Russell Burrill's Works? Are the Available?

Martin, I'm looking for the works of Russell Burrill - will any of the list below be available in an SDA Package?
The Revolutionized Church Of The 21st Century
The Revolutionized Church Of The 21st Century (Spanish)
Revolution In The Church
Reaping The Harvest
Radical Disciples (Spanish)
Waking The Dead: Returning Plateaued And Declining Churches To Vibrancy
How To Grow An Adventist Church
Adventist Evangelistic Preaching
Hope When The World Falls Apart
It seems to me that we collectively had more focus on small groups, team work, and spiritual gift based churches a decade or two ago. Russell Burrill's books are important. Would be great to have them in Logos.
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were you the one who said he had some of these works in Personal Books. I own several copies in hard copy....