Files section/Personal Books
Has the "Files" section and the ability to share Personal Books" been deleted? Since last I was here, it seems to have disappeared. Has it been removed or put in a new location? I will be quite distressed if it has been removed. Cal H.
What criteria for “Files” tag?
This morning I came across a post in the English forum where someone noted that a particular post should have been tagged with “files”. Would someone explain to me what content falls under this tag?
Instructions to create PB from OliveTree notes
I'm still fairly new to Logos. I'm a layperson who just loves to study God's word with the most advanced software I can afford. After using OliveTree for many years I started wondering if there might be an even more enjoyable bible software out there. That's why I started using Logos and I love it very much! The biggest…
Macro (or auto-format) Help
Does anyone know where I can learn more (or how to) create a Macro (I think that is its name) or some type of auto-replace for making my own personal book for a Bible? Essentially, I'm trying to reproduce the bible text for my Chronological Application Bible since Logos refuses to carry the actual Bible text. I've been…
Polish Bibles - User Contributed Personal Books
Since Poland does not have its own separate category in the forum, so - following the example of others - I am posting in the English forum. My dear friends, I am posting below (as User Contributed Personal Books) Polish Bibles: - The Warsaw Bible (Biblia Warszawska) - Updated Gdansk Bible (Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska)…
United Bible Societies Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew
This Personal Book contains the Hebrew-English Dictionary of the United Bible Societies, which has been released with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/), so this text has the same licence. The data files that I have converted to the docx…
List of New Testament Hapax Legomena
Here's a list of NT hapax legomena generated from Logos 5, with a bit of manipulating in Excel. The document contains two lists, one in Scripture order, and one in alphabetical order. (There's also a version for the Hebrew Bible.) 3465.Hapax Legomena.docx This is an updated file, which includes some corrections, and adds…
Scripture Index to Keller's Sermons (fully functional)
I've built a Scripture Index to Keller's Sermons. The difference between this index and the one that is included at the end of the Logos resource is that this Personal Book has all the correct markup that allows it to be compiled as a commentary and show up in the Passage Guide, or to scroll with a Bible. 8228.Scripture…
Index of Bible Studies
This is a new version of the Index of Bible Studies in Logos. This file contains links to sermons, meditations, outlines, journal articles, Bible study guides, non versified commentaries, and more that do not appear in the Passage Guide. (Exception: some sermons now appear in the Passage Guide, but did not when I started,…
Index of Bible Studies
Several weeks ago I started making an index of Bible studies in Logos: sermons, meditations, outlines, commentaries that are not marked as commentaries, etc. - anything that would not show up easily in the passage guide. The attached file can be compiled as a Personal Book in Logos. The aims are to help me when I prepare…
[PB] Moravian Daily Texts / Watchwords 2025
Some of you may have heard about the small daily lectionary called Daily Texts, Moravian Texts, or Daily Watchwords, in German "Die Losungen" - at least from my yearly posts in this forum. This small lectionary consists of a daily Old Testament verse (randomly drawn from a pool of verses) and a New Testament verse put…
How to convert multiple notes i.e. quotations from books to clippings and maintaining the references
How can I convert multiple notes (i.e. quotations from books) to clippings? I need to maintain the references and don't want to reselect every single note and clicking the clippings shortcut.
Why is "Workflows" files not in "Documents"?
I have wondered for a long time why Workflow files are not listed in "Documents"??? It would seems logical to me that they would be listed and I think would be easier to find as someone like me goes to "Documents" for that reason…. 😎
Why not combine Sermon Builder and Workflows?
I know, I know, I'm dreaming again… but… Instead of creating more "features" that produce more and different files like Passage Lists, Sermon Builder, Bible Study Builder, Workflows, etc… How about adding "slides" and a bit of formatting to Workflows and getting rid of Sermon Builder? It seems with all these "features"…
Attention Church of England Anglicans: 2024-25 Almanac and Lectionary Personal Book
I've taken some freely available data and created a Word document to help you build your own 2024-25 Church of England Almanac and Lectionary personal book. This year, I've enhanced the table of contents and made some formatting tweaks to make the book even more user-friendly. If someone wants to turn this into a complete…
This is posted for historic and reference only, I post because I found it after bumping into a !flat-eather" last week, didn't realise they still existed there are a few times he references the bible, but most of his reasoning science has since disproved, so that said it may only provide some of you with comedic value.…
Patrologia Latina - Complete - Personal Book
Hello everyone. Was searching around the internet last night, and came across a wonderful resource. It is the Patrologia Latina, in what appears to be perfect formatting. The files are broken up into 8-10 volume sections. I tested the largest volume in the collection (180) and it uploaded fine. It had a few warnings, but…
Logos API and integration to other apps
I usually take notes in Obsidian, my sermons, classes and notes are all in there in a beautiful system. I also use Zotero for adding citations and I prefer there as not only journals, but websites, books, blogs are all catalogued for years. However, after I bought Logos I have been wondering how would it be amazing if I…
Hi, I found an interesting Link ...
Hi folks, enjoy! http://www.ntslibrary.com Hermann, Cologne
Coming Events and Present Duties
This is a hard-to-find-in-print work by J.C. Ryle, a Covenantal Reformed theologian of historic premillenial persuasion with a futuristic view of Israel as a nation and prophetic OT passages of Israel, while neither ascribing to dispensationalism or supersessionism. He argues in the last 2 chapters that "Israel" has not…
Huge encyclopaedia: The Dictionary of Christianity and the Bible
With the help of Wikipedia, I've created the Logos' largest encyclopaedia. It has nearly 18,000 articles and 25 million words, making it three times bigger than even the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary. If it was in print form, it would probably fill nineteen 1,000-page volumes. All the articles in the dictionary come…
Parasha Lectionary 5785
A New Year already. Bereshit was yesterday (NZT). 3000.Parashah Lectionary 5785 (2024-2025).docx
Thai Standard Version 2011
This should be ready to be added as a personal book Bible with all verses and books marked as milestones so it will work in parallel resources, etc. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhtlfladmzn6nrx/THSV11%20for%20logos.docx?dl=0
Book: Questions on Mathew by E.M. Zerr
Many of you are familiar with the E.M Zerr Commentary Files (.docx) that have been posted in the Files section of the LOGOS Forum for the Desktop PC. But, are you familiar with the 16,000 plus New Testament Questions by E.M. Zerr. I have posted them online on my website (see the Link below) Each New Testament book has it's…
The Life of Rev. David Brainerd, Chiefly Extracted from His Diary (Gutenberg)
Quick download, reformat (headings), imported into Logos reasonably well. It could probably stand some improvement. Source: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/65066 Summary"The Life of Rev. David Brainerd, Chiefly Extracted from His Diary" by David Brainerd is a historical account written in the early 18th century. This work…
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards (Gutenberg)
I didn't see it listed in the Wiki, so I did a quick reformat (headings) and conversion for Logos. It seems to import reasonably well. Source: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/34632 Summary"Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards" by Jonathan Edwards is a collection of religious sermons written in the early 18th century. This…
Complete Listing: Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies (formerly JSOT Supplement Series)
I've put together a complete list of the LHB/OTS Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies) series, formerly known as the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (JSOT) Supplement Series (aka JSOTSup or JSOTS). These are fine academic monographs about various exegetical, hermeneutical, text critical, historical,…
transferring bibliographic information into RefWorks citation manager
Hello, not sure if this will be of any help, but I found a way to export bibliographic info into RefWorks from Logos if anyone is using it as a citation manager for their college papers. Unfortunately I could not figure out how to do so directly, (if anyone knows please help!) so this is a bit of a workaround using another…
NEW: Word Search Puzzles for Matthew, Mark, Luke,John and Acts (c)2024 by Mark Johns
Now this is one that was a real challenge. To get it to look right and fit within the confines of the LOGOS panel. These books should be compiled together in the BOOK BUILDER as a Bible Commentary, and not as a Monograph, the reason being that I inserted Bible Milestones for use with any translation of the Bible. Of…
New Book: The General Epistles (c)1918 by Charles R. Erdman
EXPOSITION ON THE GENERAL EPISTLES (c)1918 by Charles R. Erdman I believe that this was also revised about 1925, but not sure if there is much difference. This is the original 1918 version. Couldn't find this one on Logos, so here it is below. Logos has Erdman's works on most of the New Testament, but not this one. This…
Personal Books: Does anyone share their own books?
I notice a lot of resources converted to PB but, except for the templates, they all seem to be public domain. I'm just wondering if anyone publishes their own work or if maybe there is a rule against it? Shabbat Shalom
Green's Literal Version (LitV / KJ3)
I have created a personal book file for Jay Green's Literal Bible translation, which was requested as a Logos edition in this thread. I decided it was more appropriate to put it in the Files subforum. A much older thread is also related. I believe I am in compliance with the owner's policy for downloading and…
Chronological Bible, one year reading plan
Following Morris' post on how to Simulate a Chronological Bible, I thought it might be useful to have a proper Chronological Bible in Logos. So here's a Personal Book that uses dynamic text give you your very own chronological Bible in your favourite Bible version. If you compile it has a Bible Harmony you'll even have a…
New Book: A Historical Introduction to the New Testament by Robert M. Grant
Currently, this book is not available for LOGOS. I did notice that there is an introduction to the Bible by Grant that is in production. Anyway, this book is different. There were some minor errors/mistakes, but this book compiles just fine. I did have some formatting issues in some of the chapters on the Gospels, so if…
Complete Index to Spurgeon's Sermons (Logos Edition)
By popular demand, here's an updated version of my Complete Index to Spurgeon's Sermons. To use it, you need to compile it as a personal book. This version works with the Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection, produced by Logos. The file contains three indexes - a scripture index, an alphabetical index, and one organised by…
NEW: Sixty-Six Bible Commentary Templates
Here are the individual Books (all 66) of the Bible, just right for use to create your own individual Verse-by-Verse Commentaries. Be sure you save and Keep these for future use. I decided to burn mine to a CD/DVD as well as save to my Hard Drive and a spare Flash Drive/Memory Card, etc.... Each file, of course, has the…
PB First Principles - Herbert Spencer
This is a secular academic (I believe), paper. I'm uploading for philosophy and apologetics students to use. Spencer says the three requirements for the universe are time, space and matter. Apologists have compared his statement to Genesis and point out the time, space, and matter in the creation. I believe this paper will…
Reese Chronological Bible
Here is a copy of the Reese Chronological Bible verses taken from the Web. You can run this as a lectionary. 7450.Reese Chronological Bible.docx Here is the Picture
Complete Listing: Library of New Testament Studies (formerly JSNT Supplement Series)
I've put together a complete list of the LNTS (Library of New Testament Studies) series, formerly known as the Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT) Supplement Series (aka JSNTSup or JSNTS). These are fine academic monographs about various exegetical, hermeneutical, text critical, historical, sociological,…
PB-Denver Seminary Annotated Bibliographies/Recommendations
These are the files for the Denver Seminary Annotated Bibliographies/Recommendations. Links are either to the book in Logos, or in the case of a book in Pre-publication, it will link to the cheapest way to order that book on Pre-pub. Books without links are not available in Logos now or on Pre-pub. I will keep this thread…
New Restoration Book by C. C. Crawford [Under Construction]
I try not to "jump the gun," so to speak, when posting a book, etc... but have to share this with Logos users who are interested in the Restoration Movement. The following is an 19-chapter work (about 340 pages I suppose) by C. C. Crawford. He wrote many books, especially some fantastic Bible Study Textbook Commentaries…
New: Restoration Movement Commentary on the Book of Romans
Created this compact commentary (approx. 110 pages) from notes by a Christian Church preacher. Compliments an earlier commentary I created with commentary by R.C. Bell, Moses Lard, and others. If I had had these notes at the time, I would have added these to that commentary. Anyway, I used the Commentary Template for…
New Testament Wordsearch Puzzles Completed and Revised for all 27 Books.
The Wordsearch Puzzles I have been working on are now complete for LOGOS. In fact, I went back and deleted the Copyright statement from the name of each book as it was distracting to me when viewed in the sidebar. Here they are: totally revamped, re-edited, revised. Compile in the following order and create as a Bible…
New: Wordsearch Puzzles for Philippians thru 2nd Timothy by Mark Johns
Here are Wordsearch Puzzles for Philippians thru 2nd Timothy. 11-Philippians-Wordsearch.docx 12-Colossians-Wordsearch.docx 13-1Thessalonians-Wordsearch.docx 14-2Thessalonians-Wordsearch.docx 15-1Timothy-Wordsearch.docx 16-2Timothy-Wordsearch.docx Please consider the following information: (1) Format/Compile these six files…
NEW: Wordsearch Puzzles for Romans thru Ephesians by Mark Johns
Just finished the book of Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, and Ephesians Wordsearch Puzzles: 06-Romans-Wordsearch.docx 07-1Corinthians-Wordsearch.docx 08-2Corinthians-Wordsearch.docx 09-Galatians-Wordsearch.docx 10-Ephesians-Wordsearch.docx Here are the other book files in this series: 01-Matthew-Wordsearch.docx…
New Book: Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations (c)1899 by A.H. Sayce
Here is a nice book of archaeological significance - (c)1899 by A. H. Sayce. It is about Ancient Israel and it's enemy neighbors, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, etc.. Includes some Translations of Ancient Sumerian and Babylonian Tablets that include their versions of the Creation and the Great Flood from Genesis. This book had…
New Book: Assyria - It's Princes, Priests and People (c)1885 by A.H. Sayce
Small book with a lot of information about ancient Assyria. (c)1885 by A.H. Sayce. Below the Link is: (1) Title Page and (2) Table of Contents. Has some nice pictures. ASSYRIA - Sayce.docx ASSYRIA ITS PRINCES, PRIESTS, AND PEOPLE By A. H. SAYCE, M.A. DEPUTY PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY, OXFORD, HON. LL.D. DUBLIN,…
New Book: Fresh Light From The Ancient Monuments - (c)1884 by A.H. Sayce
This interesting book features a sketch of the most striking confirmatiions of the Bible, from discoveries in Egypt, Assyria, Asia Minor, Palestine, and Babylonia. (c)1884 by A.H. Sayce. FRESH LIGHT FROM THE ANCIENT MONUMENTS - Sayce.docx Mark https://djmarko53.wixsite.com/churchbooks https://djmarko.wixsige.com/logos
New Book: The Diseases of the Bible (c)1891 by Sir Risdon Bennett, M.D.
Here is a nice little book with a lot of information about the various diseases of the Bible by a Medical Doctor (c)1891 by Sir Risdon Bennett, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. Has Seven chapters, plus and Appendix and Notes. Nicely done.... Will generate some errors, I believe most likely due to some Hebrew characters within the text.…
The Hittites: A Forgotten Empire (c)1890 by H.A. Sayce
A.H. Sayce's 'The Hittites' delves into the history and culture of the ancient Hittite civilization, examining their language, art, and religious beliefs. Written in a scholarly yet engaging style, Sayce presents a comprehensive overview of the Hittites, placing them within the wider context of the ancient Near East.…