelion), the parable of the mustard seed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vQdV61WGCQ0 -
Week 12 on "Jesus in Jerusalem". We are done with all the major functions of Logos, so this week I am mostly teaching you some interesting facts about this week's passages in Luke - using Logos of course.
- Monday: Why was the temple selling so bad? (See a Logos graphical illustration of the 2nd temple)
- Tuesday: Where Jesus originally got the parable about the vineyard from
- Wednesday: A very cool story about Rabbi Hillel (hidden in a great Logos book by Flusser) that completely changes your view of "render to Caesar and render to God"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M0bxPwDgvc0 -
Thank you so much for your time and expertise in teaching some of us neophytes some of the ways that using Logos can enhance our study of the SS lesson. As I am following along I noticed that this week I did not get the same result when I used Factbook to search for Court of the Gentiles. For some reason I did not get any media results? Is there a way to toggle on or off the search parameters? I could not find one. I noticed that your search came up with a map of the temple in the Deluxe Map Set but my search did not. Any ideas? Again I have really enjoyed your thoughts and suggestions regarding the use of Logos, especially for Sabbath School. I use it to help facilitate discussions in a SS class that is currently going through the book of Hebrews. I am in the similar category as Mr. Sneed in regard to my understanding of Greek and Hebrew. The tools with Logos though are very helpful. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness and kindness in providing these tutorials!!!
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Hi Alan
Alan Dacre said:Is there a way to toggle on or off the search parameters? I could not find one.
Not to toggle off the search but you can control whether or not the section is displayed. In the screenshot below I have "closed" two section (the "base" of the triangle at the head of the section is to the left") and "opened" a third (the base of the triangle is at the top)
Do you have the "Media" section closed?
Can you post a screenshot?
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Thanks, Graham! Alan, also remember to be online, since Logos is searching images on its server.
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Thank you so much for your timely and kind replies! I am familiar with the toggling of the arrows, but , as you will see media is not even displayed? Its as if it did not even search for media... Yes, I was and am online each time. Here is the screenshot
I will try it again and see if I get the same result... still comes up the same.
However, I do not have the Tyndale bible dictionary.
Any other suggestions?
Thanks for your help and interest!
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Hi Alan
Thanks for the screenshot
It shows that you are also missing the "Library Results" section (when compared with my screenshot above)
Exactly which version of Logos SW are you running and on which platform?
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You should have a Library result section with at least the Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible showing. Could you run the Topic Guide suggested in "See also" and check to see if it's Media Resources section has contents? If it does, I would suspect that your installation is corrupted.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thanks for sharing your wisdom, MJ. The mutual support among participants in this forum is fabulous.
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I think that I am running the latest version. I have a Macbook Pro. Here is a screenshot of the Tech Support Info
I do wonder if it has been corrupted as MJ has suggested as a possibility. I did the topic search and got no results except for two related verses. I will also post that screenshot as well below.
I really appreciate you each, Graham and MJ for giving input. Any other ideas?
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I also wonder if Logos Cloud has interacted to change anything? Thanks for your ideas! I really appreciate your help.
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Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Any interaction with the Cloud should result in more results not less. Let's try one more thing before reloading the app - could you run Facebook on the topic Jerusalem Temple? It should have plenty of results. If it doesn't have the expected section, we'll reload the app.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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While Alan gets his Factbook images sorted out, here is Week 13 on the trial and death of Jesus.
I will show you how to use Logos to learn about
- The political situation at the time of Jesus' trial (High Priest, Sanhedrin, Herod Antipas, Pilate...)
- The geography of Jerusalem (where was Jesus shuffled back and forth)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btCuApOiO9MThis concludes my series of videos. Thanks everyone who followed the series. May God bless you in your weekly study and teaching of the Word of God.
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Thank you, brother. What a contribution to us all.
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Okay, we've shown that your application is working correctly for other entries. It may be that you don't have any resources to appear in the "missing sections" although we seem to be missing one entry that we know you have. If you don't find other entries with obviously omissions, I would simply ignore the problem assuming it is very isolated. If you want to do something, I'd start a Rebuild index in the Command box.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ ok will try the rebuild index.
Thanks for the suggestion will see how it works!
I really appreciate the help.
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I just want to say thank you one more time. Your videos on Logos and the lessons has been very profitable. God bless you in your teaching ministry.