SDA Gold and SDA Platinum now on pre-pub!

Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 12) we will formally announce SDA Gold and SDA Platinum base packages!
We had a soft and silent launch this afternoon for testing before a promotional launch. It looks like everything is in sync and we'll proceed.
Dynamic pricing is already operative (a fabulous accomplishment for the Faithlife team!) with a 15% introductory discount.
Marquee titles:
Gold & Platinum: 1) The SDA Bible Commentary (12 vol. set) and 2) Hans K. LaRondelle Lifeworks--part 2. We licensed all content on his two personal laptops from the LaRondelle family; lots of vintage insight from this beloved and respected professor--some of it previously unpublished (unfiltered, unedited by church committees). More tomorrow.
Platinum only: Entire archives of the Journal of Adventist Theological Society (until 2014).
Martin H Weber said:
Platinum only: Entire archives of the Journal of Adventist Theological Society (until 2014). Product page is saying 2013.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Yes, it's through 2013 and until 2014. Both are true, but it's less confusing the way we have it in the product description.
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This is great Martin! Thank you for all your work on this. I was wondering if it's possible to get the Ministry Magazine Pre-pubs included in one of these packages as well as the Review and Herald Articles. The BRI Prepubs would be a great addition as well. Maybe I haven't looked through it as thoroughly as I should but It seems to be lacking in some of the Adventist resources we have on pre-pub. Maybe it could help speed up the process of getting those resources ready. I'm sure it's a very delicate and complex balance to put all these packages together. I was just hoping those resources would have been included in one of the packages. Just my thoughts. Thanks again for all the work that you have done and are doing to make Logos a more valuable tool for all of us!
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John Miller said:
The BRI Prepubs would be a great addition as well
John the packages are set at this point. Maybe a special Sda upgrade for Christmas or Sda Diamond. I will be getting both Sda Journals between the Master Journal Bundle and Sda Platinum.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Here is the link for Platinum. It is moving along nicely.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:John Miller said:
The BRI Prepubs would be a great addition as well
John the packages are set at this point. Maybe a special Sda upgrade for Christmas or Sda Diamond. I will be getting both Sda Journals between the Master Journal Bundle and Sda Platinum.
FWIW, the BRI Perplexing Scriptures Explained is included in Platinum.
Product Department Manager
Faithlife0 -
Martin H Weber said:
Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 12) we will formally announce SDA Gold and SDA Platinum base packages!
Good work, Martin! It's looking good!
Very exciting, keep it up!
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Here are some of the new resources in SDA Gold:
- More Interactive Media, like the Proverbs Explorer and Psalms Explorer
- The classic SDA Bible Commentary (cost $150 on its own)
- Lexham Bible Guides: Paul's letters ($535). For many this is a less familiar but very useful collection. These resources summarize the views of lots of commentaries verse by verse through Paul's letters. The regular stand-alone price of $535 might be overpriced for the value (as many have argued on the Logos forum), but now you get these valuable books included in the package- Black's New Testament Commentary series, 13 volumes ($250), several good commentaries here including Morna Hooker (one of the best commentaries on Mark's Gospel), C.K. Barrett, James Dunn, Markus Bockmuehl.
- Pillar New Testament Commentary series, 15 volumes ($525), one of the best NT commentary series overall, includes D.A. Carson's excellent commentary on the Gospel of John
- Several Bible dictionaries and Greek dictionaries, including the 4 volume Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible ($140)
- Important primary literature like R.H. Charles' Pseudepigrapha, Josephus, Philo
- 7 good "Introductions" which are useful when you start working on a new Bible book (like for a sermon series or a new Sabbath School quarter), like David deSilva's New Testament Introduction which is often used in NT classes at Adventist universities
- Lifeworks of Hans K. LaRondelle—Part 2 (248 docs.) When LaRondelle died he left a computer full of published and unpublished material. The documents have now been edited and made available in Logos ($140)
- A lot of other useful books about theology, pastoral topics etc.
In addition to the resources above, the SDA Platinum package includes:- Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 1990-2013 ($140), theologically often more interesting articles here than in AUSS (which will come in Logos format later). Lots of articles on biblical and theological topics worth reading in their entirety, or let the Passage Guide find a JATS article that deals with the sermon text your are working on
- The commentary series UBS Handbook Series Old & New Testament, 55 volumes ($620), a unique and very valuable series originally written for Bible translators, so it explains Greek and Hebrew words and phrases and grammatical constructs, a different series than other commentaries, always worth consulting when you prepare a sermon
- Nestle-Aland 28th edition ($100) and Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia ($50). Michael Holmes' SBL Greek NT and Lexham Hebrew Bible which are included in the lower packages are equally good, but Nestle-Aland and Stuttgartensia are the standard texts used by scholars
- Several resources for the Septuagint, like a few grammar books explaining Septuagintal Greek, and a handy lexicon for LXX words not found in the NT
- Dictionary of Bible Themes gives you more cross references and Bible texts for sermon topics
- Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, one of the better one-volume Bible dictionaries
- Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church ($135), a standard reference work on Church History
- Liddel-Scott-Jones (LSJ) Greek dictionary ($135), the most extensive Greek lexicon available, very useful, includes both classical Greek and Koine Greek.
- Kittel's 10 volume Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, a bit outdated but a classical resource, consists of longer articles about the theological meaning of Greek words in the NT
- If you enjoy Greek or want to do graduate work in the New Testament: A.T. Robertson's "Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research" is a standard Greek grammar, and surprisingly readable (considering the topic...)
- 3 books about Jesus and the early church by David Flusser, one of the leading Jewish scholars on Jesus and the New Testament, generated a renewed interest in the Jesus' Jewish background among both Christians and Jews.0 -
Nice write up Reimar.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Thanks for your itemized overview, Reimar.
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Thank you, Tim. We are all a team together.
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Another key title is Regional Conference Origins; how Black SDAs in American won the right from the GC to have their own conferences. Dramatic scenario not before published (only in disconnected obscure PDFs on church archives).
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Academic discounting (student and teachers) is now activated. Previous base package owners might want to check dynamic pricing upgrades to see if that's your best deal.
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Reimar Vetne said:
In addition to the resources above, the SDA Platinum package includes:
- Nestle-Aland 28th edition ($100) and Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia ($50). Michael Holmes' SBL Greek NT and Lexham Hebrew Bible which are included in the lower packages are equally good, but Nestle-Aland and Stuttgartensia are the standard texts used by scholars
Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Morphology
Price 99.95
Found in Platinum and others at that levelNestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Critical Apparatus
Price 99.95
Found nowhere but by itself.Why not add the Critical Apparatus to the Platinum packages?
OR offer the Critical Apparatus without having to re pay for the 28th text.0 -
Gabe M. said:
the BRI Perplexing Scriptures Explained is included in Platinum.
Personal Message to Gabe M: Hidden deep in the SDA forum so that only Gabe will read it and, hopefully, be encouraged. Thanks for everything you have done to help Martin H Weber and all of the other project managers. Martin has praised you for your help several times. That you have missed your personal goal of getting a set of Orthodox Base Packages out is ok. You did get the Orthodox Library Builder out and are getting Orthodox products out. Yes, slowly but the Orthodox offerings are growing. Be of good cheer.
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I have avoided anything with 28th Edition in it because of this. I do not think I should have to pay $200 (both apparatus and morphology) when I already own 27th so this this could even be a discounted upgrade. Wonder if the two are published by different companies so they must be charged separately?
I pre-ordered the Gold package.
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I don't have that publisher information regarding the 28th verses the 27th ed. I do believe you are getting an outstanding value in your new base package.
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I do appreciate the effort that went into setting these up. I also have posted about this NA 28 offering in the past. Maybe I can clear up my thinking by posting how one of the other Bible software companies has it set up:
NA28 34.99
NA28 with Critical Apparatus 49.99
NA28 with Parsings 74.99
NA28 with Critical Apparatus and Parsings 89.99
and then they say "If you've previously purchased the NA27, you can purchase this item for a special upgrade price."
Now this is not as nice as the Logos version but it is not just a Kindle book either.
Logos has 2 versions:
#1 Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Morphology 99.95 (only comes as part of packages no "add to cart button").
#2 Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Critical Apparatus 99.95
So you pay for the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition twice or you take one or the other. Seems like the other company is being a bit more flexible and helpful to those who already paid for NA27
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I have no authority to adjust anything myself, but I will check in to this. Thanks for pointing it out.
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@David, I can't determine why the Critical Apparatus NA28 isn't used for the Platinum package. But I can assure you that the cost to you of the NA28 version you was an incredibly great deal. It may be that the Critical Apparatus version, although the retail price is the same, had a higher royalty rate and thus could not be included.
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Platinum is moving fast, which means Gold automatically goes into production. Have you ordered yet?
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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$231.58 ! that is what happens when someone buys everything in sight.
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David Ames said:
$231.58 ! that is what happens when someone buys everything in sight.
David, why you talking my business [:D]
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Sorry, was tiring to point out how Dynamic pricing works.
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You missed one..David Ames said:$231.58 ! that is what happens when someone buys everything in sight.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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St, you beat me. Better go out and buy something. [;)]
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Let's get this over the top.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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David Ames said:
$231.58 ! that is what happens when someone buys everything in sight.
I really must have a problem cause it's only $54 for me. Maybe I need to stop buying so much. [:P]
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James C. said:David Ames said:
$231.58 ! that is what happens when someone buys everything in sight.
I really must have a problem cause it's only $54 for me. Maybe I need to stop buying so much.
You could always gift some of what I do not have and then you can pay more and feel better. [:D]
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:James C. said:David Ames said:
$231.58 ! that is what happens when someone buys everything in sight.
I really must have a problem cause it's only $54 for me. Maybe I need to stop buying so much.
You could always gift some of what I do not have and then you can pay more and feel better.
[:O] LOL
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James C. said:
I really must have a problem cause it's only $54 for me. Maybe I need to stop buying so much.
Thank you for supporting the books some of us wanted but could not afford until they made it into a package.
Don't stop buying now - We need the resources for Diamond. [then you can stop [6] ]
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David Ames said:
Thank you for supporting the books some of us wanted but could not afford until they made it into a package.
Don't stop buying now - We need the resources for Diamond. [then you can stop
You mean you do not want Portfolio! [:O]
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:
You mean you do not want Portfolio!
I would like the Container Ship version but don't have the buying power.
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SDA Platinum is now showing "Under Development" [:D]
Is there an estimate on the release timing?
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Rick J. said:
SDA Platinum is now showing "Under Development"
Is there an estimate on the release timing?
Since Logos Sda will be at the NAD Pastor's conference, it is safe to say that the Base Packages should be available by the ending of June.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden is correct (as usual!). SDA Gold and Platinum will be released before NAD Called convention--target date for going live is June 21. Same timeline estimate for Jon Paulien's Mobile Ed course.
I can't tell you how excited I am going into the GC Session with these prime resources to serve our world church.
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Lynden Williams said:
Since Logos Sda will be at the NAD Pastor's conference, it is safe to say that the Base Packages should be available by the ending of June.
Martin Weber said:Lynden is correct (as usual!).
Hey Lynden since you are usually correct on Base Packages. Can you tell us when SDA Diamond and Portfolio will be released?[:D][:P][;)]
Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ
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Martin Weber said:
Lynden is correct (as usual!). SDA Gold and Platinum will be released before NAD Called convention--target date for going live is June 21. Same timeline estimate for Jon Paulien's Mobile Ed course.
Martin Paulien's videos are scheduled to ship June 6.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Ted Hans said:
Hey Lynden since you are usually correct on Base Packages. Can you tell us when SDA Diamond and Portfolio will be released
Diamond will ship next year when Logos 7 is released. [:D]
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Gold still shows a very short progress line and Gathering Interest. Is it safe to assume that the Gold package is "under development" since the platinum is? That when Platinum goes live Gold will as well?
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Gold will absolutely be going live with Platinum on or about June 21--certainly by June 28 when CALLED begins in TX.
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Super.Tramp said:
You missed one..David Ames said:$231.58 ! that is what happens when someone buys everything in sight.
how many resources you have to get it there?
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Wondering if we will see this in June as mentioned earlier? Thanks
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SDA Gold and Platinum are now in final testing stage.
When that process is complete (may take several days) both packages should go live--ahead of schedule!
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Martin H Weber said:
SDA Gold and Platinum are now in final testing stage.
When that process is complete (may take several days) both packages should go live--ahead of schedule!
Glad to hear it.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I can hardly wait! Have been looking forward to this for quite a while! Thanks Martin!
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Just heard this minute that the testing of both packages is proceeding smoothly. No solid prediction of when they will go live, but it won't be long.