4.0c Beta 1: Bug: Open menu in collections panel changes width as I scroll, making it virtually cert

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

Close the Collections panel.  [this is important, as the panel remembers the menu width until you close it and reopen it]

Tools > Collections [to open it up fresh, where it has forgotten the old menu width]

Click Open.

The menu drops down with only the width necessary to display the widest collection name in the first page worth of collections in the menu. As you click on the scroll bar to page down to see more collections, if you have ones further down the list with longer names, the dropdown menu gets wider to accommodate them. This means that even if you don't jiggle your mouse at all, you will surely hit one of the red X icons and delete a collection when you didn't intend to, as you're scrolling through the list. This is unacceptable!

The menu should remain a consistent width. Make it wider to begin with if necessary, but don't mess with the width as we're scrolling.

To be sure you can reproduce this problem: Create a bunch of collections and make sure you have at least two pages worth of them in the Open menu in your collections panel. Make sure there is at least one in the second page worth whose name is longer than any of the ones in the first page. For example, my Open menu fits 14 collections in it. The longest title in the first page worth is named: "Application/Devotional Commentaries"; the next page worth contains one which is longer: "Pastoral/Homiletical/Exegetical Commentaries." Fill in some random ones in between if necessary to make sure that the longer of these two comes on the second page. It might be that the difference between the lengths of the longest title in page 2 and the longest title in page 1 is significant; if it were much more than the width of the red X icon then it wouldn't be as easy to accidentally hit it.

See this thread too:  http://community.logos.com/forums/t/14384.aspx

Here's a video showing this problem in action:

[view:http://content.screencast.com/users/rosiep/folders/Default/media/3679af49-4600-4fc9-920b-b93cb30a36b2/Accidentally Deleting Collections_controller.swf:640:498]


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