How to I delete a reading plan?

>> Having just picked a random book to play with the reading plan, I now have found absolutely no way to delete it! Sure I could just click through it, it's only three weeks long, but that is very inneficient. There should be a mechanism in place to delete a reading plan, simply.
Steps to reproduce
Create a reading plan. Try to get rid of it. you can't.
Actual Result
Clicking the Edit button should reveal a delete button.
Expected Result
You can change the settings but you cannot remove the file.
System Specs
* Desktop | AMD X64 3800+ dual core | 4GB RAM | Dual 22" widescreen monitors at 1680x1050 | Nvidia 7300 GS 256MB video RAM |500 GB Raid Mirror. | Windows 7 RC 7100 - all patches.
Here's a potential:
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
I believe that all files created by the user are in "Files" on the tool bar.
To delete the reading plan choose: "Files>reading plan>(choose the one to delete)right click>delete"
you probably have A TON of "new" files to delete in that list, "new syntax search" new visual filter" etc.
Nothing is deleted by default, everything is saved by default and crammed in one list....
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
To delete the reading plan choose: "Files>reading plan>(choose the one to delete)right click>delete"
Thanks Robert, I was just getting ready to post a screencast on the solution and I can't stand to waste it. :-)
6036.How To Delete a Reading Plan.swf">]
Logos: this is not good enough, there needs to be a delete button elsewhere also. And please, separate all these documents, don't dump them in the same bin.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Robert Pavich said:
you probably have A TON of "new" files to delete in that list
I was wondering about that. The list is not too onerous right now while everyone is just experimenting but is it going to become a daily cleanup ritual? What if I neglect it for, say, two months? Am I going to remember what all the titles are or refer to? It might be a HUGE help if, when the mouse pointer passes over each item, a popup window would appear with the first few lines of each entry ...
Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)
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tcblack said:
And please, separate all these documents, don't dump them in the same bin.
Actually I'd rather have them in one place with a way to filter just the ones I want, like they have it now. all i have to do is type "visual filter" and they are seperated. Better then trying to figure out 10 different places to go.
I think this is one of the big weaknesses of the prioritizing options, now way to filter out the list. They seem to have this option on everything else, but not the prioritized list of resources.