George Müller in Pentecostal/Charismatic christian group ?

Please, is someone can explain why George Müller is classified in Pentecostal/Charismatic (7) christian group ?|George+Müller
What is the proof of that ? I knew he was a Plymouth Brethren pastor but for what reasons can we say he was Pentecostal ? I read a part of his biography but I don't remember something about it.
Thanks for your lights! :-)
Of all the non-Pentecostal groups (i.e. Denominations & Fellowships) around the Plymouth Brethren have generally produced people who's emphasis have been a draw for Pentecostals. Muller emphasized faith in God and prayer heavily, and these are two of the mainstays in our theology and practicality. I think of more modern, albeit less well-known Plymouth Brethren like Dave Hunt and recognize that these men were often open to the gifts of the Spirit. I know many Plymouth Brethren, or men that trace their roots back to the Brethren, who are extremely sympathetic to Pentecostal theology. Another aspect of PB theology that tends to draw Pentecostals in is their eschatology over teh last 100+ years. We are extremely similar in that regard.
So while it may seem strange to some to include George Muller in the Pentecostal/Charismatic package here at Logos, I think it's entirely appropriate.
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I thank you very Much Gary for your answer. However, to "emphasize faith in God and prayer heavily" is not an exclusif sign of pentecostalism appartenance. Moreover, to be "extremely sympathetic to Pentecostal theology" don't signify to be IN Pentecostal/Charismatic christian group. ("Near" isn't "inside"). [:)]
So, I don't know why George Muller is in this group cause I don't have a proof mentioned in one of his writings. For the moment...
But I really thank you Gary for your answer. It shed light on the question for the Plymouth Brethren in general but not really for George Muller himself.0