Which Baptist titles should be compulsory besides The Holy Bible?

JoshInRI Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Curious what Baptists out there think should be the books (apart from The Bible) that a hopeful conservative Bible-believing, God-honoring, future Baptist pastor should read before leaving Seminary and working as a full time pastor or part-time associate pastor?

I lean toward Southern Baptist despite living in Rhode Island.  I aim to move wherever and whenever God calls my wife and I to a church seeking a full time pastor.  I confess in school I did take Church History but nothing that reviewed and studied the distinctives of the Baptist tradition.


  • Ergatees
    Ergatees Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Here is a helpful book:

    Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches, A Contemporary Ecclesiology (2005)

    by John S. Hammett

    Kregel Ministry

    It gives a good review of different denominational distinctives and practices. It is also a good historical survey of ideas.


  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 4,880 ✭✭✭

    The Baptist Heritage: Four Centuries of Baptist Witness

    A Sourcebook for Baptist Heritage



    JoshInRI said:

    Curious what Baptists out there think should be the books (apart from The Bible) that a hopeful conservative Bible-believing, God-honoring, future Baptist pastor should read before leaving Seminary and working as a full time pastor or part-time associate pastor?

    I lean toward Southern Baptist despite living in Rhode Island.  I aim to move wherever and whenever God calls my wife and I to a church seeking a full time pastor.  I confess in school I did take Church History but nothing that reviewed and studied the distinctives of the Baptist tradition.

  • JoshInRI
    JoshInRI Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭