Cycling through Commentaries and Bibles

Clinton Thomas
Clinton Thomas Member Posts: 465 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


A few of questions. Sorry if these have been asked and answered before.

  1. The right and left arrows let you cycle through the similar resources, in a bible, you cycle to the next bible in your library. The nice thing about this is first, it is fast to do this and second, if you have the resource linked to others, the link set remains. The bad thing is that you have to cycle through all the resources you have of that class.  I know the + symbol lets you open another parallel resource, but the resulting opened resource is not linked to the the same linkset . Is it possible to switch to another like you can in V3 and retain the linkset setting?
  2. If I have a multivolume commentary linked to the bible I am reading and I jump to another place in the bible, is there a way to open the corresponding commentary in the set  with the same link set set?
  3. Is the hidden resource capability of V3 or a way to remove material from the library going to be provided? In the spirit of Steve Martin, things like the Targums or Arabaic texts are like a whole different language to me. I want to remove them from showing up in searches, the cycling keys described above, etc.

The first two items are things I do all the time when I use V3 and I would/will miss them if they are not planned or already there for V4.



