TIP of the day: Best answers of the week

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,038
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Why tag my resources to create collections?

You often need to tag resources in order to create collections, because you are creating metadata that isn't available with the resource in order to put it into the collection e.g. a collection that provides resources on the subject of Creation has this rule:

subject:creation OR mytag:creation

where I want resources that come tagged with the subject and others that I had to tag myself.

How do I make a multiview panel show either Hebrew or Greek depending on the text?

The multiview resource feature works so that if one of the "subordinate" resources don't relate to the passage shown in the master resource they are simply not visible - that is how the aspect you are describing works.

In the screenshot below you can see I have a Hebrew and Greek text setup - with only the Greek text visible (matching the reference in the NIV translation)

Then when I switch to the OT, the LHB appears

How do I translate a word from English to Hebrew?

MJ. Smith said:

You might use the BWS - English --> Hebrew on the left; Hebrew --> English on the right. Can you give some examples of Hebrew words that aren't recognized? It is usually a difference in lemmas between dictionaries or special purpose lexicons that don't intend complete coverage.

Denise said:

For quick lookup, I use https://www.logos.com/product/1213/new-strongs-guide-to-bible-words . It's an oldie, cheap, and works off of the KJV english, but shows both the hebrew and greek at the same time.  It's hooked to strongs, though I have it bounce to DBL.

How do I turn off highlighting for all resources?

Francis said:

There are two ways you can do this:

1. If you never want to see highlighting: when you pick the no highlighting option in your note file, click on set as default style to make it the style for all future notes.

2. If you just want not to see it, but might find it useful in other cases, just toggle it off in the resource visual filters section. 

How do I turn off highlighting for a particular note?

MJ Smith said:

Open the note for editing. Choose Change note style. Then choose No highlight and perhaps Note indicator of empty.

How do I revert my guides back to the original template?

MJ. Smith said:

There is no way to revert saved Guides, but to open new Guide in the default layout simply open the Guides at the top of the list i.e. above the line. To avoid creating new Guides in your modified styles, simply removed the customized guides below the line.

If you followed my instructions and see no change in the layouts, that is because you are calling up saved guides which do not get refreshed with changes in templates. Saved Guides appear on the right hand side of the menu. You must delete the saved Guide to create a new Guide based on the new template for a given passage.

Where can I learn about the Search options?

What's the last entry on the Book Map?



That's the legend; it explains the colours. It makes more sense when there are a) more Bibles, and b) more hits.

How do I disable gestures?

From Logos in-program help: "In Logos 6.4 (and later), gestures are disabled by default. To enable them enter set use gestures to yes in the Command Box."

Thus to disable them, you can type set use gestures to no into the command box.

Also, to undo closing a window/tab, you can try selecting the most recent layout from the Layout menu, but there may not always be an option exactly like you want.

How do I save a search?

If you "drag" the top of the search tab to your tool bar (at the top of the screen) a small icon will appear there. Clicking on that will rerun the search

Alternatively, you can look at search history and select the search again

or you could save the results of a search (Bible, Morph, Clause) as a Passage List

which gives you the collection of verses - stored as one of your Documents

Hopefully one of those options will give you what you want

Gao Lu said:

My preferred way to save searches is to save them as Favorites.  I create folders within which I drag the tab of a search.  They can be organized, renamed.  I even fixed the "KIngdom" typo (should be "Kingdom") after seeing the image below.Smile

Why does the spark chart in the Translation Section of a Bible Word Study look like an arrow head?


MJ. Smith said:


Each book of the Bible has a length on the sparkline proportional to its length, broken into chapters. The graph shows "hits / length of chapter". (I think. Maybe it's verses.)

So if you zoomed in on the sparkline, you'd expect it to look like this Graph Bible Search Results chart:

Can I prioritize books for the Systematic Theologies Section of the Passage Guide?

No. The Systematic Theology section is generated by a search not by a datatype lookup, and searches don't (actually, can't) take priorities into consideration, because prioritisation is done by datatype.

How do I set my preferred apocrypha translation?

MJ. Smith said:

How do I create a shortcut to a layout?

Milkman said:

Well it's taken me a long time but I was just experimenting and found that you can drag and drop any one of your layouts on the short cut bar!

How cool is that!

you can drag commands or searches there too. eg. update now, close all etc.

Why is the rendering of the Greek circumflex inconsistent?

I think which form of accent is used depends upon which font is being used.  In some cases it seems that the font is hard coded into the resource whereas in others you choose.

This is true. And George is correct; this is completely font dependent. Rendering a circumflex as one form or the other (tilde or inverted breve) have no effect on meaning or intent. Either way, it is still a circumflex.

One possible consideration for the interface font (your right-click menu example) is that it can be incredibly small at times, and at small point sizes the tilde form is more distinguishable from a macron than the inverted breve form is.

It's definitely a Greek font issue.  Several fonts display the accent in the way that your screenshot does, including Arial Unicode MS, GentiumAlt, Galatia SIL, and KadmosU. The font designers obviously had to choose between a ~ and a ^ form. If you don't like it, just choose a different font.

KadmosU seems to be available for example here http://www.fonts2u.com/kadmosu.font 

You can test it using the drop down menus for the Greek alphabet or using your own text

How do I search for any of the persons of the Trinity and a given verb?

If you have silver or above, do a Bible search for:

 <Lemma = lbs/el/ἀνοίγω> WITHIN 0 WORDS (<Person God>, <Person Jesus>, <Person Holy Spirit>)

 <Lemma = lbs/el/ἀνοίγω> WITHIN 7 WORDS (<Person God>, <Person Jesus>, <Person Holy Spirit>) actually is manageable, but in theory less precise (in practice, it picks up things incomplete tags may miss).

"WITHIN 0 WORDS" finds places where the exact lemma is tagged in that way. Listing each person tag will find all pronouns, and doing them in a numbered list is the equivalent of "or". I don't know why this misses, for example, Colossians 4:3

As a weird quirk, when you do a WITHIN 0 WORDS search, you will always get a search menu that says there are twice as many results as there really are, because it counts the lemma and the tag as a hit.

An alternative is to do a Clause search just for the lemma, verb-lemma:ἀνοίγω, then to suggest "Analysis" at the top right of the search box. Just pick one translation for this, because it will take a while. Then, if you click "Subject" from the column labels and drag it up, it will sort the occurences by subject for you. Sorting by agent can also be helpful. 

Now, this tagging is imperfect, because 2 Cor 2:12, for example, is passive, so the grammatical subject is "door," even though the Lord opens it. This clause search is a little better: verb-lemma:ἀνοίγω (agent:Jesus OR subject:Jesus OR agent:God OR subject:God OR agent:Holy Spirit OR subject:Holy Spirit), but still misses 2 Cor 2:12 and probably others. The straight analysis view of the clause search for lemma, sorted by agent and/or subject, is probably the most comprehensive. You can ignore the irrelevant results, but look at strange ones, like where there is no tagging, or the subject is "A Door."

What's the orange exclamation point mean when I try to sync?

The orange exclamation point means that Logos is unable to sync (for some reason)

What does this symbol mean?



It shows when you have the panel set to "send hyperlinks here"

How can I get a bilingual Passage List with references given in both languages?

MJ. Smith said:

This is the closest I can come - the references appear to be determined by the UI language as they remain the same even if the Spanish Bible is the highest priority when the Passage List is made - and the original in the clipboard is Spanish. Not how I would like it to function ...

How do I share a visual filter?

TCBlack said:

1. Make a private faithlife group.

2. Add the person you want to that group.

3. Go to http://documents.logos.com sort by Visual filters (top left of the screen drop down menu) and click the ACTIONS next to the file you want to share.  

4. Set the document to COLLABORATE with that group.

How do Home Page Layouts work?

Check this thread for more information: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/122221.aspx

If you pass Matthew 4:1-11 into your go Box and see what comes out. Than look at my Scan. This is my Layout when I pass Matthew 4 in. So, the Main Thing is you can now change your Start with the Go Box into something you want. You can do the same with Lektionary, Reading Plan and Search.

Hope this helps

just create a Layout you like and than klick on Layout, Passage -replace with

How do I limit the Passage Guide to my favorite commentaries?

It occurs to me that you might also experiment with creating a collection that consists of only your select commentaries, then creating a custom passage guide in which you select that collection to be searched rather than all commentaries. This eliminates many commentaries from showing but doesn't exclude other commentaries in your collection from showing up if they cover a passage just like your favorite one in the group does.

If you name this custom guide "My Passage Guide" it will become you default Passage Guide.

If you use advanced prioritization plus a custom collection and the above you should see only the commentaries on the book you want. It's a bit of work, but should get you what you want.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."