NASB in Paragraph Format



  • Tony Baldarelli
    Tony Baldarelli Member Posts: 15

    How do I disable paragraph format?  I have read verse by verse format for 30+ years with no problems and so have gotten quite used to it.  I especially want to disable paragraph format on my mobile devices.  If this ability is not there, please add it ASAP.  This was quite a shock this morning, a very unpleasant shock.  I understand people like paragraph format, so I guess I am ok with it being the default, just want the ability to change it back to what I have been using to for the past 30 years.  Thanks.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,840

    Hi Tony

    To enable verse per line mode on your mobile device you need to set it as one of the Bible Text Only options under View Settings for the resource (accessed by tapping on the Aa icon)

    Similar on the desktop - click the "three circles" icon and set as required

  • (‾◡◝)
    (‾◡◝) Member Posts: 926 ✭✭✭

    Verse by verse?  Paragraph?  How about just good ol' Greek papyrus format?

    butnowapartfromthelawtherighteousnessofgodhasbeenmanifestedbeingwitnessedby thelawandtheprophetseventherighteousnessofgodthroughfaithinjesuschristforallthos ewhobelieveforthereisnodistinctionforallhavesinnedandfallshortofthegloryofgodbeing justifiedasagiftbyhisgracethroughtheredemptionwhichisinchristjesuswhomgoddispla yedpubliclyasapropitiationinhisbloodthroughfaiththiswastodemonstratehisrighteousn essbecauseintheforbearanceofgodhepassedoverthesinspreviouslycommittedforthed emonstrationisayofhisrighteousnessatthepresenttimesothathewouldbejustandthejus tifieroftheonewhohasfaithinjesusxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    After all, if it was good enough for the Apostle, it's good enough for me.  [;)]

    Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)

  • Michael S.
    Michael S. Member Posts: 674

    JRS said:

    Verse by verse?  Paragraph?  How about just good ol' Greek papyrus format?

    Or how about Uncial- 


    Too funny!  I laughed out loud!  But would be an interesting feature to have none the less.  Ha!

  • (‾◡◝)
    (‾◡◝) Member Posts: 926 ✭✭✭

    But would be an interesting feature to have none the less.

    Interesting thought.  If such a volume were to be produced, just think of how much genuine exegesis would have to be accomplished by even the most casual Bible reader!

    Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)

  • Michael S.
    Michael S. Member Posts: 674

    JRS said:

    Interesting thought.  If such a volume were to be produced,... 

    I don't think a separate volume would need to be produced, just a format option for existing Bibles.  Really, it just removes the spaces, punctuation and for uncials, capitalizes everything.  Not sure the usefulness of it, but still interesting...especially if it were like an interlinear feature.

  • (‾◡◝)
    (‾◡◝) Member Posts: 926 ✭✭✭

    Not sure the usefulness of it

    Imagine a group bible study.  "We have received a letter directly from the Apostle Paul but before we can even begin to understand the meaning of it, we must first determine what exactly he wrote.  You are not allowed to refer to any 'regular' English texts as we, as a group, discuss/determine what the words are, where the sentences begin and end, where commas should go, and where the paragraphs begin and end."  If you have genuinely interested students, the discussions could get rather interesting.

    It's quite possible that is exactly what Paul instructed Timothy about in I Tim 4.13 -   "Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching."  In other words, one couldn't simply stand up and directly read on first sight, some preliminary exegetical work had to be done to determine what had been written ... followed by more exegetical work to determine what it meant.

    Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,519

    Mattillo said:

    When will this hit mobile?

    It is now. If you have it downloaded, you may need to delete the resource first. 

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  • Alex Scott
    Alex Scott Member Posts: 718

    Wonderful!!!  Was it really necessary to screw the rest of us so that a few can be satisfied????  Now I go to use my NASB95 this morning and all the settings have been changed without my OK, everything is in paragraph format when I want verse format, after much playing around with settings I can sort of get things where I want it but without appropriate chapter settings.  To further make things worse after starting things up this morning it took more that two minutes even to get highlighting to work.  I am so fed up with this program I wish I'd never bought into it years ago!!!

    Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,803

    Faithlife, please do some more work on this change. Here is what my passage in Psalms looks like now:

    There is no heading over the psalm so I can quickly scan and find the Psalm I'm looking at. This is NOT what we had before. Just little chapter numbers along the side. I've previously pointed out other issues.

    If you cannot produce a verse oriented resource that matches what we had while still allowing paragraph format, I'd like my old resource back, please. (Yes, I know you'd have to produce a separate resource to do this, but this is not what I want, and don't think I should have to accept it.)

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,233

    We're looking into improvements to the visual filter.

    This wasn't a change that came out of nowhere. NASB95 has been a tricky Bible for years.

    When it was in a one verse/one line format it bothered the people who preferred the paragraph formatting. As an aid for those who preferred the one verse/one line it was formatted with bold verse indicators and/or first words of a new line to indicate paragraphs. This also received numerous complaints and typo reports.

    As a compromise we converted it to the paragraph styling. Those who preferred paragraphs now could read with paragraphs and those who preferred one verse/one line could use the visual filter. To us, this seemed an agreeable mediating position.

    It appears this exposed some weaknesses with the visual filter that we're addressing.

  • Frank Payne
    Frank Payne Member Posts: 12

    As of today, that visual filter seems to be missing. Due to my personal not taking i prefer the verse by verse format. Fooled around for over an hour thinking I had accidentally changed it until I gave up and looked here to find it was NOT changed by me.

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,803

    It appears this exposed some weaknesses with the visual filter that we're addressing.

    Thank you, Kyle.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,519

    As of today, that visual filter seems to be missing.

    • Click on the visual filter menu for the NASB (three circles icon)
    • Click on the carrot/arrow for "Bible text only"
    • Check "one verse per line"

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Alex Scott
    Alex Scott Member Posts: 718

    alabama24 said:

    As of today, that visual filter seems to be missing.

    • Click on the visual filter menu for the NASB (three circles icon)
    • Click on the carrot/arrow for "Bible text only"
    • Check "one verse per line"

    Oh - tried that did you?  And that got the NSAB back to the previous format did it?  I think not.  Either no chapter headings, or unwanted spaces between verses, different numbering formats.  All so that a few complainers who prefer a different format can be accommodated at the expense of the rest of us who liked what we had.  Gee - thanks a lot Logos.

    Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.

  • Gary Crossman
    Gary Crossman Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I received the latest update of NASB95 today and it is in the paragraph format.  I happen to prefer the verse form, but it will not go back to it.  When I click on verse option it stays paragraph.  It would be nice to have both formats work.  Thank you.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,519

    Oh - tried that did you? 

    No reason to be disrespectful. I am not here to promote, defend, or attack any view. The user wanted to know how to use the visual filter. I told him. That is all. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,519

    When I click on verse option it stays paragraph.

    It may be helpful for you to create a new thread in the platform specific forum. L7 (windows/Mac)? You should post a screenshot of your visual filter menu. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Willie
    Willie Member Posts: 181 ✭✭

    It appears this exposed some weaknesses with the visual filter that we're addressing.

    Thanks Kyle for replying to our concerns.  I am another customer who was extremely disappointed to see the publisher’s original verse format removed from the program.  

    To repeat what has previously been expressed in this thread, the new visual filter significantly differs from the publisher’s original verse format in the following ways:

    (1) It primarily uses double spacing between verses (with occasional inconsistent appearances of single spacing).  (2) It uses single spacing above and below pericope titles which creates a cluttered appearance.  (3) Chapter number headings have been removed with appropriate spacing above and below them.  (4)  All verse numbers are bolded instead of just those which begin a new paragraph. 

    What has not yet been mentioned is the change to a default paragraph format also created a problem with the Copy Bible Verses tool.  The publisher's original verse format was removed as a Copy Bible Verses style choice.  The Print/Export feature was also affected since this is only able to print or export what is viewable on the screen (the flawed visual filter view or paragraph format).


    I believe the best and simplest long term solution might be to make the Lockman Foundation's original NASB verse format available as a separate resource for purchase.  I spoke to a Lockman Foundation representative yesterday who told me since they have provided both formats to Faithlife, they would have no objections if Faithlife decides to sell the verse format and the paragraph format as separate resources.  This would ensure that everything (default verse formatting, Copy Bible Verses style, and Print/Export documents) appear exactly as before should a customer purchase the verse formatted version. 

    One of the reasons I suggest this is while I remain hopeful the visual filter adjustments will be successful, I am fearful the final results may still not reflect the original publisher’s verse format that we had before (one verse per line, consistent single spacing between verses, double spacing above and below pericope titles, chapter number headings with appropriate spacing above and below, and verse numbers beginning a new paragraph bolded with all other verse numbers unbolded).  I also wonder whether or not the Copy Bible Verses style issue will be addressed.  

    I have just about completed drafting a UserVoice suggestion to make the Lockman Foundation's original NASB verse format available as a separate resource for purchase, but since Faithlife is working on the visual filter problems and hopefully the Copy Bible Verses tool issue I might wait a little bit to submit that.

    Final thoughts: 

    The many of us who prefer and depended upon the publisher’s original verse format are just as passionate as those who prefer the paragraph format.  Faithlife just never heard from us before because there was nothing to complain about.  We were completely satisfied.  Therefore, I respectfully suggest it would have been a mistake to interpret our silence as an indication of there being any less customer demand for verse formatting.

    With that said, I don’t understand why this needs to be an either/or decision.  The publisher has provided Faithlife with both verse and paragraph formatting and their approval to use them however Faithlife sees fit.  Perhaps it’s possible to design a user controlled option to change the NASB’s default formatting between verse and paragraph without having to rely on an imperfect visual filter.  However, without also addressing the Copy Bible Verses tool issue this would be an incomplete resolution. 

    In the final analysis, it may be simpler and certainly more profitable for Faithlife to just offer the Lockman Foundation’s NASB verse and paragraph formats as separate resources for purchase.

  • Alex Scott
    Alex Scott Member Posts: 718

    We're looking into improvements to the visual filter.

    This wasn't a change that came out of nowhere. NASB95 has been a tricky Bible for years.

    When it was in a one verse/one line format it bothered the people who preferred the paragraph formatting. As an aid for those who preferred the one verse/one line it was formatted with bold verse indicators and/or first words of a new line to indicate paragraphs. This also received numerous complaints and typo reports.

    As a compromise we converted it to the paragraph styling. Those who preferred paragraphs now could read with paragraphs and those who preferred one verse/one line could use the visual filter. To us, this seemed an agreeable mediating position.

    It appears this exposed some weaknesses with the visual filter that we're addressing.

    Since you're so keen on catering to the paragraph format people, why don't you so a separate resource for them and leave the NASB95 as it was for the rest of us.  Did you expect that those of us who prefer the verse format as it has been for years would constantly make comments about how much we liked it, and that our silence meant we didn't care???  Then as usual Logos makes changes and doesn't properly test them as usual.  Makes you wonder about the competency of those behind this.

    Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.

  • Alex Scott
    Alex Scott Member Posts: 718

    I received the latest update of NASB95 today and it is in the paragraph format.  I happen to prefer the verse form, but it will not go back to it.  When I click on verse option it stays paragraph.  It would be nice to have both formats work.  Thank you.

    You can get back to a semblance of the original if you're prepared to spend enough time experimenting and to jump through enough hoops.  Under the visual filters, click 'Bible Text Only', and under that, click on 'Bible text formatting', 'Chapter/Verse numbers', 'Non-Bible text' and 'One verse per line'.  That will get a lot of it back.  Of course you won't get the chapter titles, there are no paragraph markers, and if you've highlighted any verse numbers you'll find they're all messed up too.  Oh yeah, and you'll probably have to do the NT and the OT separately.

    Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.

  • Tony Baldarelli
    Tony Baldarelli Member Posts: 15

    Thanks, Graham, that helped some.

    That said, I agree with others in this list.  It does not look at all like the original NASB95 at all.  What really should have been done is to keep the original formatting, and add a "paragraph" formatting, or add another resource.  Don't know about anyone else, but I like the print Bible formatting exactly as it is.

    Also, have NASB print Bibles changed to paragraph formatting?  I just checked iBook, biblegateway, and a few others, and they all have paragraph format, so I suppose it is possible the print version has changed as well.  Was just curious, as I have not had to look for a new print Bible in a long time.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,840

    Oh yeah, and you'll probably have to do the NT and the OT separately.

    No - as it is a single resource the visual filter settings apply throughout it

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,840

    Thanks, Graham, that helped some.

    That said, I agree with others in this list.  It does not look at all like the original NASB95 at all.

    Totally understand.

    I wasn't suggesting this would restore things to how  they were, just indicating how to get one verse per line.

    Apologies for any confusion.

  • Willie
    Willie Member Posts: 181 ✭✭

    Also, have NASB print Bibles changed to paragraph formatting?  

    Hi Tony - No they have not.  Both are available.  The Lockman Foundation representative I spoke
    with a couple of days ago said they produce and sell both verse and paragraph
    formats and they have provided both formats to Faithlife.  (Incidentally, he said he also
    prefers verse format.)

    I just checked iBook, biblegateway, and a few others, and they all have paragraph format.......

    My WORDsearch program has verse format as its default view with an option to switch to “paragraph mode”.  Its mobile app is in verse format.   My Olive Tree App provides the option of viewing in verse or paragraph format.  My print Bible is verse formatted.

  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,978 ✭✭✭

    We're looking into improvements to the visual filter.

    It appears this exposed some weaknesses with the visual filter that we're addressing.

    Glad to hear it.  

    I do prefer the paragraph format for reading and the verse by verse for studying.  I believe once you've cleared up the visual filter the problem will be resolved, at least for me.

    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • Whyndell Grizzard
    Whyndell Grizzard Member Posts: 3,502 ✭✭✭

    Well I'm loving it- sorry it has not met expectations for most of you, but whatever they do- hope there is no reversal back to line formatting.

    This is perfect for reading or study- MHO.

  • Kiyah
    Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

    Well I'm loving it- sorry it has not met expectations for most of you, but whatever they do- hope there is no reversal back to line formatting.

    This is perfect for reading or study- MHO.

    I'm loving it too. I actually use this bible a lot more now.

  • Mike Henry Sr.
    Mike Henry Sr. Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    Since it seems FL is counting, I prefer the verse format. I hope we can get a full version in that format soon. I just tried the Visual Filters and it is disappointing. Can you please put the version back to the original?

  • Alex Scott
    Alex Scott Member Posts: 718

    Since it seems FL is counting, I prefer the verse format. I hope we can get a full version in that format soon. I just tried the Visual Filters and it is disappointing. Can you please put the version back to the original?

    Me too.  But good luck with that.  The only important people it seems are the ones that want the paragraph format.  Meanwhile, when you try to read the NT, almost every verse is separated from the next by a huge space even breaking up sentences.  The way the NASB95 is now is an absolute disgrace for Logos and Faithlife.

    Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.

This discussion has been closed.