Exegetical guide inconsistencies

I've run the Exegetical guide in three ways for virtually the same passage and gotten three different results.
For John 1:1-4 (not one of the suggested pericopes) I get nothing under Grammars.
For John 1:1-5 (a suggested pericope) I get two different results depending on the pericope I select.
For the pericope called "In the beginning was the Word" I get some grammar information and visualizations
If I choose the pericope called "The Deity of Jesus Christ" I get no grammars but I do get visualizations
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
If I enter a passage of more than one verse, it only provides the exegesis for the first verse, unless there is a secret button that reveals the other verses entered. Not sure if the error is Logos 4's or mine? Can anyone help?
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thats a known bug...
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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I have pages of grammars for John 1:1-5 (In the beginning was the word)
I also have none for John 1:1-5 (The Deity of Jesus Christ) - I think this could be a mistake - it's meant to be John 1:1-2.