Complete Listing: Library of Second Temple Studies (formerly JSP Supplement Series)

Kevin A Lewis
Kevin A Lewis Member Posts: 758 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've put together a complete list of the LSTS (Library of Second Temple Studies) series, formerly known as the Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha (JSP) Supplement Series (aka JSPSup or JSPS).

These are fine academic monographs about various exegetical, hermeneutical, text critical, historical, sociological, linguistic, rhetorical, archaeological, theological, and other issues relating to the Second Temple period. Originally published by T&T Clark, then Sheffield Academic Press, the series is now owned and continued by Continuum Books.

Logos has currently only three of them (hopefully they will acquire more soon!).

I've put together a list of all the volumes in the series to date, with links to the Logos collection each volume appears in, if available. Some volume are available as stand-alone, not in collections.

Kudos to Rosie for the original format - used for the LHB/OTS equivalent

Dare I say it this listing is more accurate that T&T Clarks owner spread-sheet listing - complete with some de-duplication and one or two omissions.


