Ranking of Search results for topics

I'm confused by how ranking of search results is achieved. I search my library for pharisees:
I get two appearances of the same concordance (OK I sort of understand the value of a concordance here). I then get "find it fast" (fair enough), but then comes the UBS handbook on John11:46... At least The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary comes in at number 6.
But, why does it locate the section on Luke Acts in the article on Pharisees and not the start of the article (p.289 not p.296)?
I search on Son of Man:
A whole lot of commentaries appear - The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers - what's that doing there? The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary comes in at number 26 on the list.... once again pointed to p. 142 and not p.137 (half way through the article). Where are all the excurses and other bible dictionary articles .... way down the list.... if they can be found at all....
Damian McGrath said:
A whole lot of commentaries appear - The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers - what's that doing there? The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary comes in at number 26 on the list.... once again pointed to p. 142 and not p.137 (half way through the article). Where are all the excurses and other bible dictionary articles .... way down the list.... if they can be found at all...
May be by using it and the frequency of hits or so the ranking will calibrate better? Just an idea.
EDITED: Now I noticed the field in search saying Topic (above My content) is empty. It might be it is not working yet in Beta 1. We need to hear from Logos on that.