Help Prioritising Historical Adventist Resources

Hi All:
I am looking for some suggestions when prioritising HISTORICAL adventist resources. I currently have SDA Silver and may get the Gold version soon. With all that is in these packages, I need to focus my searches. I see lots of stuff from Pastor LaRondelle who did not believe in foundational truths like the investigative judgement. Therefore, I want stay away from stuff like this. Can you please point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Michael John Nisbett said:
Pastor LaRondelle who did not believe in foundational truths like the investigative judgement. Therefore, I want stay away from stuff like this. Can you please point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Hi John, most of us would consider Dr. Hans LaRondelle to have been pretty much a middle-of-the-road scholar when it comes to SDA eschatology and doctrines. I am just curious: What exactly do you believe about a pre-advent investigative judgment that Dr. LaRondelle did not believe? Is there any books of LaRondelle you have read that gave you that impression, or are there some teachers/pastors/leaders/TV-gurus you have listened to who gave you that impression about LaRondelle?
About sorting through your SDA Logos material, you might be interested in reading through the volumes in the DARCOM (Daniel & Revelation Committee), several of which deal with issues like Daniel 7, the sanctuary, and pre-advent investigative judgment.
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Hi, Reimar:
I was going from memory. However, on review of my notes (from individuals like Vance Ferrell), Hans LaRondelle, Raoul Dederen and Morris Venden, etc. were students of Edward Heppenstall and taught:
1. Man has an evil nature which does not permit obedience to God in his life.2.The gospel does not make provision for the eradication of this evil nature or obedience to the Law of God.3. Genuine obedience is not possible before the Second Advent and neither is perfection of character.Therefore, it was NOT the investigative judgement that he did not believe but genuine obedience. Sorry for the confusion. Still, if this is the case, I still want to stay away from material such as this.0 -
Hi Michael,
Michael John Nisbett said:
Still, if this is the case, I still want to stay away from material such as this.
This is a real shame. Dr. LaRondelle's doctoral dissertation on the theme of perfection is perhaps the fullest treatment on the topic done by an Adventist. See it here:
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So, are you saying that this dissertation says that the 3 three statements above are NOT true?? Thanks!
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Vance Ferrell is a controversial figure, and no longer an Adventist pastor (he handed in his resignation because he no longer agreed sufficiently with the SDA Church). I would be very careful with the way he characterizes various theologians.
Since you have the SDA Silver package, you already have Dr. LaRondelle's book on perfectionism in your Logos library. Read it, and make up your own mind.
I do not think LaRondelle would have agreed with the 3 statements you made. He would have claimed that those 3 sentences did not express his views. But rather than letting me, Filipe Moreira or Vance Ferrell evaluate Dr. LaRondelle's writings for you, just go ahead and read it yourself. I think you will enjoy it and be stimulated, and learn a lot about the Word of God in the process.
God bless.0 -
OK. Thanks! I still need help in prioritising resources (commentaries, dictionaries, systematic theologies, etc.) that are closest to the historical Adventist position. If you have any suggestions, I would be grateful. Thanks!
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I am sorry that I cannot help you with the prioritizing that you want but, for what it is worth, I have found that reading stuff that I don't agree with has helped clarify precisely what I do believe - even when I thought that I already understood it!
The subject that comes most recently to mind was, ironically, concepts of perfection. I have recently been reading George Knight and John Wesley on that subject. I think I will be including LaRondelle's doctoral dissertation (thanks Filipe for suggesting it!) so thanks for your post!!
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Hey Michael, here is a link to prioritizing in general I would probably start with the SDA commentary, dictionary, and such. I have been blessed to read Marc Rassell's Exploring the Heavenly Sanctuary: Understanding SDA Theology and consider that to be a fair commentary on one distinctive belief. Also, in library view, do a search for 'adventist', then click on the subjects header. This will at least sort out the books into smaller category groups for you to peruse through and make your selection.
Hope that helps a little...