Why does Kindle can but Logos can't?

I am referring to being able to look up simple English definitions offline (as a matter of fact, Kindle allows other several dictionaries to be downloaded, including foreign ones). This is a very handy feature, and it is sorely missing in Logos.
Francis, I will have to admit, I was afraid to pose your question. I thought the iOS versions of Logos had dictionary lookup. I've gotten so used to expanding my vocabulary with Kindle, I thought Logos did the same. Distressingly not, and I chalked it up to my excessive age.
But luckily, I keep my Kindle next to my iPad to assist Logos."If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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The iOS version actually does work correctly in this regard IF offline.
I agree that when online there should be an option to lookup in the "system" dictionaries (which are also expandable on iOS).
EDIT: dictionary lookup also works when online (iOS) in non-Bibles, but there's a 1-2 second pause as it tries to look for the Hebrew/Greek word first. I have not found a way to look up an English word in–say–the ESV, while online.
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My iOS's (Noet and Biblia) stopped working (defining) a few weeks back. So, for me, they're actually NOT working. They do an off-line lookup ... and report no definition. I thought it was my poor memory. Thanks, Reuben.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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I cannot comment on how it works on iOS. My experience is with the Android app.
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Francis said:
I am referring to being able to look up simple English definitions offline (as a matter of fact, Kindle allows other several dictionaries to be downloaded, including foreign ones). This is a very handy feature, and it is sorely missing in Logos.
Please see https://community.logos.com/forums/t/72300.aspx for a previous discussion on this topic. For entering a suggestion for this, please follow the instructions here: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/65558.aspx .
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Reuben Helmuth said:
The iOS version actually does work correctly in this regard IF offline.
I agree that when online there should be an option to lookup in the "system" dictionaries (which are also expandable on iOS).
There already exists a case for this.
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Denise said:
My iOS's (Noet and Biblia) stopped working (defining) a few weeks back. So, for me, they're actually NOT working. They do an off-line lookup ... and report no definition. I thought it was my poor memory. Thanks, Reuben.
The Faithlife apps will not show an offline definition if you haven't downloaded a dictionary from Apple.
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Kevin Byford said:
Please see https://community.logos.com/forums/t/72300.aspx for a previous discussion on this topic.
That's a pretty short discussion!
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Francis said:Kevin Byford said:
Please see https://community.logos.com/forums/t/72300.aspx for a previous discussion on this topic.
That's a pretty short discussion!
Is there something wrong or inaccurate there? If so please let us know.
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Thanks, Kevin. Here's the actual issue: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203834 for anyone else. Probably accurate and not wrong.
Recog'ing Francis' Android need is also accuarate and not wrong.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Denise said:
Thanks, Kevin. Here's the actual issue: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203834 for anyone else. Probably accurate and not wrong.
Hi Denise, thanks for your input confirming this isn't a Faithlife issue.
Denise said:Recog'ing Francis' Android need is also accuarate and not wrong.
Thanks, you are welcome to upvote Francis' UserVoice request.
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Francis said:Kevin Byford said:
Please see https://community.logos.com/forums/t/72300.aspx for a previous discussion on this topic.
That's a pretty short discussion!
Here's the important truth from that short discussion:
"The Logos iOS apps use a dictionary service that is built into the iOS operating system and there is no easy equivalent on Android."
If there *is* an easy equivalent default dictionary on Android that you are aware of please let us know. Denise, can you help? Amazon's Kindle devices live under Amazon's umbrella and run a heavily modified version of Android, modified to such an extent that they've renamed it Fire OS.
Fire OS on Kindle devices might have a default dictionary but the vast majority of Android devices do not, and additionally nearly every vendor that sells Android devices modifies Android to their liking, thus creating fragmentation problems for third party software vendors like Faithlife that might need a way to access that non-existent "default dictionary."
In other words, all iOS devices offer any number of built-in dictionaries that Faithlife apps can access, but the millions of combinations of fragmented Android devices manufactured by hundreds of vendors do not. Faithlife has *zero* control over that.
So Francis, please enter a suggestion by following the instructions at the link I previously posted. I understand how great it would be to have a default dictionary on Android devices but I believe the only solution is for Faithlife to include one in our apps.0 -
Kevin Byford said:
Is there something wrong or inaccurate there?
No, but that was not my point. I was just saying that there is not much of a discussion there, simply a statement to the effect that it is not easy to do. I am not sure how kindle does it, but I assume it is a different approach than the iOS inbuilt dictionary. If so, should the iOS approach be taken as the model for the Android app? I guess I don't understand why it is difficult to do locally what seems to be basic cross-referencing of words to downloaded dictionaries.
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I was again rather surprised Laridian had somehow figured out how to take a highlighted word, and then scan an index of Laridian books on my device. How did he know which books I had?? Or which dictionary words somehow matched my highlighted words. Plus I don't remember the users voting on how to do this. How could he have known a user might want to look up a word? He might be like a Biblical prophet.
Of cource, I then went to check Accordance, and then Olivetree. With Accordance, I forgot I had books (I use mainly for Carta), so that was nice. And with Olivetree, they kindly pointed out no dictionaries and showed me a selection to choose from (and fork over some dinero). I'm absolutely sure I did not vote in either of these companies either. So many prophets that 'knew' about users. Truly amazing.
I'd say this is another rent-a-feature opportunity for Logos!
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Greg F said:Francis said:
I guess I don't understand why it is difficult to do locally what seems to be basic cross-referencing of words to downloaded dictionaries.
Yes, I often wonder the same thing. It sure would be nice to have access to my LSJ, BDAG, etc. offline..
You can download the BDAG and LSJ for offline use. If you mean accessing them offline in relation to the Guides or Bible Word Study, there is already a UserVoice suggestion for this - please vote it up.
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Kevin Byford said:
You can download the BDAG and LSJ for offline use.
Thanks Kevin, I do appreciate your reply. But I think we both know that under its current implementation, the offline use of dictionaries under Android is clunky at best. I have both BDAG and LSJ downloaded on my phone, but I rarely use them because looking up words is such a pain. Being able to click on a word in a Greek text and have it jump to the correct spot in a dictionary seems like such an obvious feature that I'm reluctant to bother using something like UserVoice to vote it up..
I don't doubt that it's non-trivial to implement, with all the fragmentation of the Android market, but in terms of genuine useability, offline dictionary lookups is really something that should be here already.
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Greg F said:
Being able to click on a word in a Greek text and have it jump to the correct spot in a dictionary seems like such an obvious feature that I'm reluctant to bother using something like UserVoice to vote it up..
Many people feel that dozens of different Logos Desktop features should (obviously) be on mobile already. If you don't want to vote for it that's up to you, but not voting for it won't make it happen any faster.
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Fair enough. I'll vote. [:P]
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Denise said:
I was again rather surprised Laridian had somehow figured out how to take a highlighted word, and then scan an index of Laridian books on my device.
Hi Denise,
This has long been supported in all six Faithlife Android reader apps and all seven Faithlife iOS reader apps. Can you be more specific about what isn't working for you?
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Offline? Just tried a Noet word ... all it knows how to do is query my (now working) dictionary. Absent that .... what?
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Have you downloaded any resources locally in your Noet app?
I mean, while offline it's really hard for any app to find a word in a resource that actually isn't on the device, even for Laridian (although maybe they've solved that too).0 -
Now if you're referring to search offline, yes, Noet delivers pages and pages offline. Of course the issue there is pages and pages, with no idea which books are being displayed ... the mysterious yet often unknown SMTWE (I made that up but similar).
But let me turn the mike back over to Francis ... he's still hoping for just a definition."If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Denise, please be more specific about which resources you refer to and include comparison screenshots if you have time.
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FYI, I did post already about this on uservoice but it gets lost in the sheer number of suggestions out there.
There are also similar requests:
And most importantly:
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Nothing gets lost in UserVoice, it's very easy to search. I'm not sure what you mean by saying things get lost through the sheer number of suggestions out there. Here's how to search UserVoice: http://screencast.com/t/4kmj4ih2
Please try not to post mobile suggestions to the Logos 6 Desktop UserVoice site (or vice-versa). Desktop and mobile are different teams, and mobile suggestions *do* get lost if they're posted to the Desktop UserVoice site.
I'll ask Bradley if he can update the Logos 6 UserVoice site to make it a little more obvious that mobile suggestions should not be posted there.
Another way things get lost is by having thread topics go all over the place, and this thread is a perfect example - here are all of the topics so far:
- English definitions offline are missing on Android (true, there's a Mobile UserVoice suggestion).
- English definitions online are missing on iOS (true, there's already a case).
- English definitions offline are missing on iOS (false).
- Offline Guide lookup of non-English definitions is not supported (there's a Mobile UserVoice suggestion and other misplaced Desktop ones).
- The magical world of Laridian
- Back to offline Guide lookups
Thread jacking is a common occurrence but please try to post a new thread for each different topic - it helps make searching much easier down the road.0