The New Jerusalem Bible: The Complete Text of the Ancient Canon of the Scriptures
The New Jerusalem Bible: The Complete Text of the Ancient Canon of the Scriptures
We can finally get the full study edition... YES YES YES!
Is this an exact copy of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible? Alexander Jones was the General Editor there.
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Is this an exact copy of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible? Alexander Jones was the General Editor there.
Looks like this version has notes and other supplements.
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Is this an exact copy of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible?
This is listed as the 1986 Study Bible or regular edition. 1966 would be great too... but I am excited about this as a full edition.. If this is popular maybe they will offer the 1966 version.
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Is this an exact copy of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible? Alexander Jones was the General Editor there.
No, it's the complete New Jerusalem Bible, with the full (rather extensive) notes and other materials. The NJB Reader's Edition that we currently sell only has the Bible text and minimal notes and introductions.
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Thanks for the comments. I pulled my 1966 edition off the shelf and tried to compare the reference indicators and notes/comments. The sample pages are just a little too small for my eyes to do a detailed comparison, but I could tell that this new edition has extensive references and notes just like the original. It appears to me that most are the same with some notes having been updated and possibly some new notes. Again, the sample is tiny and I had some difficulty with a detail comparison. There is some minor formatting differences. Of course there are a few translation differences. I found this short article to be helpful:
That said, I am definitely in. Thanks for point this out, Dan. And thanks Faithlife for adding this to the catalog. Hopefully it will go into production soon.
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