P & C Silver download times?...

Greetings brothers and sisters!
Thinking about purchasing Silver this weekend. I'm limited to 10 GB of download band width a month by Hughes.net; live WAY in the country and there is no cable for streaming.
1) How does the downloading of the Silver work? I'm assuming you download the Logos 7 executable and then the books you're interested in download as you need them or does the ENTIRE package download after the executable is triggered?
2) Once download (or downloads) are complete everything is on my hard drive, right?...
3) How large is the entire download (considering a third hard-drive just for Logos...)?
God Bless,
Why not give Faithlife a call and see if they can send it to you on a flash drive?
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1) the initial download/install should give you everything you need to use logos. im assuming you are buying a base package with the library and feature set?
2) after your initial download your library and feature sets should work offline I'm not sure if Logos Now subscribers are affected offline, but I would venture to say they/we are not. You would only need access to the Internet to sync document files to mobile devices, download updates, and purchase and download new resources and features
3. Here's what their FAQ says about appx standard base package sizes. It might give you an approximation:
Page here: https://www.logos.com/faq
"What are the actual download sizes for each Logos Base Package?
Logos Base Packages download size varies depending on the package. You can estimate your download size using the approximations below.
Approximate Resource Download Size Per–Package:
- Starter 5.99 GB
- Bronze 7.89 GB
- Silver 8.71 GB
- Gold 9.98 GB
- Platinum 11.41 GB
- Diamond 13.29 GB
- Portfolio 14.79 GB
- Collector’s Edition 20.09 GB"
Where I live internet is slow, but it doesn't seem as bad as where you are at. If you've got a space, office, coffee shop, or church lobby with free, snappy wifi, it might be nice to grab a cup o Joe and download there for the initial install.
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro
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Oh! And welcome to the forums. dont hesitate to jump in and ask the community for help or just search and lurk to answers. This has been a tremendous help. You'll find people with an extensive and vast understanding of the software AND the resources provided that logos has available in its library.
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro
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Thanks Richard - g-r-e-a-t help! [:D]
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Mark DeYoung said:
1) How does the downloading of the Silver work? I'm assuming you download the Logos 7 executable and then the books you're interested in download as you need them or does the ENTIRE package download after the executable is triggered?
Just to make sure you understand on this one, the application downloads and installs. Once you start up the application all the resources (books, datasets etc) download to your computer so essentially its an entire download of the package. Resources do not wait to download until first use and there is no selective download of resources.
Mark DeYoung said:2) Once download (or downloads) are complete everything is on my hard drive, right?...
Almost everything is on you hard drive. The Atlas is an online resource that requires internet access, there are also some other features if you are a Logos Now Member such as the Bible Browser that require internet access. The P&C Sliver also contains a mobile ED couse: NT176: The Gospel Message in the Early Church. This course includes video lectures. You can choose to stream these videos to your computer or you can choose to download them. You can choose when you want to download them but it is essentially a case of downloading them all at once, you can't selectively download individual lectures
.3) How large is the entire download (considering a third hard-drive just for Logos...)?
TA rough guide as to size has already been provided by an earlier poster.
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Thank you DOC - great help!
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Thank you everyone for your help - I can see now I better NOT start the executable at work at 2:30 am!!
Will probably do it Sunday morning between 2 am & 7 am where I am allowed 20 GB of bandwidth with no penalty - should take a few hours.
Wish me luck,
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Mark from Rome, GA said:
Will probably do it Sunday morning between 2 am & 7 am where I am allowed 20 GB of bandwidth with no penalty - should take a few hours.
Welcome [:D]
If download has not completed at 7 am, one option is changing Automatic Download Updates to No and reboot computer. The resources that have downloaded can be indexed and used. Next week start downloading again at 2 am Sunday. When "Automatic Download Updates" is set to No, a notification circle appears with size to download (resources and program updates), which can be clicked to manually start downloading.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Keep Smiling For Him --> AHA!!... JUST what I was looking for; that helps 100%!! [;)]. Sounds like the install is sort of like Norton Anti-virus you can set it up for auto updates or when ***I*** am good and ready to update. Great help, guys...