Spell-check and Grammar Correction Feature
Hi, I write a lot on my "notes" and "sermon builder." It would be nice for Logos to have a spell-check and grammar correction feature just like Grammarly. I'm sort of surprised that Logos hasn't implemented the feature after many years in the business. Tommy
ERROR in Verbum Help Table of Contents
This verbum help book has Sermon Builder and Sermon Manager rather than Homily Builder and Homily Manager in the Table of Contents
NJPS (1985 Tanakh) Reverse Interlinear
Please create a reverse interlinear for the NJPS (1985 Tanakh). (fyi...a certain other bible software company already sells JPS 1985 w/ Strongs numbers.)
Oxford Annotated Book of Mormon
Oxford's Bible division is publishing an annotated Book of Mormon from a historian/religion scholar, Grant Hardy. Looks like the footnotes have Biblical cross-references. https://www.amazon.com/Annotated-Book-Mormon-Grant-Hardy/dp/0190082208/
Search Syntax
I have an unbelievable mess with my HIGHLIGHTING. Can someone give me the SYNTAX to find ALL the UNDERLINES, or ALL the YELLOW HIGHLIGHTS etc. LOGOS NEEDS a "FIND AND REPLACE" like we have in MS Word and Excel. Maybe we have one that I have not seen? Select 1-3 relevant tags below.
Bible Study Builder Anchor
Can we get the Bible Study Builder to anchor the notes to related Scripture verses or passage.
Why does this dictionary with signed articles lack article citations
Reid, Daniel G., Robert Dean Linder, Bruce L. Shelley, and Harry S. Stout. Dictionary of Christianity in America. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1990. has entries with identified authors yet lacks article citations.
Create a bibliography from sermon document
Please add the option to create a bibliography from sermon document.
Merged: Option for two factor authentication
This discussion has been merged.
Why isn't this book type:sermon?
Crenshaw, James L. Trembling at the Threshold of a Biblical Text. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994. should be type sermon.
Graphical Morphological Query Tool - Let us choose more texts
Here is one tool that could be improved for original language users. The Graphical Morphological Query Tool is very limited in the choice of texts you can select to work with. It would be much more valuable if users were able to select from a greater variety of Greek and Hebrew texts. Also, please make the improvements to…
Aids to sermon builder: Logos please turn on hearing aids and remove blinders
Read as the impetus for this post: Why have you still failed to allow non-scriptural texts as the basis of sermons/homilies? It's not as if it is an esoteric practice. Several Christian denominations allow sermons or homilies on liturgical texts as well as Scripture: Catholic Church The Catholic Church permits homilies on…
3 Questions on Forum Filters and Email Notices
Q.1 How can I get the filters in the "English forums" to permanently save my preferences? Currently if I leave the page or sign off and return I have to reset them all over again each time. This is a pain. Q.2 Can anything be done about the format of the forum email notices? Q.3 Consolidating each thread topic into a group…
Inline search automatically switching to the 'Search Tab'
I was wondering if we could still provide input regarding the inline search tab for the new dynamic toolbar? The trouble with the new design is that it lacks some of the intuitiveness of the previous design. If I right-click a word and then search for it as an inline search, the results appear, but how to clear them is not…
Preachers, would this help with your sermon planning process?
We're considering adding a feature to Sermon Manager that would help preachers with their sermon planning by analyzing what topics or Bible passages they've previously preached on. We've found many pastors want to give their congregations a varied diet, but that's not always easy to plan, especially for those who don't…
Purchase additional A.I. Credits
If the user's A.I. credit runs out before it is renewed, allow the user to purchase more credits.
Panel Linking: Add "Follow Only" Option for Link Set
It would be great to be able to use link sets in the desktop app without having other resources changing the Bible verse while scrolling. It is especially problematic with multiple commentaries since it causes a ripple effect. The new Logos 10 Mobile App has this feature and would love to also have it on the desktop app…
Logos Bible Clips/Clip Art Replacement
Years ago, Logos offered a product called "Logos Bible Clips" from Gary Glover. I used it for years until it was too old for my PC. It would be fun to see a revival of this or some form of Bible clip art, maybe leveraging the Media browser. It was handy in churches I served in for bulletins/newsletters (and while many…
"Septuagint Translation" for Hebrew words in Bible Word Study
(I feel like I'm missing something; I don't understand why this is not already available…) I'm interested in seeing how words are translated from Hebrew into Greek in the Septuagint. I can see the underlying Hebrew lemmas for a particular Greek lemma, but I can't see the Greek lemmas that were used to translate a…
Add dark mode to web app
Please bring a dark mode/theme to the web app.
Change multiple/all verses' bible versions in Sermon Editor
I write and prepare my talks in English, but give them in German. So my main bible is English, but when I am finished, I want to change all bible verses to a German translation. At the moment, it seems I must do each verse individually.
Highlights in Logos App
Device: Apple iPhone Operating System: iOS Feature: Highlights Additional details: I’m suggesting offering a way to mimic what the Kindle App has when making highlights when reading. In the Kindle App, when a highlight is made, it creates a log of “Annotations” which can easily be referenced later. This would be extremely…
Wird es (in absehbarer Zeit) den Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche auf Deutsch in Logos geben?
Siehe oben.
Custom Icons
Device: all Operating System: Mac and Windows Feature: Additional details: The ability to create "customized" icons would be excellent. For example if I was studying say "resurrection" I could create an icon with a letter "R" in it. Alternatively a set of 26 icons could be added to the standard set? Select 1-3 relevant…
Filipino translated Bibles
I would love to see Filipino Bible translations in Logos such as Filipino Standard Version (FSV), Ang Bagong Ang Biblia (ABAB, 2001), or the Ang Salita ng Dios (ASND, Tagalog Contemporary Bible). Here's a list from https://www.biblegateway.com/
My Biggest Annoyance with the Atlas
There's a lot that we have said about the Atlas, which I won't post about again. My biggest annoyance is it could be more user friendly in helping me find a location. In my work flow this morning, I was reading 2 Chron 16:1, and I decided to open Factbook to refresh my memory about the context of Ramah. Factbook very…
Corresponding Word highlight (Same word) in SBLGNT Apparatus not working
Is there a specific reason that the Same Word highlighting (i.e. WordNumber index) is not working with SBLGNT Apparatus? Or is it a feature missing in my edition (I only have Logos Basic and no Pro subscription)? For example, when hovering over the words of 2Pe 3:10 in KJV, while having the SBLGNT and its apparatus open,…
Suggestion for Changing View Zoom
When changing the font size on screen for a book, rather than clicking + and - buttons, it would be much quicker if the zoom number (e.g., 150%) would accept a typed number directly. Thanks. [And the new forum looks great.] Select 1-3 relevant tags below.
TIP OF THE DAY 77: Speaking to God Part 3 conclusion
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day ; QUESTION: How does one search for Speaking to God entries? ANSWER: For all the attributes listed in the interactive a compound search is required: The basic search is a standard search with each attribute separately included or excluded. An example:…
Bring text comparison to the next level
Hello, When I use the text comparison tool I am seldom interested in comparisons that are the same. So, for example, when comparing minor revisions (RSV→ESV) I am not interested in verses with no changes ("0% difference"). Instead of needing to visually identify and scroll past such verses it would be nice to hide them…
The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury
Jerome H. Smith. Reworking and expansion of The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. See https://community.logos.com/forums/t/136636.aspx
TIP OF THE DAY 76: Speaking to God Part 2 and Bible Browser
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day ; QUESTION: How does one use the Speaking to God interactive? SOFTWARE: Speaking to God is an interactive that may be opened by: From the Application toolbar: Tools > Interactives > Speaking to God From the Application toolbar: Library panel with left…
Did the silly autoset of answered cause all my bug reports to be ignored
I had entered several bug reports under questions - none of which received Logos attention. Did the silliness of any response setting the answered flag cause them to be ignored or are the standard Logos contacts not yet monitoring these forums?
Multi-language support for Sermon Writer - Danish needed!
I would love to use the Sermon Writer feature in Logos, but the lack of Danish support has prevented me from fully embracing it. As a pastor in Denmark, preparing sermons and lessons in my native language is essential for both accuracy and effective communication. I know several other Danish pastors who share my enthusiasm…
Is it possible to find all verses that only include words from a list?
Hello everyone! First of all, thanks to all the volunteers who answer questions from fellow users—you have already allowed me to find the answers to many of my questions! However, I've been unable to find an answer to the following question: is it possible to find all verses that only include words from a list? More…
How do you propose books for inclusion in the Bible Study Builder search function?
Today the Teaching The Bible Commentary series was released from preorder.pre-order. I've had a few volumes previously, but noticed that they are not included in the Bible Study Builder searches in Isaiah. How does one go about suggesting books with Bible study questions for inclusion in BSB? Another resource which should…
Allow multiple application instances
This comes from a thread on the forums: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/187160.aspx From a windows perspective, it would be useful if you could open multiple instances of Logos. This is probably not so easily done on the Apple Mac. Another possibility would be to follow the Accordance way of using zones and tabs that…
Bible Browser doesn't show Speaking to God data in Numbers 14
Device: Desktop / Verbum Operating System: Win 11 Feature: Speaking of God and Bible Browser Additional details: The same facet selection in Speaking to God returns Num 14:13-19 in the interactive and in the Bible Browser Num 14:14,15. I understand why the Bible browser returns individual verses rather than the range. What…
Gamify Reading Progress
Device: All (esp. Mobile) Operating System: All Feature: Gamification Additional details: I think more than just a reading plan and a generic reminder to read each day, book progress tracking and gamification would be helpful. By this I mean, something like an “achievement unlocked” based on the different categories of…
Option to remove the icon from the Pager Notification
Having the ability to change or at least turn off the icon on the pager would be wonderful. We currently use pro presenter and we are looking into switching to Proclaim, but we use the "Pager" function for more than just childcare notifications.
"Print Love" for the Sermon Builder
I’ve recently bought Logos with the Platinum package, and I’m enjoying it. I’m a fairly new pastor, so I’m still learning the sermon study and research, but Logos has been helpful for the little bit I’ve learned so far. Thank you for all your hard work in building it, as it has been well done and thought through to make it…
Samaritan Pentateuch Doesn't Seem to Get Compared
When you put it in a text compare, (1) the font is completely different (tiny). But more importantly, text compare doesn't know how to compare it (differences). Long-standing Text Comparison bugs; many more. This became more obvious in the great volume 'the Canon Debate' and Tov's article 'forget the MT!' (I wildly…
Notifications and Filtering the Forum Groups
Q.1 Since there doesn't seem to be a Forums tag I used features. What tag is appropriate for forum specific posts? Q.2 Under filters in the English forum, I can filter to categories I follow, then recently created, and so on, but in the last drop down titled Filters, under the Tags section, is it possible to select…
Add 'Save to Word List' function to Concordance Tool
Application: Desktop App Request that we improve the functionality of the concordance tool by adding the option to save results as a word list within Logos. This would be particularly helpful because word lists current capture every word within a given passage, with no ability to refine/limit the word list according to…
How to export concordance results with english glosses?
Hey guys. The end product I am trying to achieve is to generate a list of all Greek verbs from a specific passage and have that exported into a more usable document like Excel - both the Greek words and their English gloss. I can search specific verses with the concordance tool and generate a list there, but the export to…
Widgets for iOS
Device: Iphone, ipad Operating System: iOS Feature: Widgets Additional details: Create customizable widgets for the control center on devices with iOS 18+. Ideas include, verse of the day, church year calendar, readings, etc. Similar to the home screen on the Desktop. Select 1-3 relevant tags below
TIP OF THE DAY 75: Speaking to God Part 1
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day ; QUESTION: Show an example of a search argument with all attributes for each of the datasets discussed in this section. ANSWER: collected from the discussion in this section. Reported speech Marker speaker:"Crowd at Siloam" addressee:"Crowd at Siloam"…
TIP OF THE DAY 74: Are all Biblical statements factual
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day ; Here I am testing the use of comments to expand the length of the post. QUESTION: Are all Biblical sentences factual? ANSWER: No, some Bible sentences are the speech of demons, arguments between followers of Yahweh vs. followers of other gods,…
Proclaim Remote app: viewing additional virtual screens
Would it be possible for the Proclaim app to show all virtual screens as "Display" options, not just "Standard" and "Confidence Monitor"? Use case: we're running a bilingual service but only have one projector, so to show translations we're using a virtual screen routed to NDI, then using OBS to bounce the NDI stream to…
TIP OF THE DAY 72: Opening books in all search results (filling in gaps)
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day ; a final try to post and not end up in a holding cell. QUESTION: How do I open a book in the all search results? Skill: Open a book in all search results ANSWER: Generic answer: In cases where the resource is already on your device, i.e. no icon in the…