PLEASE ADD: Atomic power with God through fasting and prayer by Franklin Hall

Wild Eagle
Wild Eagle Member Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Atomic power with God through fasting and prayer by Franklin Hall (Author)

"In 1946 a group of saints came together in San Diego, from various denominations, to hear the teaching of Jesus Christ’s Gospel concerning prayer and fasting. Many of these Christians entered into consecration fasts. A real test was made as to the efficacy of fasting. Some of these fasts were from twenty-one to more than sixty days in continuous duration, without food. They were burdened to see the Lord move in a special spiritual way. These and many others wanted to see a world-wide revival for the salvation and healing of mankind and the restoration of the gifts of the Spirit. The amazing results as these scores of Christians united in fasting and praying were stupendous! Many miracles of healing were performed by the Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus. Demons were cast out, lunatics healed, cancers disappeared, the blind saw, the crippled walked, stomach ulcers disappeared, palsy was quieted, tuberculosis healed, asthma, bronchitis, the smoking and drinking habits were given up and many more sicknesses vanished. Scores of folk were baptized at the altars. In this revival auditorium that the author was temporarily in charge of, we were privileged to see a thousand souls find Jesus that year. These converts were mostly service men from various parts of the nation. They also helped to carry the message across the seas. A continuous chain of fasting, and all night prayer meetings conducted by Sister Helen Hall, went on for many months. She writes, “I went into 21 days of fasting. In the next revival meeting after this fast, we saw over 3,000 souls saved. I could lay hands on the sick and they would recover, arthritis, T.B., etc.” It was in the midst of these fasting prayer revivals that this volume was born. From then on God burdened the author to launch a fasting and prayer crusade. Soon many other ministers and spiritual saints of God became burdened to encourage and teach prayer and fasting in a greater way. Folk began fasting in Los Angeles and Southern California and then it spread throughout the west, and north into Canada. Folk began fasting and. praying across the nation. Soon this most powerful message had gone throughout the world. Men and women travailed in the most powerful prayer prayed under the influence of a consecration fast. Such soul hunger and travail moved the hand of God and opened the windows of Heaven and God poured out His Spirit and Power in a mighty way. Many calls, yes thousands of letters would pour in from all parts of the world asking for information on the deeper fastings, for truth that would take them deeper and deeper with the Lord and open the doors so they could have more of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. Even before “Atomic Power with God” was off the press, orders had come in for approximately five thousand copies, and requests for thousands of pieces of literature. This was a major financial problem, but our Lord supplied the need and members of the body of Jesus made it possible to print millions of tracts on a subject sadly neglected and overlooked, yet at our very finger tips. Thousands of wonderful testimonies poured in from all over the world verifying the mighty power of fasting and prayer. They testified to all kinds of remarkable answers to fasting prayer: that the fasting type of prayer is far more effectual than ordinary prayer."

"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill 


  • Wild Eagle
    Wild Eagle Member Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭

    "No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill