Problem with SDA resource

Paul Carlson
Paul Carlson Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Please forgive the reduplication from my earlier post, and possibly also my OCD ? , but it is kind of annoying when you pay hundreds of dollars for a product like Logos and the accompanying base packages and then you have issues like this:

Unusual paragraph formatting in almost the entirety of the book Patriarchs and Prophets within Logos. A hanging indent instead of the usual first line indent starts on page 33 and continues throughout the book until page 661. 

It has existed throughout the various versions that's I've owned, through my current version 7. It exists in the iOS app, on the Mac and in Windows.

I originally posted this about a year ago and no one responded. I've sent and resent an email to customer service at Logos and no fix, as of yet. So does anybody know who would actually fix this problem in the resource? Logos people or someone else?


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,001

    Hi Paul

     So does anybody know who would actually fix this problem in the resource? Logos people or someone else?

    It would be the responsibility of Faithlife (the company that produces Logos software and provides the resources) to fix it.

    Have you tried using the "report typo" option within the software to report this? (right-click on a word, scroll down the left-hand side of the menu until you see it). That should get it to the relevant department


  • Paul Carlson
    Paul Carlson Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    I started to try that, but of course it doesn't look the same as usual, without the regular formatting in the form that is opened. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it anyway.

  • DBR
    DBR Member Posts: 125 ✭✭

    I can confirm this issue. It appears to be a formatting issue in the resource. 

    If you report a typo, it shows the resource as normal so it doesn't look like anything to correct. I sent a note explaining the situation. If everyone who owns this resources make a typo report, it might get somewhere. 

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,001

    But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it anyway.

    I'd write some description of the issue in the comments field to clarify the problem.

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,236

    We used a publisher provided PDF of the print edition to produce the book and captured the formatting that the publisher provided.

    In cases like these we follow the formatting of the print edition.

  • Paul Carlson
    Paul Carlson Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Well, it is certainly not the paragraph formatting of the actual hard copy book.

    How can the problem be fixed?

  • Paul Carlson
    Paul Carlson Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    We used a publisher provided PDF of the print edition to produce the book and captured the formatting that the publisher provided.

    In cases like these we follow the formatting of the print edition.

    Essentially the publisher would need to provide us new material.

    So who would Logos suggest that I contact? How can I convey this issue to the publisher? Is there a contact person?

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,236

    The materials themselves were provided to us by the Ellen G. White estate. We've contacted them to find out if there was an update or change in the materials.

  • Paul Carlson
    Paul Carlson Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    The materials themselves were provided to us by the Ellen G. White estate. We've contacted them to find out if there was an update or change in the materials.

    Thank you for letting me know! Have they been informed about the specific issue then? 

  • Fred Littlefield
    Fred Littlefield Member Posts: 145 ✭✭

    Kyle / Faithlife - I don't understand that. I have never seen these writings, ever, over the course of many years printed (electronically or in print) in the fashion of hanging paragraph format. Even the previous Ellen G. White library before Logos 7 was not published in that format by Faithlife. In some cases it would have been better if they had never updated the Ellen White library if they are not going to publish it in the standard format. It is difficult to read in this format and we would highly appreciate it if it were fixed. I have made "Typo Reports" of this problem several times. The Conflict of the Ages Series contains Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles, and The Great Controversy. Of these 5 books only Patriarchs and Prophets is published in this format. It doesn't make sense that one book in the series would be different. There are several books in the Ellen G. White Library that are published in this format but they are randomly published that way. If it is the Ellen White Estate that is responsible for it then there is a problem with the PDFs that were given to you. I think they would acknowledge that they weren't supposed to be in that format.

  • Thinking
    Thinking Member Posts: 368 ✭✭
    It's not just Patriarchs and Prophets. When it first came out I contacted the White Estate. I have reported it in typo, etc. Nothing has ever changed. It has nothing to do with the original documents. It has to do with some sloppy conversion that does not seem will ever change. Years and years ago I purchased Logos for the SDA commentary and then was happy when the EGW books came out. I never use Logos for EGW anymore since the material is incomplete. I use the free software from the White Estate that searches the entire database. If the entire database was available on Logos I would use it, but I have my doubts that it ever will be. I doubt there is any economic incentive for this to happen.
  • Cris Paraiso
    Cris Paraiso Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    The formatting error is not only on PP, but also on Review & Herald, beginning on Aug 25, 1891 par. 7 page 1549 until Aug 20, 1959 page 4876 (end). Hoping Faithlife will address this matter.

  • Fred Littlefield
    Fred Littlefield Member Posts: 145 ✭✭

    I just posted about this very topic in the thread on 

    SDA International Bible Commentary

    using PP as an example and that I have requested the same actions many times also. Logos doesn't seem to be interested in our denomination. Perhaps we are too small to count financially for them. I think we have to live with it. They do not respond to us. If they won't fix it then it seems like they could let one of us fix it and return the text to them to re-publish or something like that.