Tip of the day: Word tree - an n-gram concordance

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,480
edited November 2024 in English Forum

1. Okay - some author tells you the Key word of Matthew is "Kingdom" ... one could do a search on the word in the book of Matthew, you could make a reference chain of "kingdom" in Matthew, or you could take advantage of the underutilized, powerful word and phrase concordance that you have had at your fingertips since L4.

2. To begin using your standard concordance hidden in the guise of a word tree, open Tools ==> Passage ==> Passage Analysis ==> Word Tree

3. In the Passage Analysis panel, select Word Tree.

For the word tree specify two elements:

  • the range of the text - in this case the entire Gospel of Matthew
  • the word used as the base of the tree - in this case "kingdom" 

The tree has three controls:

  • direction of tree and thus the context shown
  • the Bible text being used
  • sequence of the entries in the tree (terminal nodes)

This tree is in text sequence.

4. The alphabetic sequence is useful when comparing multiple word trees e.g. word trees on "kingdom" for each of the four Gospels.

5. My preferred view is by frequency, so this is the view used in subsequent screen shots. Frequency is the appropriate view for questions that imply repetition implies importance.

6. On hover, this tool provides directions.

7. To view an n-gram (i.e. a string of words n words long) use SHIFT-click on the last word of the phrase. Note at this point the Concordance feature does not support N-grams.

8. If I wish to turn my attention to comparisons to the kingdom, I use SHIFT+click on "like"/

9. If one becomes interested in the broader use of a word in your currently view, simply click on the word - in this case fish.

10. One can switch between two views - your chosen word or phrase with context following OR the preceding context followed by your chosen word or phrase.

11. When I go to explore the second proposed key word "Jesus the King" I find it is not an option, at least not in my chosen translation.

12. Since Jesus the King is not an option, start with "king" to explore the 2nd possibility for key word in the Gospel according to Matthew.

13. You can enlarge the type size in the window using the mouse scroll wheel.

14. Or carrying on the comparison of "kingdom" in the four Gospels:

15. Or compare a single Gospel across multiple translations:

15. And you can, of course, use original language resources.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
