TIP of the day: Context menu searches for English New Testament part 2

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,480
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This is a set of searches generated from the Context Menu that are compound search arguments joined by an "OR".

From Logos 6 Help: Operators


Operators express relationships between terms. The general pattern for an operator is left-operand operator right-operand, just as in arithmetic: In 2 + 3 the plus sign (“+”) is the operator, “2” is the left operand, and “3” is right operand. The plus tells the relationship between the two operands, that is, that “2” must be added to “3” to complete this expression. In the rest of this discussion, we’ll use “left side” to refer to the left operand, and “right side” to refer to the right operand.

Similarly, faith AND works tells the search engine that both faith and works must be present for a result to match, where faith OR works means that either term may be present, and faith ANDNOT works means that faith only must be present, and not works or the verse is not a match.

Note that operators must be typed in ALL CAPS, so heavens AND earth is a search with two terms, where AND is an operator between them, and heavens and earth is three terms with no operator, but the text of the word “and”. This distinction helps the search engine know what you meant when typing AND versus and, OR versus or.

If you ever need to search for a word that is spelled the same as an operator, just type it in anything except all caps (so and or And). In the rare event that you want to search for an all caps version of a search operator in text (such as searching this help resource!), turn on Match case search option and enclose the all caps word in quotes ("AND").

Logical (“Boolean”) operators

The basic logical operators are:

AND this AND that — both the left and right side terms must be present to match.

OR this OR that — either the left or right side terms must be present (or both is okay, too).

ANDNOT this ANDNOT that — the left side must be present, and the right side must not.

As discussed above under “Match any of the words” the comma , is not a logical operator equivalent to OR; rather, it specifies alternate ways to match a single term.[1]

[1] Logos 6 Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015).

All have one search term that uses {Section}

From the wiki: Search HELP

Tagged Data Sections

{Section} returns text that is tagged at the new “data layer” introduced with some Logos 6 data sets. The ‘tagging’ could be curated references (key passages) or curated text ranges so that {Section} will return different results to a search on the datatype used.

Current usage is:-

  • {Section <Event xxxx>} e.g. {Section <Event The flood>}
  • {Section <LiteraryType xxxx>} e.g. {Section <LiteraryType Healing>}
  • {Section <Culture xxxx>} e.g. {Section <Culture Light>}
  • {Section <PreachingTheme xxxx>} e.g. {Section <PreachingTheme Marriage>}

From Logos 6 Help on Factbook:

These Factbook-related data types require {Section ...} extension terms:

•    Sermon Theme {Section <PreachingTheme Wealth>} — finds text tagged with the specified theme.

•    Cultural Concept {Section <Culture Assassination>} — finds text tagged with the specified cultural concept. Complete ontology can be found in the Lexham Cultural Ontology Glossary.

Note that cultural concepts are hierarchical in the same way as Bible Senses, that is, the = and  data type reference matching operators can be used to specify either this and only this heading (=) or this heading and all narrower/child headings ().


•    Literary Typing {Section <LiteraryTyping = Gospel>} — complete list of types can be found in the Lexham Glossary of Literary Types.[1]


From Logos 6 Help on Section:


Some data, especially data that is normally applied to long regions of text, must be found using the Section extension term, which takes as its content a data type reference of the information you wish to find.

As of this writing, Literary Type, Cultural Concepts, Biblical Events, and Preaching Themes (when applied to the Bible text) use the Section search extension. For example:

•    {Section <LiteraryType Allegory>}

•    {Section <Culture Assassination>}

•    {Section <Event The flood>}

•    {Section <PreachingTheme Marriage>}[2]

[1] Logos 6 Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015).

[2] Logos 6 Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015).

1. The first examples selects Literary typing from the right side of the Context Menu.

The available values are found in the Literary Type section of the Passage Guide and

  • Mangum, Douglas. The Lexham Glossary of Literary Types. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014.

2. The generated search appears in the left side of the screen shot below. To understand why it is generated as a compound search argument, break the search into two parts - the terms on either side of the OR. You can then see what each elements contributes to the complete search.

3. A sample from the documentation defining the available values:

4. The next example comes from selecting Propositional Outline from the Context Menu.

The values are available by turning on the Propositional Outline Visual Filter or from:

  • Keaton, Mark. The Lexham Propositional Outlines Glossary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014.

5. Again, the generated search is on the left. Then it is broken down into its component parts. In my library, the first search term has not matches.

6. A sample from the documentation.

7. The final example is created by selecting SGNT Syntactic Force.

The values for the SGNT syntactic force can be found in:

  • Lukaszewski, Albert L. The Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament Glossary. Lexham Press, 2007.

8. Again the Logos generated search is on the left. The two component searches follow.

Here the two component parts generate nearly the same list of results. Unfortunately the only way to identify the differences is via a manual check. Luckily the two added resources or near the top of the list. I have expanded the first of the two.

9. Here is a sample of the documentation.

By now it should be clear that part of competency in Logos searches is a matter of knowing what resources identify items you can search on and what sort of items they contain. One way to begin to do this is by being very conscious of the values that are shown in the Context Menu.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."