Feature request: edit note without pop up
I love using the app, however the pop ups for editing now, clippings, etc. make the app less useful. When taking notes, I like to see what I was reading while writing my thoughts. This is impossible with pop up windows.
I do like how notes are read only when teaching . Is it possible to have an 'edit button' that simply turns on editing on the plane instead of opening a pop up?
E.g. OT bible app has note editing without pop up windows
Windows 7, Nexus 7
I want to second this suggestion, for two additional reasons.
- First, the editing window is much smaller than it could be. On a small screen, the real estate is quite valuable.
- Second, if you are so unfortunate that you touch the screen outside the dialog, it will be taken as "cancel" and you loose all your changes. There is no undo for that.