SDA Bible Dictionary

René Gehring
René Gehring Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I experience that the SDA Bible Dictionary never appears when I enter a keyword in factbook that actually does exist in the SDABD. All my other Dictionaries appear, but never the SDABC. Of course, I have already priorized the entire SDABC series to have it appear on top of the dictionary-lists. 

The Logos support guesses that perhaps the tagging is not yet finished. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Any suggestions for fixing it?


  • Reimar Vetne
    Reimar Vetne Member Posts: 165 ✭✭

    Interesting. I tried, and I got the same result now as you (SDA Bible Dictionary not showing up in neither Factbook nor the right-click context menu), so this is clearly a mistake. I hope Logos can fix it.

    That being said, this Bible Dictionary is 40 years old and it was never the best even when it came out (there were relatively few SDA bible scholars 40 years ago). A lot of important scholarship has been done since then, so I personally seldom (attempt to) use it. There are many better ones out there, like the free Lexham Bible Dictionary that came with Logos, inexpensive one-volume ones like Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible and Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. The one I use the most is the 6 volume Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary. It is historical-critical, but this is an encyclopedia so there is a limit to how many critical speculative theories they can put into an article. As an SDA I generally find the articles in it to be very useful. The 5 volume Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible and the 8 volume IVP Bible Dictionary series are also very good. The latter is more selective and does not have articles on every topic, but when it does it has long and useful ones.

  • René Gehring
    René Gehring Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Thanks for your reply and suggestions of other dictionaries. Nevertheless, would be great if Logos would fix this issue with the SDA Bible Dictionary.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Rene, it requires a lot of re-tagging. Given the fact that the commentary series is being rewritten, hopefully, the new set will make its way into Logos.

    Logos does not own the copyright to publish the set in their software. That belongs to Review and Herald via a company (cannot remember the name) that they formed, many years ago.

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