SMITHSON, Noble, lawyer; born Nolensville Williamson Co., Tenn., Dec. 7, 1841; son of John Green and Ann Vaughan (Ladd) SMITHSON, English, Scotch descent; educated Institutions of learning in Williamson Co., Tenn.; married Alice Josephine PATTERSON in 1865; member of Masons, K. T. (Couer de Lion), K. of P.; was attorney-general 11th District of Tenn., from 1866 to 1868; State Senator from Giles and adjacent counties 1872073; admitted to bar in 1866 in Pulaski, Tenn.; practiced there and in adjacent counties until 1888 when he moved to Birmingham, Ala.; where he remained until 1893; removed to Knoxville, Tenn., in 1896 and has practiced law since; stockholder in various corporations in Knoxville and former president of National Bank of Pulaski; author of “Smithson’s Civil Procedures in Tenn.;” author of “Count Imola,” a fictional work, and “Judge Ladd,” a novel dealing with the divorce question; early business that of farmer boy; he is also author of Smithson’s Theory of Special Creation, which maintains that each animal and plant is a direct and special creation by a Supernatural Creative Force; member Methodist church, South
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Source: Gutenberg
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
Thanks for sharing Dominic. Interesting topic.
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