Ready for beta testing: Try out smart Bible search (without a license)
We are excited to introduce users to smart Bible search very soon. We are also excited that alongside the release of this new search mode, we will have functionality in place that enables users without a license to try out smart Bible search! While trying out smart Bible search, it is clearly communicated that a free…
Beta Mobile App Release Notes
You can access here the release notes for our Mobile Apps. These pages are updated with every release (including Beta): iOS Release Notes Android Release Notes
How to Join and Leave the Beta Apps
Joining: For iOS: Using the device you want to test on, click on the link below that corresponds with the beta app you'd like to join. * Logos Bible Study Tools - https://testflight.apple.com/join/ftLCn5d6 * Faithlife Study Bible - https://testflight.apple.com/join/FNWhic7i * Biblia!…
Question about the suggestion to use a Smart Search in 41.0.0
This morning I ran a search against my Top Bibles and, when I selected the Fuzzy view, there was a suggestion to try a Smart Search instead (and I think that’s a great idea!) But when I tapped that option, it simply repeated the precise search - presumably because a Smart Search can only search one Bible at a bottom Would…
Feedback on New 100-Book Download Limit
I’d like to provide feedback on the recent implementation of the 100-book download limit. While I understand that this change was introduced to address performance issues during bulk downloads, the current approach creates significant inconvenience for users with extensive libraries. As someone with over 14,000 books, this…
Mobile Insights
I like the way Logos thinks forward with insights. But something is off and I cant place my finger on it. The text looks odd to me and the square block. Maybe if it can have the round curves on the top edge like everything else it would look better. And if the text font is improved. But the new way it functions is a step…
Mobile Insights Improvements
Logos well done with the beta on Insights. I can see a lot of new features to be added the way its designed. Let me give some ideas that would work great for me. 1. When expanding the cross ref, can we maybe get it that it expands bigger over the top opened recourse like the insights does when you press the icon, then like…
Logos Desktop On Mac and Windows
I need to look at getting a laptop to make use of Logos Desktop. Does logos run better on Mac than on windows. I am looking at MacBook Air M3 but can save quite alot on a windows laptop I5 12gen 16Gb Ram and 512SSD. It will mainly be uses dor logos and email and office apps. Nothing hardcore. But I need to know if logos…
Bug: dragging selection handles
iOS 39.0.0 (105) When dragging the right selection handle, especially to select a long selection, you often have to pan, and re-drag the selection handle. There is one issue when the left selection handle is off the screen. When dragging the right selection handle backwards (region A), or forwards but not under the…
iPad 40.0.0 (181). The books can no longer be changed in the explorer tool (hope that is the right expression in English - I use the German interface). Nothing happens if I choose another book. I also cannot mark a section as read in my reading plan. The button does not appear.
New Beta is Buggy
The new beta is locking up my Logitech keyboard. When I hit return, it is opening up a new tab. The app will crash and reload itself in dark mode. If I try to move my cursor to a new spot, it will open up a new tab. I have removed the app and reinstalled it, and it is still doing these things. I have no problem like this…
NEW: Smart Bible Search, ready for beta testing on Mobile
This functionality requires a license to access it. Please join this Faithlife group if you'd like to participate in testing smart Bible search. Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural…
Reading book highlights on Ipad or Iphone
Is it possible to read your highlights on the iPad or iPhone? If so how?
Trying to understand automatic search mode switching - from Smart to Precise - on mobile
The release notes for Logos 40 beta 1 on desktop have: Bible Search will use the Smart search engine by default, unless you enter Precise search syntax. Examples: Entire query parses as a Bible reference. Entire query is in Greek or Hebrew. Query contains special syntax. Exact phrase/in quotes. Smart Book or All search…
Error de navegación en la RVR60
en la
ATTN: Smart Bible Search License Removed from Beta Testing
As each new feature is released to the stable version, we remove it from beta testing. On a slightly different schedule, we have concluded the beta testing for smart Bible search today. This was done ahead of schedule in order to facilitate beta testing on trying out smart Bible search without a license. Thank you for your…
Is there a bug in Smart Books Searching in the Logos 40 beta?
This is with Logos 40.0.0 (build 172) on my IPad (also on iPhone) I have a Books Search selected in Precise search mode To switch to a Smart search, I tap Precise (the currently selected search mode) to bring up the popup menu When I tap Smart - to select that mode - the Search switches to a Bible Search in smart mode
V40 Beta L4 Links
The V40 beta no longer opens l4 links I have created manually, and it was said that it will still work.
Insight available on all resources
I don’t see any difference in this new beta where insights is available on all resources. I only find the icon available in Bible like always. Can someone please explain to me what to look out for.
Inconsistent search results in library
As can be seen from the attached screenshots, search results in the library are quite inconsistent when searching for books by EM Bounds. It probably isn’t helped by the inconsistent metadata too.
Apple Vision Pro
My Apple Vision Pro arrives tomorrow. I'm excited to use Logos on it, both with screen mirroring from desktop but also the mobile app compatibility. Are there any plans to make a native app? I know there is cost there, but I would love to be able to study in a virtual library with multiple screens to take advantage of the…
Testing Insights Panel in latest IOS beta update
Insights panel is now dismissed after deselecting in a non-versified book. I thought that the insights panel was only available in versified books. For example when I open a monograph in the IOS app the insight panel does not open and there is no tool on screen to open it as there are in versified resources such as a…
Please restore the passage guide icon to where it was
The recent update swapped the Factbook and Passage Guide buttons: which moved the passage guide icon off the screen and made it necessary to swipe to get to find it (on both my iPhone and iPad): I use the passage guide button more than all the others. Can it be restored to the visible set of icons? Maybe swap it with the…
Copy Verse Styled on iPad
The Bible Study Builder Won't Open on My Mobile App
The Bible Study Builder works great on on the Desktop app and the Web app. I can work on a Bible Study, save it, and then open it up under the Documents tab, in the Desktop and Web apps, but when I try to open a Bible Study on my Mobile app, the screen stays blank. I have the show notes turned on on the Mobile app. I have…
Screen Glitch
Hello friends. I have been having a glitch where the screen turns to a grey color toneafter searching for a bible reference. It will not go back to regular color scheme until I scroll to a different panel and back. This issue only effects bibles, nothing else. It only happens when using the search bar and typing in a…
BUG? Grab bars and latency in selecting text on iPadOS 40.0.0 (168) / iPadOS v. 18.3
Grabbing, selecting, and highlighting text on iPadOS is an exercise in frustration. I’ve written about this problem in the past, and think it once was fixed. If you start by selecting one word it is ALMOST impossible to use the bottom drag handle to extend the selection to the right. There is a trick that sometimes works,…
Interlinear Lines Not Working on 40.0 on Android
Nothing happens visibly when you push the button in view settings, but when I try to change windows, a get a glimpse of the menu. Up to date Android on a Google Pixel.
Bulk Downloads
I have 14K+ books on my iPhone, about 85+ Gigs. Every once in a while I am close to running out of space because the iCloud gets behind in uploading to the cloud and clearing space. My favorite way to clear space is to remove all the books with "Hebrew" from the library. However, when I wanted to download them again, I got…
Need to have the desktop-like features of LOGOS, e.g. Sentence Diagrammer, in new iPad.
The new iPad is now powerful enough, such that it can now handle complex computational tasks that are expected in Desktop Computers, Mac or Windows. Thus, we would like to request LOGOS-Faithlife to please consider including desktop-like features of LOGOS, e.g. Sentence Diagrammer, etc.; to be available in the new iPad.…
Bug: Erratic behavior in Notes
iOS 39.0.0 (105) Tried to use Notes to write a long note. Experienced several strange issues: once, all the blank paragraphs that I inserted to put a space between paragraphs all instantaneously got deleted as I was watching After inserting a word with the swipe keyboard, cursor sometimes goes to the very beginning of the…
Has anyone had a problem with the favorites not showing up on their iPad in the mobile app?
Are there plans to enable ref.ly links to open within the mobile app itself?
In the desktop app (Windows) the current beta - - includes a change to how ref.ly links are handled on Windows. Application ref.ly links in external Windows applications will open directly in Logos without opening the browser. This matches what we already do on Mac. ref.ly links in a browser will continue to open a browser…
Smallest text in current version is too large
39.0.0 1390000103 With the change in the latest beta, I'm unable to make the text small enough. It's quite massive compared to prior options. With all of the UI additions, I'm finding I need smaller text options to compensate for the extra real estate consumed by the panels. I am often using the second-smallest size on the…
No TOC except for Bibles
Hi Folks, I’m on beta 39.0.0 (116) for iOS (18.1.1, iPhone 16 Pro) and I no longer get any table of contents for any books that are not Bibles. I sent feedback a few days ago but haven’t heard anything. Anyone else having this issue?
Zoom graphic on Android
One of my continual frustrations with Logos for Android is that there is no pinch-to-zoom for graphics or tables. For graphics there are only 2 settings — the default and an enlarged view. Even worse, there is no way to enlarge a table, and the font is generally too small to read on a tablet, let alone a phone. Wonderful…
Problem in Sermon Manager when trying to select a timeframe other than “All”
This is with Logos 39 beta (39.0.0 build 120) and the problem is also present in Verbum 38.0.1. I open the Sermon Manager tool in grid view with All sermons displayed. When I try to select a different timeframe from the dropdown - such as “This Year” - the tool hangs. If I then open another instance of the Tool, I can see…
Bug: Selection menu persists after highlighting
iOS 38.0.0 (138) Beta After applying a highlight, the selection menu used to/ should disappear. Recently (I noticed it today), the selection menu doesn’t disappear after the highlight is applied. This means I have to manually dismiss it every time.
Bug: Recent Highlights in new Insights Selection Menu
At the top of the selection menu, there is a list of recently the last ~20 most recently used highlights. In order to access them, you often need to pan them to the left. The problem is that if you pan over to the right to access a highlight style that you haven't used in a while, then, when you want to highlight something…
UI "Bug": Popup Menu Initial State
38.0.0 (138) iPadOS Just subscribed and my popup window on Mobile is a little different. Now, instead of showing the word info card and notes in a long list that you scroll through, you can click a right arrow to open Word Info, Notes & Highlights, etc, within the popup (with the option to go back to the main popup). So…
Ios Release notes
what happened to the IOS release notes to see what has been added in the beta.
Mobile bible study builder
I have iPhone 14, pro subscription, L10 gold I don’t see bile study builder on mobile app, I’ve looked in tools and elsewhere. also I do not have visual filters on my laptop app.
Pressing Enter when editing a sermon in Logos 38.0.0 (130) causes the sermon to scroll up
If I am editing a sermon, and further "into the sermon" than a single page, when I press the Enter key on my keyboard, the sermon text scrolls up. It doesn't go right to the top, I haven't been able to work out where it actually scrolls to but I don't think this happened in earlier stable releases. Can this be looked at…
BUG: Can't enter liturgical dates in sermon manager on iPad
The options to specify liturgical dates in sermon manager on iPad are not working I initially flagged this at https://community.logos.com/forums/t/226785.aspx but am cross-posting here as I can reproduce the problem in the latest beta - 38.0.0 (121)
Verbum 38.0.0 Crashes Consistently on Start
I have a few Android devices and, since the update yesterday, I cannot start Verbum on any of them. They crash immediately on start. I've cleared the cache and storage, uninstalled and reinstalled, to bo effect. The app just won't start. Logos 37.0.3 runs fine. Devices run Android 11 through 13.
NEW: Sermon Builder and Sermon Manager on Android Tablets
With v37 Beta 1, we're bringing to Android tablet users two of their most requested features: Sermon Builder and Sermon Manager. If you are an Android tablet user, please try them out and share your feedback with us! Once they get past the beta cycle, these two features will be available to subscribers of Logos Pro &…
Announcement: Several features no longer in Beta
The following features have successfully ended their Beta period. This means that these features will now be available only to Logos subscribers, and that being part of the Logos Pro (early access) Beta Features Faithlife Group no longer grants access to them: * Dynamic Resource Toolbar (Desktop) * Bible Study Builder (All…
BUG(?): Factbook doesn't offer AI summarise feature for dictionary entries
I'm not 100% sure if this is a bug as the release notes for the v38 update aren't out yet, but I note that we have the v38 desktop functionality of summarising Factbook commentaries now, and viewing are token usage - both greatly appreciated! But dictionary articles aren't offering this functionality yet and I wanted to…
NEW FEATURE: Bible Study Builder
The Bible Study Builder allows you to craft personalized Bible studies with ease using your Logos library and intuitive AI-driven questions. Simply type in a Bible reference and select a question from published study guides or utilize AI to generate thought-provoking questions. From there, you can move questions into your…
ATTN: Dropping Support for Android 9.0
In an upcoming release of Version 35 on July 2nd, we will be dropping support for Android 9.0. This affects less than 5% of our users, so it is unlikely to affect you. If you are still using Android 9 (or below), your existing app should continue to work but won’t receive bug fixes or new features, and its performance may…
Sermon Writing on Android Tablet
hi there! was trying to figure out how to add a sermon doc from my mobile app and haven't seem to be able to find the "+" icon to add a new document? am i missing something? using.. Logos Bible 9.13.0 (913000102) Android 12 samsung SM-T875 gts7l com.android.vending thanks in advance..
Hyperlinks not always working correctly in IOS mobile app
I often find that tapping on a link will switch to the correct resource but not move to the correct location in the resource. It just stays wherever it already was previously opened to. It seems to happen more often when linking to a resource that is already open---however, closing that resource then retrying the link to…
Suggestion for passage list and adding anchor
Currently, when you want to add a passage to a note or passage list you can only do one verse at a time. I believe this is due to the set up of the grid system (Bible books, chapters, and verses). When you enter either the anchor or the passage list you can only do one. my suggestion is this can there be a +(To add verses)…