Ellen White Writings Updated
I can confirm and have filed a bug. https://community.logos.com/forums/p/106448/736674.aspx#736674
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I simply use "egw" and get 403 volumes in the collection. They use White, Ellen G.; and White, Ellen Gould; and I think I also saw White, E.G.. But all the Ellen White resources are tagged with "egw"; and "SDA". It seems like even the new resources are still tagged with "egw", so my collections didn't change.
I get 51,320 results for the word jesus in 18,115 articles and in 364 resources (in 0.11 sec)
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Does anyone know if we will be getting the paragraph numbers back, or are they gone forever? I really liked them for finding quotes. Especially for the longer articles like the ones in the Review articles where they go by date and not page. Try finding a quote with only the date, especially where the quote starts in the middle of the paragraph! You may have to read the entire article and make sure you don't get distracted with what you are reading while scanning the text for the quote.
** Paragraph marks are much needed!
{RH, June 4, 1914 par. 9}
Seems like they could have left them there and just made it so you could hide them. I think you can hide them in the EG White Estate CD in Folio.
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Should be:
As we near the time when principalities (…) Human effort must combine with divine power, that we may be able to accomplish the closing work for this time. {2SM 15.3} [[From the Folio version]]
Now is:
As we near the time when principalities (…) Human effort must combine with divine power, that we may be able to accomplish the closing work for this time. [[From the current Logos version updated June 4, 2015]]
Ellen Gould White, Selected Messages From the Writings of Ellen G. White, Book 2 (Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1958), 15
When one quotes these works the paragraph mark is EXPECTED.
Yes, if you have Logos or Folio you can search for the words.
But if you have a dead tree version with those references you can quickly find the reference.
However, with the references, if you have the Folio version you enter 2sm 15 into the book and page boxes and there you are.
- Why can we not do that in Logos?
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Lynden Williams said:
I can confirm and have filed a bug. https://community.logos.com/forums/p/106448/736674.aspx#736674
Thanks Lynden.
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Fred Littlefield said:
You may have to read the entire article and make sure you don't get distracted with what you are reading while scanning the text for the quote.
[:D] I know that so well - it does not get easier on the wrong side of 65 either!
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Today I tried to find a quote from {1SM 204.?} I cannot find the paragraph number anywhere.
This is a step backwards.
These are reference books as well as reading books. We must be able to determine the Page and Paragraph numbers. I can select the quote if I can find it in a search and paste it but no paragraph numbers.
Also I cannot turn on the page info in this volume, so the only way to know the page # is by looking at the top in the location box.
I like the extra tagging that Logos provided, but the reference marking is more important to me. This is almost unusable for us. I prefer what we had to this.
Not to be a complainer, but why take a step backwards with Logos? I'll have to go back to folio to make quotes from till this is fixed.
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All of this should be fixed in the impending release of the recompiled/fully tagged and paginated Lifeworks of EGW. Meanwhile, my apologies for all these difficulties. I'm pursuing this as vigorously as I can. Right now the release date for the update is October. I'm hoping for somewhat sooner than that.
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Thanks for your efforts.
Don't forget to ask/require the Paragraph info as well. This is VERY important to the use of the EG White writings as you know when writing sermons and papers and books and taking notes.
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Fred Littlefield said:
Also I cannot turn on the page info in this volume, so the only way to know the page # is by looking at the top in the location box.
Actually, Fred, you can add page numbers still in Logos 6 (just not on mobile). Here's how to do it. Select the visual filters icon (the three dots in a triangle pattern), and then select the option that says, "Show page numbers." Notice the orange page marker that shows up in the content with it turned on. Still no paragraphs though, which I agree is needed. Thanks for working on this, Martin!
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Fred, the best Logos can do is provide pagination, just as the books themselves are paginated as published by the White Estate and printed by our publishing houses. Pagination is what was requested by my contact at the Biblical Research Institute, and Logos it will get done.
In pursuit of my graduate degrees I’ve never been required to use paragraph numbers for EGW quotations. Nor are these normally cited in sermons, oral or published. Anyone who does need paragraph numbering can consult the White Estate website.
Finally, paragraph numbering would put an excessive burden on the already enormous cost of this massive project. Since all of us who are previous owners will get the interlinked recompilation free of charge, I hope you can consider this a good deal.
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Martin Weber said:
Fred, the best Logos can do is provide pagination, just as the books themselves are paginated as published by the White Estate and printed by our publishing houses. Pagination is what was requested by my contact at the Biblical Research Institute, and Logos it will get done.
In pursuit of my graduate degrees I’ve never been required to use paragraph numbers for EGW quotations. Nor are these normally cited in sermons, oral or published. Anyone who does need paragraph numbering can consult the White Estate website.
Finally, paragraph numbering would put an excessive burden on the already enormous cost of this massive project. Since all of us who are previous owners will get the interlinked recompilation free of charge, I hope you can consider this a good deal.
You know, I suppose that is still pretty reasonable. After all it's really not that complicated to figure out what paragraph number a certain sentence is in. For example, compare these two screenshots, one is from Logos, the other is from the traditional EGW Folio Views software. It's really not that complicated to figure out the paragraphs as long as you have the page markers.
Folio Views:
Logos 6:
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Martin is right. Adding page numbers to Ellen White's books, the way all Logos resources with page numbers are handled, is the right way to go.
We don't need paragraph numbers. That is just an unnecessary set of data that would have to be included in the text itself, and we would all need to manually delete brackets with paragraph numbers when copying and pasting a quotation into a document.
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Reimar Vetne said:
Martin is right. Adding page numbers to Ellen White's books, the way all Logos resources with page numbers are handled, is the right way to go.
We don't need paragraph numbers. That is just an unnecessary set of data that would have to be included in the text itself, and we would all need to manually delete brackets with paragraph numbers when copying and pasting a quotation into a document.
Yes, we do need the paragraph numbers. That is the STANDARD way of referencing the works of EGW in the SDA world.
And they were included in the text files before Faithlife removed them. [have not seen the files that Faithlife received but they are expected and also printed in all of the dead tree copies]
No, we would not need to delete them as all EGW scholars are expecting them. Example:
In the beginning, God was revealed in all the works of creation. It was Christ that spread the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth. It was His hand that hung the worlds in space, and fashioned the flowers of the field. "His strength setteth fast the mountains." "The sea is His, and He made it." Ps. 65:6; 95:5. It was He that filled the earth with beauty, and the air with song. And upon all things in earth, and air, and sky, He wrote the message of the Father’s love. {DA 20.1}
Ellen Gould White, The Desire of Ages, vol. 3, Conflict of the Ages Series (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1898), 20.
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David Ames said:
Yes, we do need the paragraph numbers.
I'll admit, I would like the paragraph numbers too, but... is what you say true? Do we really NEED them?
Would they be nice? Of course, but are they NECESSARY? I don't think so. The print versions of her writings don't have paragraph numbers on them. The paragraph numbers are only an added bonus that some pieces of software (Like Folio Views) have added, but before that, people got along just fine without paragraph numbers, and people who only use her print books still get along just fine without paragraph numbers too. Paragraph numbers are a luxury, a non-essential convenience.
I would like them, but with everything that Logos has done already for the SDA community, I'll choose to look at this cup as half full (at least half full) for sure.
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Martin Weber said:
Finally, paragraph numbering would put an excessive burden on the already enormous cost of this massive project.
Please check the original unedited files that were received by Faithlife.
I would expect that they were all marked like {DA 20.1}
and expect that someone at Faithlife entered the editing command: replace { to } with ' ' to get rid of them.
This is NOT something that Faithlife has to do. It is MAYBE already done in your received unedited files. [[EDIT: Maybe added after reading other posts]]
Adding a command to goto DA 20.1 would be "enormous cost" But the functionality is already in Logos.
as in: Open the book. Search for "{DA 20.1}" in All Open Resources.
[[except that searches looking for '{' don't seem to work But "DA 20.1" does. Assuming that the curly brackets are used for advance searches or something]]
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Tim Taylor said:
The print versions of her writings don't have paragraph numbers on them.
A copy, not printed by the 'official' SDA printers that I pulled off the shelf has them. But official copies on my shelf do not.
Tim Taylor said:
I would like them, but with everything that Logos has done already for the SDA community, I'll choose to look at this cup as half full (at least half full) for sure.
Agree - if we can not have them we can live without them. Or use another version to copy and paste after doing all the research in Logos.
But I still would like to know if they were in the files sent to Faithlife.
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David Ames said:
But I still would like to know if they were in the files sent to Faithlife.
Checked http://www.whiteestate.org/ Their online books do not have the page number paragraph marks
[[Yes, shooting down my own theory - wanted to beet the rest of you [:S]]]
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I will accept what I can get, but I have to respectfully disagree on the paragraph numbers. I constantly see paragraph numbers being quoted in sermons in PowerPoint, and in YouTube videos and even publications, (but not as often in publications). The difficult ones to accept with no paragraph markings are the Periodicals when a periodical is quoted it can have 20 or more paragraphs (Average of 11) in it and the quote can be difficult to find except for by searching for a phrase, which some times gets verbally repeated a little different than the original. I agree that for official Reference Work and Quotations they are not required, but we (as a church) are used to them and use and rely on them frequently, and in the modern electronic EG White age it is the norm.
I realize that we may not ever get them back, but they are already there in the old writings, can't they be left there and hidden by an option check box. In EG White Estate, folio they can be toggled on or off by a option in the View menu called "Hidden".
I may be one of the few that wants this, but I would be willing to spend some extra money to get them back, and think there are others that would as well, even if I had to add an extra $100.00 to the cost of the original works.
These writings are the inspiration of God and great blessings will result for Logos by helping His people study them with efficiency. God Bless Logos.
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David Ames - That is because they turn them off on the server with the option in the View menu called "Hidden".
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The reason that you often see codes like {DA 20.1} in PowerPoints, blog posts etc is that people are too lazy to remove them. These codes have been an unfortunate part of the electronic files since the EGW Estate made a searchable CD-Rom of her writings back in the day (maybe due to some long-gone technical aspect of the MS-DOS search software). Originally (in the printed books) there are no paragraph numbers.
There is NO scholarly convention or style of reference that demands these paragraph numbers. No college or university, SDA or otherwise, request these paragraph numbers from their students or professors. Let us finally get rid of these codes once and for all. They mess up the text, and they also give the wrong impression that Ellen White's writings have a kind of "chapters and verses" like the Bible. Author, book-title and page-number is all that is needed in scholarly references of Ellen White's writings.
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Reimar Vetne said:
and they also give the wrong impression that Ellen White's writings have a kind of "chapters and verses" like the Bible.
Good reason to get rid of them!
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To summarize what I think I am hearing--because scholars do not use EGW paragraph tags, therefore they are not valid and should be removed as "chapter and verse" notation lifts EGW's writings to the level of scripture.
May I humbly suggest the following points.
1. Milton and Josephus are a couple of examples where it is common to quote chapter and verse. Logos even includes the Josephus paragraph numbers. Other examples could be readily provided.
2. The official www.egwwritings.org maintains the paragraph tags which can be turned on or off.
3. Translators use the paragraph tags for ease of translation and sometimes publish the paragraph tags in the final text for ease of comparison.
4. Pastors and lay people use the paragraph tags as standard EGW notation. (30 years ago in Freshman Bible class, the teacher spent more than one day teaching and then reinforcing the EGW paragraph notation.)
5. Among the reasons why it is standard to reference paragraph numbers in non-scholarly works (even when quoting from a dead tree source) is convenience. Not everyone is a speed reader.
6. I was introduced to Logos (Libronix) 15 years ago by a lay Sabbath school teacher. The underlying implication that Logos is only for seminar students who, because they are scholars, do not use paragraph tags is unfortunate.
The spirit of a pilgrim greatly facilitates praying. An earth-bound, earth-satisfied spirit cannot pray.--E. M. Bounds
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This is to confirm that the White Estate did not provide paragraph numbers with the official files they sent us. We simply worked with what they gave us--page numbers only. Here's the message I just received from the head of Content Production:
(10:57 AM) We used the PDFs as our authoritative source material. None of the paragraph numbers were present.
Wrapping this up: I agree that it would be great to have paragraph numbers to toggle in and out of, but the updated files sent to us by the White Estate did not make that possible. Thanks for all your input.
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So I noticed that there is a prepub going on right now. It' here.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I already owned all these book.
Now I'll definitely pitch in if it means all the books will now be fully tagged, book covers added, etc, but I'm wondering, If I already own these books, do I need to buy this pre-pub to get the updates? When the prepub comes out, will I all of a sudden, have doubles of each book if I buy it? Is there any more details on this?
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Nick Clark said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I already owned all these book.
If you are signed in to Logos and the purchase button in gray, then you will receive the update free of charge. I have already received some of the updated material.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Ah, yes. It was grayed. Considering I make a living developing web applications, you would have thought I might have noticed [;)]
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I am pleasantly surprised to see that 83 more EGW books were updated! Here's the list of what was updated yesterday. If you add this to the list the 48 resources I posted on the first page of this thread, you will have a complete list of updated books so far.
- A Call to Service in the Master’s Harvest Field by White, Ellen Gould
- A Call to the Watchmen by White, Ellen Gould
- A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White by White, Ellen Gould
- Adventist Home by White, Ellen Gould
- Amazing Grace by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal for Missions by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal for Self-supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal in Behalf of Our New Medical College by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal in Behalf of Our Work in Scandinavia by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal to Ministers and Church Officers by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal to Our Churches in Behalf of Home Missionary Work by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal to Seventh-day Adventists to Fulfill Their Duty to the South by White, Ellen Gould
- An Exposure of Fanaticism and Wickedness by White, Ellen Gould
- An Important Testimony to our Brethren and Sisters in New York by White, Ellen Gould
- Appeal and Suggestions to Conference Officers by White, Ellen Gould
- Appeal to the Young by White, Ellen Gould
- Appeals for Unity by White, Ellen Gould
- Australasian Union Conference Record by White, Ellen Gould
- Battle Creek Letters by White, Ellen Gould
- Bible Training School by White, Ellen Gould
- Brother Aldrich by White, Ellen Gould
- Child Guidance by White, Ellen Gould
- Choice Thoughts on Dress by White, Ellen Gould
- Christ’s Object Lessons by White, Ellen Gould
- Christian Education by White, Ellen Gould
- Christian Education (Periodical Sept. 1, 1909) by White, Ellen Gould
- Christian Leadership by White, Ellen Gould
- Christian Service by White, Ellen Gould
- Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene by White, Ellen Gould
- Colporteur Ministry by White, Ellen Gould
- Conflict and Courage by White, Ellen Gould
- Counsels on Diet and Foods by White, Ellen Gould
- Counsels on Health by White, Ellen Gould
- Counsels on Sabbath School Work by White, Ellen Gould
- Counsels on Stewardship by White, Ellen Gould
- Daughters of God by White, Ellen Gould
- Do You Eat Flesh? by White, Ellen Gould
- Education by White, Ellen Gould
- Elder Daniels and the Fresno Church by White, Ellen Gould
- Ellen G. White in Europe by Delafield, D. A.
- Extracts from Unpublished Testimonies in Regard to Flesh Foods by White, Ellen Gould
- Faith and Works by White, Ellen Gould
- Fundamentals of Christian Education by White, Ellen Gould
- General Conference Daily Bulletin by White, Ellen Gould
- Gospel Workers, Revised and Enlarged by White, Ellen Gould
- Guiding Principles for the Young by White, Ellen Gould
- Healthful Living by White, Ellen Gould
- Hillcrest School Farm by White, Ellen Gould
- Important Testimony by White, Ellen Gould
- In Heavenly Places by White, Ellen Gould
- Instruction concerning Education by White, Ellen Gould
- Knowing and Obeying the Lord by White, Ellen Gould
- Lake Union Herald by White, Ellen Gould
- Last Day Events by White, Ellen Gould
- Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White by Ellen G. White Estate
- Loma Linda's Work by White, Ellen Gould
- Manuscript Release No. 728: How the Desire of Ages Was Written by Ellen G. White Estate
- Manuscript Release No. 926: The Fannie Bolton Story by Ellen G. White Estate
- Maranatha by White, Ellen Gould
- Messages to Young People (Pamphlet) by White, Ellen Gould
- Mind, Character, and Personality, Volume 2 by White, Ellen Gould
- Our High Calling by White, Ellen Gould
- Perils Increase Till Jesus Comes by White, Ellen Gould
- Sermons and Talks, Volume 1 by White, Ellen Gould
- Sketches from the Life of Paul by White, Ellen Gould
- Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White by White, Ellen Gould
- The Bible Echo—Bible Echo and Signs of the Times by White, Ellen Gould
- The Bible Echo—The Bible Echo by White, Ellen Gould
- The Central Union Outlook by White, Ellen Gould
- The Enlargement of Our Work by White, Ellen Gould
- The General Conference Bulletin by White, Ellen Gould
- The Home Missionary by White, Ellen Gould
- The Integrity of the Sanctuary Truth by Ellen G. White Estate
- The Judgment by White, Ellen Gould
- The Later Elmshaven Years by White, Arthur L.
- The Needs of the Cause in Australasia by White, Ellen Gould
- The New York Indicator by White, Ellen Gould
- The Northern Illinois Recorder by White, Ellen Gould
- The Northern Union Reaper by White, Ellen Gould
- The Oriental Watchman by White, Ellen Gould
- The Remnant Church: Its Organization, Authority, Unity, and Triumph by Ellen G. White Estate
- To Brother J. N. Andrews and Sister H. N. Smith by White, Ellen Gould
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Actually I just realized I missed a batch that was updated on June 17, 2015 as well, which was this (below). If you combine these three lists then you should have the complete list.
- A Vision by White, Ellen Gould
- Acts of the Apostles by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal to Mothers by White, Ellen Gould
- An Appeal to the Youth by
- Atlantic Union Gleaner by White, Ellen Gould
- Battle Creek College Record by White, Ellen Gould
- Christian Experience and Teachings by White, Ellen Gould
- Church and Sabbath School Bulletin by White, Ellen G.
- Confrontation by White, Ellen Gould
- Country Living by White, Ellen Gould
- East Michigan Banner by White, Ellen Gould
- Echoes From the Field by White, Ellen Gould
- Educational Messenger by White, Ellen Gould
- Forest Park Reporter by White, Ellen Gould
- Gospel Medical Messenger by White, Ellen Gould
- Manuscript Release No. 852: The Development of Adventist Thinking on Clean and Unclean Meats by Ellen G. White Estate
- Manuscript Releases, Volume 5 [Nos. 260–346, 1971–1973] by Ellen G. White Estate
- Manuscript Releases, Volume 9 [Nos. 664–770, 1978–1980] by Ellen G. White Estate
- Monthly Missionary Reading by White, Ellen Gould
- Our Australasian Youth and Sabbath School Guide by White, Ellen Gould
- Testimonies for the Church, Volume 3 by White, Ellen Gould
- Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5 by White, Ellen Gould
- Testimonies for the Church, Volume 7 by White, Ellen Gould
- Testimonies for the Church, Volume 8 by White, Ellen Gould
- Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9 by White, Ellen Gould
- The Advance by White, Ellen Gould
- The Atlantic Canvasser by White, Ellen Gould
- The Bible Echo—Australasian Signs of the Times by White, Ellen Gould
- The Canadian Union Messenger by White, Ellen Gould
- The Central Advance by White, Ellen Gould
- The Christian Educator by White, Ellen Gould
- The Church Officers’ Gazette by White, Ellen Gould
- The Day-Star by White, Ellen Gould
- The Good Samaritan by White, Ellen Gould
- The Gospel of Health by White, Ellen Gould
- The Hygienic Caterer by White, Ellen Gould
- The Indiana Reporter by White, Ellen Gould
- The Medical Evangelist by White, Ellen Gould
- The Messenger by White, Ellen Gould
- The Minnesota Worker by White, Ellen Gould
- The Missionary Magazine by White, Ellen G.
- The Missionary Worker by White, Ellen G.
- The Nebraska Reporter by White, Ellen Gould
- The Southern Missionary by White, Ellen Gould
- The Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 1 by White, Ellen Gould
- The Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 3 by White, Ellen Gould
- To the Little Remnant Scattered Abroad by White, Ellen Gould
- To Those Who Are Receiving the Seal of the Living God by White, Ellen Gould