French Arrington Library

I would suggest addding a French Arrington Collection --- well respected theologian in COG and contributor/editor of AG FiRE Bible.
He has several commentaries, books, and a three volume systematic theology ALL OF WHICH are very pastoral, readable, and accessible to pastors and general readers.
Pathway Press is publisher.
Not ALL Pathway Press books are the same--like most publishers they have vanity titles and refurbished sermons in book form.
But, Arrringtons catalog would be a perfect addition to the P/C market that uses Logos for study, etc.
Flooding the Logos P/C niche with Charisma books, etc is kind of insulting --- that's NOT what am looking for w my Logos purchases.
Great to see Craig Keeners material on Logos, etc.
Arrington would be a good addition for those who use Logos and are P/C.
Also add Ray Hughes library, etc. very useful to pastors, etc.
iIf Arringtons entire works offered, I would drop $200-300 for ENTIRE PACKAGE.
Just attended Florida Campmeeting where Logos had booth. If this was offered, they would have cleaned up there w those pastors. The Church of God seminary (Pentecostal Theological Seminary) has the largest accredited MA degree ONLINE program than any other seminary.
That is a partnership w Logos that's waiting to happen....
Tim Campbell