SUGGESTION: Passage guide section for types with list of seeding resources

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,762
edited December 2024 in English Forum

Given the growing interest in reception history, it would be nice to have a PG section of types utilizing resources such as:

  • Upon the Types of the Old Testament by Edward Taylor (University of Nebraska Press publication of New Englander's work)
  • Jukes, Andrew. The Types of Genesis: Briefly Considered. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1875.

  • Gaebelein, Arno C. Types in Joshua. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.

  • Anderson, Robert. The Hebrews Epistle: In the Light of the Types. Second Edition. London: James Nisbet & Co., 1914.

  • Roza, Devin. Fulfilled in Christ: The Sacraments—A Guide to Symbols and Types in the Bible and Tradition. Bellingham, WA: Verbum, 2014.

  • Leithart, Peter J. A Son to Me: An Exposition of 1 & 2 Samuel. Moscow, ID: Canon Press, 2003.

  • Goppelt, Leonhard. Typos: The Typological Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New. Translated by Donald H. Madvig. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1982.

  • Maas, A. J. Christ in Type and Prophecy. Vol. 1. New York; Cincinnati; Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1893.

  • Johnson, O. L. Bible Typology. James L. Fleming, 2005.

  • The Typology of Scripture: Viewed in Connection with the Entire Scheme of the Divine Dispensations by Patrick Fairbairn (in community pricing

I think the list of available resources shows the breadth of interest in the topic.

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