Problems with Bible App 5.5.5 on Android 6 Tablet

PROBLEM 1: Cannot add text in a note
Reproduction Steps
1. Add or Edit a note
2. Type anything in the main body of a note
The letters appear as you type (as usual), but when space is pressed to type the next word, the word you just typed is erased and replaced with a space.
Expected Result:
The words you type would not be erased.
Other Info:
Typing works correctly in the title of the note.
If the predicted word (above the keyboard) is pressed, then the word is entered as expected.
If I turn off predictive text in my keyboard settings, then words are entered correctly and not erased.
This is not a problem I have in any of my other apps.
Also, Bible Notes work fine on my Android 5 Phone using version 5.4.6 (Build 504060160).
PROBLEM 2: Reading Plans do not show dates - only 'week 0', 'week 1', etc.
Reproduction Steps
1. Create a new Reading Plan
2. Join Plan on Tablet (if created elsewhere)
3. Go to Menu > Documents > Click Plan
Both the Overview and List Views show the dates as "Week 0", Week 1", etc. as opposed to showing the actual date for each.
Expected Result:
The Reading plan should show the actual date for each passage.
Other Info:
The Desktop version, iPhone version, and version 5.4.6 on my Android 5 Phone all correctly show the actual dates on the same reading plan (it is a shared plan thru a faithlife group).
I also created a new reading plan on this Tablet, to read by myself, using the NIV84 Bible (above plan used NASB95) and got the same results:
Same Plan on my Android 5 Phone (Bible Version 5.4.6):
Detailed Device Information
- Asus P00A P00A_2 - ZenPad Z380M-A2-GR
Detailed Android version
- Android 6.0
Faithlife App name and version
- Bible 5.5.5 (Build 505051310)
The Resource you are using (if applicable)
- Any Bible (tested with NASB95 & NIV84)
Thanks for reports. The second issue appears to be a regression so I've reopened that case. Regarding the first issue, have you tried a different keyboard (like the Google keyboard)? We've occasionally seen keyboard related issues when a vendor specific keyboard is being used.
In the future please try to create a new thread for each bug report. From : "One bug, one thread (this makes it easier to link your thread to our bug tracking system)."
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Thanks for your prompt reply Kevin,
Looking forward to having the reading plan dates put back, in the mean time I'll make sure I don't let my phone update the Bible app.
I installed the Google Keyboard and it does work, no problems! I still hope you all will be able to fix the problem with the Asus Keyboard though so I can go back to using it.
Also, next time I'll post separate issues in separate threads, sorry about that.
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:
Thanks for reports. The second issue appears to be a regression so I've reopened that case. Regarding the first issue, have you tried a different keyboard (like the Google keyboard)? We've occasionally seen keyboard related issues when a vendor specific keyboard is being used.
Still a problem with newest version 5.6.2
Any progress on either of these issues?
- Unable to add words in notes with Asus Zen Keyboard.
- No dates in reading plan
Note editing is now worse, no matter what I do your app erases the words I type, even with predictive word off. Just reiterating... no other apps have any problems typing words with the Zen keyboard. This is an issue with your app not my keyboard.
The lack of a date in reading plan does appear to be an android 6 issue, as I updated my android 5 phone to Bible 5.6.2 and it does not exhibit this behavior.
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BillW said:
Note editing is now worse, no matter what I do your app erases the words I type, even with predictive word off. Just reiterating... no other apps have any problems typing words with the Zen keyboard. This is an issue with your app not my keyboard.
A case already exists, and the current workaround is to use the Google keyboard. We don't give ETA's or progress reports on which bugs we're working on.
BillW said:The lack of a date in reading plan does appear to be an android 6 issue, as I updated my android 5 phone to Bible 5.6.2 and it does not exhibit this behavior.
As mentioned above, a case already exists for this one. When it's fixed it will be mentioned in the release notes.
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Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:BillW said:
Note editing is now worse, no matter what I do your app erases the words I type, even with predictive word off. Just reiterating... no other apps have any problems typing words with the Zen keyboard. This is an issue with your app not my keyboard.
A case already exists, and the current workaround is to use the Google keyboard. We don't give ETA's or progress reports on which bugs we're working on.
Ok, glad a case has been opened on this - you didn't mention this before. Look forward to this being fixed someday.
Kevin Byford (Faithlife) said:BillW said:The lack of a date in reading plan does appear to be an android 6 issue, as I updated my android 5 phone to Bible 5.6.2 and it does not exhibit this behavior.
As mentioned above, a case already exists for this one. When it's fixed it will be mentioned in the release notes.
I thought it would be helpful to confirm that this is a problem specific to android 6. But if not, ok.
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Just wanted to post something to let you know dates in reading plans are still showing weeks instead of the actual date (in android 6). This was reported back in September - 4 MONTHS AGO!
It is the kind of issue thatnever should have made it through beta and yet it's still not fixed after 4 months.
Is anyone actually going to do anything to address this???0 -
Hi Bill,
I'm Daniel, and I'm the mobile apps product manager. My job is to make sure that we're working on the right things so that we're delivering the best experience to the most amount of people.
Thanks a lot for your feedback-- I know this issue must be frustrating to you. I want you to know that it's in the queue. We have a limited number of developers and we have to allocate their time towards things that impact the most amount of users.
For example, in the last 6 months, we've reduced the number of crashes in the Android app by 50%.
We appreciate you taking time to share a detailed bug report-- please know that it hasn't gotten lost in the ether-- and that we'll work on it as soon as it makes sense.
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Thank you so much for your reply!
I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to your customers. I understand you have serious issues to address and that you've made good progress on that front. I have to say, however, I'm not too encouraged with your final comment, that you will work on it "as soon as it makes sense". So, I have some feedback I hope you will consider...
As you continue to evaluate and prioritize which bugs to work on, in what order, I'd like to suggest you take into consideration more than just a simple Pareto Analysis (as it seems you are doing). Surely you are also factoring in the severity of the issues along with numbers affected, but I'd strongly encourage you to also assess the PROBABLE TIME REQUIRED to fix each issue and factor this in as well. If something appears like it should be a relatively quick fix (such as this bug, for example!), move it up in the priority even if there are other more complex problems which affect a larger number of your customers. In this way you will fix a greater number of issues and not allow a multitude of 'smaller' issues to continue proliferating - which just makes you guys look bad and frustrates your long time loyal customers (like me).
Fundamental to the problem is this: The development team seems to have prioritized 'new features' over 'quality'! In an apparent effort to rush out new features, you guys keep introducing new bugs (or re-introducing old ones, as in this case) - in fact I'm just about to report yet another one today! I love new features and look forward to them, but not at the expense of reliability or the failure of a previously introduced feature that I have come to rely upon - that is just frustrating. When a bug like this one comes up - a really basic issue that absolutely should not have made it past beta testing - it serves a testimony against your level of quality assurance and makes it appear as if you don't really value your customer base, or that you are simply incapable of producing a reliable product (I don't think either is true, but this is the message you are sending). If the company continues in this way you will earn yourselves a poor reputation and will frustrate your customer base - no company can survive this very long.
As it is, when someone asks me about my Bible software, I always have to admit frustration at the mobile product (which I use most of the time) and must give a caveat about what ever the issue is at the time I must put up with - there's usually at least one thing that doesn't work correctly (or at all) - right now there are three! One of these has a work-around so isn't that important, but the other 2 both seriously cripple the associated feature (reading plans and notes)! That's really poor and makes the software very frustrating to work with and much less usable. I understand bugs occur, but really after 4 months this one should have already been addressed (in fact, never should have made it into the production version)!
I really do love so much about this software, it is great in so many ways and I have come to rely upon it for many years now. I just hope the company will not allow these issues to ruin it. I look forward to the day when I can once again whole hardheartedly recommend it (I sincerely hope that day will come)!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and consider my input.
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Thanks for taking time to share some specific, helpful feedback. I've shared it with our team. Have a great week!
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Ok, thanks for passing this on. I do hope someone will actually listen, so you guys won't allow a multitude of 'small' (yet frustrating) bugs to ruin an otherwise fantastic product. Looking forward to the day these issues are fixed!
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I see that the issue with reading plan date has now been fixed! Wow thanks, it's really nice to (once again) be able to use the reading plan on my android tablet without having to refer to another device to find my place.
Looking forward to the day you guys will fix the problem we've had with notes since last August (mentioned here: and here: