TIP of the day: Best answers of the week

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,038
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How do I identify resources for parallel resource sets - versified and topical?

"topical indexes" could be filtered by title:topical

"Topics" are usually filtered by type:(encyclopedia, concordance) but some type:monograph also have headword indexes - I tag those and have a collection filtered by:-

(type:(encyclopedia, concordancede) AND myrating:>2)  OR  mytag:topical

"versified" is usually type:(commentary, bible) but then you have English, greek and hebrew bibles.

... (for English only)

Filter a collection with type:bible lang:English

How do I create links to specific paragraphs in book X in a personal book?

NB.Mick said:

As MJ explained, there is a lack of 'tagging' in such resources that would allow precised linking to a paragraph. 'Tagging' is used in several senses on this forum, here it means that it would require a datatype index for Aquinas - something that exists for several ECF, for example - and this datatype being present in your commentary - which unfortunately is not always the case even for ECF works. Building a datatype and applying it to books is normally done only when there are several editions of a text in various books - and even then not for all books. Production cost etc. If there's only one book that has a text, you most often are stuck with the page index. You are lucky in that respect if the book is a type:commentary, so you'll have a bible index on top. But we are stuck with what is called Resource Links (i.e. they go to a specific book instead of to a datatype reference).  

What you can do instead of copy & pasting the actual link is to guess it. 

First, find out how the link generally looks like. 

I don't own the Commentary on John, but the one on Matthew, indexed by page and bible (Vulgate, yes! Someone at least thought about that). Make sure you are currently using the bible index:


copy the link as url ....

....and paste it into your PB source document. It will look like this:  


(if you had text selected, it may look like this 


just cut out the stuff after the Mt6.1-4 part)

you may know that in a PB you can now reference the location Matthew 6, Verses 1-4 with

[[Any text you like >> logosres:kimballcom61mt;ref=BibleVUL.Mt6.1-4 ]]

Second, use this as a template for the links you want to create

You know they'll start with logosres:kimballcom61mt;ref=BibleVUL.  and then a reference to a bible text in Matthew, written as MtX.Y

with X the chapter and Y the verse or verse range. What we have is a template.

  • You can thus cite the commentary on any verse that is treated in the text (presumably all that are in Matthew) by pasting in the template and adding/adjusting the chapter and verse number  

Logos is automatically finding the verse within the ranges the commentary uses, so simply guessing the index to any verse will work.

I thus put a link to Matthew 6:8 into my PB:   [[Test >> logosres:kimballcom61mt;ref=BibleVUL.Mt6.8]] and it works

You see from the mouse-over that Logos will not only find it in the range treated in the commentary (Mt 6:5-8), but Logos will even display the bibelverse in my currently highest prioritized bible.

The only remaining difficulty is the precision: when the comment on a verse or range spans many paragraphs and you wanted to link to a specific one: with the current tagging, no joy.

Of course, when you have pages over pages on one verse, you can at least create links to pages from the book by this same method which may be a tad more efficient than switching between the books and copy-pasting all the time.

Links with only an "off" parameter are not intended to work; the "ctx" parameter is required to resolve the desired link destination.

How do I get books to stay open when I shut the computer off?

MJ. Smith said:

You could use the layout menu to return to the layout when you closed

or you can change the default opening layout

M.J.'s way is the best way. But if I am reading only one or two books, I will move them up to the shortcuts bar and then they will be marked at where I stopped reading. You can also use  favorites but I find it to be a nuisance because it has to be updated every time I stop reading a book or when I open it again,  it will revert back to the place the last time I marked it.  Like I said, MJ's way is probably the best way. Just be sure you update before you close the layout. Or you can go with the last closed application.

user said:

Exactly what do you mean by update.  Save?  And how?

Initially, you save as a named layout with a specific name. Then, when you have made changes to a specific layout, you update active. For example, if you read 20 pages in a resource, you would then update the layout so it remembers where you had stopped reading.

How do I save 'Key Passages' as Passage list?

You can multi-select passages in the passage list, and the created passage list is grouped by Key Passages vs. Pericopes. Click once on the first item to remove (the Pericopes header). Then scroll down to the last item and shift-click on it. Then hit the delete key.

You can multi-select passages in the passage list, and the created passage list is grouped by Key Passages vs. Pericopes. Click once on the first item to remove (the Pericopes header). Then scroll down to the last item and shift-click on it. Then hit the delete key.

Don't remove - copy the key passages and Add them to a new passage list via the clipboard

How do I make my NA28 talk to me?

Ctrl+R (for Windows machines). The voice should be John Schwandt, and not the computer voice, so the pronunciation will be in human form.

If you have a MAC it is Command + R.  You can also see the "read aloud" option in tile icon list.  (Click on the the tile icon in the upper left of the tile.)

Currently, there is only the Erasmian (Machen system) version for reading the text aloud.  This is the most common system for biblical Greek students.  For individual lemmas you can select between Modern, Koine, and Erasmian systems.  As you work on pronunciation, make sure that you place the stress on the proper syllable.  This is a challenge for many people (including professors) using an Erasmian system.  I went to great lengths to ensure the proper syllables were accented.  Also, bear in mind that Greek has never enjoyed the sound of vocalic stop and and start between syllables or words (contra. German).  You will hear some natural Greek blending of vowels in these situations.  Enjoy! 

How do I identify all the healing narratives in Mark's Gospel?

Eli Evans said:

On the one hand, no. We are working on a dataset for Logos Now that identifies all the miracles in the Bible and categorizes them in various ways (healing narrative among them). Look for that in coming months, ish.

On the other hand, there are some techniques that are more or less easy or more or less correct:

(1) Use the Bible Sense Lexicon to determine a sense vocabulary for healing, and then search Mark's Gospel for it. Doing only a few minutes worth of research, I came up with this search (click on it to run in Logos):

<Sense to heal>,<Sense to cure>,<Sense healing (process)>,<Sense healing (act)>,<Sense to be healed>,<Sense to be cured>,<Sense to repair>

(2) I also tried healing NEAR <Mark> in all my resources, which lead me to Wilmington's Book of Bible Lists, which lists all the miracles of Christ. The search terms highlighted the healings in Mark. (Your library may vary.)

I hope that helps!

" rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

Eli Evans said:

... Logos Now that identifies all the miracles in the Bible and categorizes them in various ways (healing narrative among them).

Bible Search for heal with match all word forms finds:

Bible Search for three roots found many in Mark.

<Root = lbs/el/θεραπων>,<Root = lbs/el/σωζω>,<Root = lbs/el/καθαρος>

Milestone search for heal within Mark (using a collection without Bibles):

heal WITHIN {Milestone <Mark>}

How do I find a genealogy?

They are in "Biblical People Diagrams" - and a good way of getting to them is from the Factbook entry for the person

" rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

Media Search for:

"Family Tree"

shows thumbnails from Biblical People Diagrams

plus more

How do I make a scriptural index for a particular resource?

MJ. Smith said:

Logos Now has a concordance feature that will do this easily. However, in Logos 6 if you run a search <Gen-Rev> on the book you will get all the Biblical references and be able to export them.

How do I make a church history collection?

A relatively simple one that does a pretty good job is:

subject:("church history", reformation, "doctrines--history", "history of doctrines", "doctrinal--history", "early church")

You can leave out the history of doctrines stuff if you don't want that.

The rule I use is:

subject:("church history","reformation")  OR  mytag:("church history","christian biography") OR (type:(dictionary,encyclopedia) AND subject:christianity) OR (subject:biography ANDNOT subject:("Jesus Christ--biography","bible--biography","apostles--biography"))

This rule includes
- biographic works (excluding bios of those in the Bible)  -- this assumes all the bio. works in my library are Christian, which holds true for now.
- church history encyclopedias like the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
- works that I've manually tagged because they were missing proper subject tagging

But it doesn't include doctrinal history because I have a separate collection for that.

How do I change the language of the user interface?

You can change the interface language from Program Settings (available from the Tools menu)

You need to restart Logos to see the different language.

Do you plan in the future to add Russian language in UI Logos?

See https://community.logos.com/forums/t/69557.aspx 

You can contribute to the translation here: https://crowdin.com/project/logos-desktop-ui 

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."