Enhancements for the Visually Challanged

J.R. Miller
J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I don't know if I have the worst eyesight of all those testing, but mine is bad enough that I was asked to make a list of suggestions of where v.4 could change to help those of us who have poor eyesight. 

I am a regular user of the Mac "Zoom" feature, and I know that will not change, but here are a few areas where a higher color contrast could really help me.

I will post each suggestion in a different post to keep it simple.


  • All the little lblocks come together in a big mess of words and images.  A simple way of alternating from white to a shaded color scheme would help.
  • When I hover over an article with the mouse, let that article highlight with a brighter color.
  • Let me click on teh entire article instead of having to find the words, "read more..."


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  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭


    I appreciate Bob's stated desire to keep the focus on our books and let the program itself "fade" into the background.  While that strategy creates a very nice interface suitable to the well sighted person, it is not so good for the visually challanged. 

    These circled items are hard to read.  Now that I have them memorized, it is okay, but when I first started using v.4, my eyes hurt trying to make out all these tiny words.  And the "help" icon at the top left is almost indistinguishable from the brown background even when I know it is there.


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  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭


    The irony of my partian blindness, is that Imy tent-making profession while I church plat is graphics and web design.  I say that, because I can truly appreciate the exceelent job that the Logos designers have done in creating a very attractive pallet / interface on which we can read our books.  Beauty notwhitstanding, Dark Brown on Brown is not a great color-scheme for me.

    It took me a while to find all these little buttons and most I only saw when I Zoomed in with my Mac. 



    I have dealt with my visiual challange from birth, so I have learned to adapt, memorize thins and I rarely think about it much.  But if I were brand new to Logos or wanting a software solution that my Dad or someone older could use, I would be reticent to pick this one given the challanges to older eyes.

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  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭


    The bottom ribbon looks interesting, but it is absolutely useless since I can' make out where one thing begins and another ends.  It is just a faded jumble.  I do love the concept of a visual navigation, but it is just not visible.


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  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭


    The robon at the top is cool.  But when I increase the Program Scaling, I these little tiny arrows show up to let me navigate to the hidden items.  You know, it took me a while to figure out they existed, and that was only because I was looking for them.  What about someone not so tech aware?  They would never see these.


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  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭

    Here is my suggestion.

    Create a program option to select an alternative skin to the software.  One, two, or three options with much higher contrast buttons.  Then users, based on tase or visual limitations, can choose the look that suits their need.

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  • Clinton Thomas
    Clinton Thomas Member Posts: 465 ✭✭

    I didn't even know there was anything at the bottom of the screen. It is completely washed out on my monitor unless I lean over so that my eyes are lined up with the bottom of the screen.

    I have OK vision (nearsighted) but these are way too faint. I agree with Joe, that much of the layout is too light. I have had to turn the brightness of my monitors way up to be able to see things.

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭

    Here is my suggestion.

    Create a program option to select an alternative skin to the software.  One, two, or three options with much higher contrast buttons.  Then users, based on tase or visual limitations, can choose the look that suits their need.


    An excellent analysis Joe and some good suggestions.  I had not seen the arrows you mention about on the home page at the top used to navigate to further off-screen data. I found the rest of it so visually overpowering that I missed it.  Having the seciotns shaded as you suggest would be good, though maybe not the green. That said the green may work for you so having different skins as you suggest is a good approach. 

    One thing you didn't mention that I had put in a separate post as I hadn't found this thread till now is the colour of the Active / Inacitve Title Bar.. the change in the blue colour is so sublte that I can only notice the difference at the point I see the actual change occur..

  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭
    Clinton, glad to know I am not alone :-)

    Andrew, I did see your post. I never mentioned that because it is so light, I did not even KNOW there was a difference between the active window vs. other windows. Wow, that is not cool to have it that faded.

    George, thanks for listening and taking these concerns into consideration.

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  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭

    Clinton, glad to know I am not alone :-)

    I did not even KNOW there was a difference between the active window vs. other windows.

    I can only pick up the difference in colour at the point the change in colour actually occurs after that  i can't tell.