My PBB books don't show up on my iPad. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Dan Francis said:
seeing no one is saying anything here
Dave posted on PBB two weeks ago - .
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Thanks Kevin... I had missed that... and so I see nothing is yet planned
I had thought things might be very different with the desktop syncing of PBB.
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Dan Francis said:
WiFi sync with Accordance for iOS is labeled as not yet implemented, but is ;labeled as planned
Wait, so you are telling me that they can't do this yet? I thought you were doing this yourself?
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Dan Francis said:
Thanks Kevin... I had missed that... and so I see nothing is yet planned
I had thought things might be very different with the desktop syncing of PBB.
If any statements made by Faithlife might have misled you about the current state of syncing Personal Books to mobile, I apologize. As a rule we don't make forward-looking statements or give timelines regarding features that may or may not come to fruition. The reason is simple; features, schedules and priorities can (and often do) change - and no promise at all is much better than a broken one.
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Kevin Byford said:
If any statements made by Faithlife might have misled you about the current state of syncing Personal Books to mobile, I apologize.
I do not feel mislead (I misREAD the announcement that syncing was coming to Logos 6 for PBBs). I just wish I could have my personal books on my iPad..although maybe it is only a dream.
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Dan Francis said:
I just wish I could have my personal books on my iPad..although maybe it is only a dream.
That's understandable, Dan. You're not alone, many have the same dream you have. After all, it is the #2 most requested feature of them all (scroll down a little bit after you click the link):
Feel free to cast in your vote for that feature too if you haven't already, although I can't guarantee it'll change much at this point lol.
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alabama24 said:Dan Francis said:
WiFi sync with Accordance for iOS is labeled as not yet implemented, but is ;labeled as planned
Wait, so you are telling me that they can't do this yet? I thought you were doing this yourself?
Accordance for Mac (I can't speak about the Windows version) supports WiFi cloud sync through Dropbox, the cloud storage service. I have used that before and it does work pretty good, although I still prefer the Logos server syncing of highlights and notes system by far.
Accordance for Mac also seems to support some type of sync via USB cable, but I have not tried it out personally so I cannot vouch for how effective it is or how it compares to the DropBox sync.
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Tim Taylor said:
Accordance for Mac (I can't speak about the Windows version) supports WiFi cloud sync through Dropbox, the cloud storage service.
So as of yet, we still don't have any verification of syncing between desktop and mobile. Accordance is syncing with a cloud service! That is quite different than what was suggested earlier.
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Cloud service would be fine for me if Logos would implement it. It would be fantastic, actually. I've got a ton of Dropbox/GoogleDrive space that I would be willing to sacrifice for PBB's. It's possible to do this with TONS of different apps. So, clearly, Logos could implement this as a feature. It would be one of the better ways to save Logos the cost of hosting PBB files. Let us store our own!
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Aaron Wetzel said:
It would be one of the better ways to save Logos the cost of hosting PBB files. Let us store our own!
A number of us have suggested this for a couple of years now. I agree.
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Laridian years ago allowed direct copy of PBs from platform to platform (and stiil remains my preferred PB format ... Logos is always a step behind). It's a no-brainer.
I still say PBs on mobiles will be a Logos Now feature ... forever. It's too obvios. 8.99 per month.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Denise said:
Laridian years ago allowed direct copy of PBs from platform to platform (and stiil remains my preferred PB format ... Logos is always a step behind). It's a no-brainer.
was that on iOS? If so, was it dragging files through iTunes?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Yep. Highlight 30 or so, press 'enter'. It's just so amazing. I can't imagine how Craig ever figured it out. No UserVotes, No Laridian Now, and somehow he figures out how to tag 'books'. Sonetimes when I can't get the Logos app to sync verses between 2 panels (yes, sync=on), I switch over to see how in the world Craig syncs 14 resources. All at the same time too.
I know you like my humor so much! Ha.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Denise said:
Yep. Highlight 30 or so, press 'enter'. It's just so amazing. I can't imagine how Craig ever figured it out. No UserVotes, No Laridian Now, and somehow he figures out how to tag 'books'. Sonetimes when I can't get the Logos app to sync verses between 2 panels (yes, sync=on), I switch over to see how in the world Craig syncs 14 resources. All at the same time too.
I know you like my humor so much! Ha.
Yeah I was a big PocketBible user for a long time too, they did have some very nice features. I still love their search, so powerful, definitely better than the Logos iOS search. I am thankful for the many features that Logos iOS app has that PocketBible doesn't. But yeah, I do miss all the panes you could have and how well they synced.
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Tim Taylor said:
Yeah I was a big PocketBible user for a long time too
Me too. I have not heard that name is some time.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Speaking of the angel, they just updated this AM. Refined their sync, plus improved support for PBs. Gee. When I tried the new update to see what was up, I was pleasantly reminded that I can leave sync turned off. What a gentleman. One big reason I keep it on my iPad is it's quick, supports tabs, etc so I can keep a bunch of resources open, and of course PBs.
Otherwise known as 'church'.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Dan Francis said:
WINDOWS Accordance can not do it yet... Mac Accordance does.
But supported on both platforms is DropBox sync which allows all user notes and user tools to sync, this does not include user Bibles in Accordance but all other user books (user tools).