Building CCC as a personal book

Joanna CW Chang
Joanna CW Chang Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Dear Friends,

I am new to this community so I apologize if this has already been discussed previously.

But I was wondering how I can build the Chinese CCC as a personal book? More specifically, what syntax should I use?

Currently there are few Chinese resources on Verbum, so I want to build a personal book containing the Chinese CCC (which is available online). This way when I am reading other Verbum books and if there is a reference to CCC, Verbum will bring up the Chinese CCC, rather than the English CCC. 

Does anybody knows how to do this? Many thanks in advance for your kind help!



  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,453 ✭✭✭

    Hi Joanna:

    I'm thinking of a way to do something like you describe. (Others might know a better way.) What I think might work is if you tagged each reference number as a Headword milestone. For example  [[@Headword:9999]]  where 9999 is the reference number. Compile the docx as a Dictionary and prioritize it high. If you then double-click on a reference number in another resource, ti should open the CCC and go to the section, in the same manner as a high prioritized dictionary does when you double-click on a word. Since you will only have numbers tagged in your personal book, it's unlikely it will be opened by mistake or get in the way of your real dictionaries.

    I have an English CCC for reference purposes (I'm not Catholic) that I will experiment with. I will try to do this soon and let you know what my results were and provide you with some additional instructions and techniques relating to the tagging process. 

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    At one point I had a somewhat working portion of the CCC in english as a PB. However, since it was so long, it really was not worth my time to tag - and I have since gotten the official English edition. But tagging it was quite easy. Just insert tags like [[@CCC:CCC 1]] at the start of every numbered section of it - of course, replacing the number "1" with whatever section it is. Of course, since the different alphabets, you may run into some localization issues, of which I am not aware.

    After it is compiled, it would work as a valid destination target for any CCC datatype links in Logos. I would probably prioritize the pb when done to make sure it is used....

    4846.CCC Tagging example.docx

    The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann

    L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials

    L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,453 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Ken. I didn't know about that milestone.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,453 ✭✭✭


    Based on Ken's information on the specific CCC milestone, I attempted to tag my CCC personal book. It worked with the Microsoft Word Find and Replace dialog I inserted below. It actually worked too well. It's often the case that Find & Replace edits more than intended. However, as Ken pointed out, it would be quite tedious to do the tagging manually.

    You might want to try this. These are the conditions that exist in my document:

    1. The reference number always begins a paragraph, so the text string we will look for is a paragraph mark, a number, and a space.
    2. The reference numbers were in the same font and same font attributes as the text. If it had been different, that might have helped me find the reference marks more precisely.

    If you think this might work on your document, make a safe copy of your document. If your version uses Arabic numerals, you can try exactly what I did; if not you'll need to alter it for you localization. On the Home tab in Word, choose Replace (on the far-right of the ribbon). Click the More button on the Find & Replace dialog. Check "Use Wildcards". Enter the text seen below in the Find What and Replace With boxes. Test it by clicking Find Next. If it finds the "1" reference as expected or hoped, click the Replace button. If that looks like Ken's example, you can go ahead and assume it works. Click the Undo button on Word's Quick Access toolbar and go to the beginning of the document. Then click the Replace All button.

    Review your document to see if what might have gone wrong. You could just compile it and use it for a while and correct errors as you find them.

    Here's the Find & Replace dialog I used:

    The parenthesis marks in Find What delimit sections of the text it will find. The first section is the paragraph mark ^13. The next one is the reference number. The last one is the space following the reference number. The   [1-9]*  tells Word to look for any number of any length and then a space.

    The \1  \2  and  \3 in the Replace WIth box tells Word where to place the parts of the Find What text. That's a space between the last CCC and the /2.

    If Father Devin reads this, he will likely be able to offer corrections or streamlining of instructions.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Joanna CW Chang
    Joanna CW Chang Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Dear Robert and Ken,

    Thank you both for the very timely and helpful replies! I am overwhelmed by the goodwill and support of this community! Thank you both so much! 

    I found the full Chinese CCC on a website and I was able to copy it into a Word document (.docx). I then used the "Find and Replace" function as suggested by Robert. I've used "Find and Replace" before but I didn't know it can be this powerful! The wildcards are amazing! Thank you for sharing! 

    I did make a small modification, though. --> (^13)([1-9]*)(.)

    This is because the paragraph numbers in the Chinese CCC are followed by a period (.). With this modification, I was able to convert all the paragraph numbers into milestones and they work nicely. I am trying to attach a screenshot below. I hope you can see it.

    And if I may, I have one more question...

    I wonder what I should do with the bible references. Currently all the bible references are in Chinese. For example, "John 17:3" is "若 17:3". I know if I change it to "John 17:3", Verbum can look up the verse in my preferred bible, but for those who don't know English, this would be confusing for them. Not sure what is the best approach... Any thoughts?



  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,453 ✭✭✭

    I wonder what I should do with the bible references. Currently all the bible references are in Chinese. For example, "John 17:3" is "若 17:3". I know if I change it to "John 17:3", Verbum can look up the verse in my preferred bible, but for those who don't know English, this would be confusing for them. Not sure what is the best approach... Any thoughts?

    Hi Joanna:

    Glad the milestones worked out for you. I'll check back this evening (EDT) after work and if no one else has an elegant solution for you, I will give it a try.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Justin Gatlin
    Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,144

    Dear Robert and Ken,

    Thank you both for the very timely and helpful replies! I am overwhelmed by the goodwill and support of this community! Thank you both so much! 

    I found the full Chinese CCC on a website and I was able to copy it into a Word document (.docx). I then used the "Find and Replace" function as suggested by Robert. I've used "Find and Replace" before but I didn't know it can be this powerful! The wildcards are amazing! Thank you for sharing! 

    I did make a small modification, though. --> (^13)([1-9]*)(.)

    This is because the paragraph numbers in the Chinese CCC are followed by a period (.). With this modification, I was able to convert all the paragraph numbers into milestones and they work nicely. I am trying to attach a screenshot below. I hope you can see it.

    And if I may, I have one more question...

    I wonder what I should do with the bible references. Currently all the bible references are in Chinese. For example, "John 17:3" is "若 17:3". I know if I change it to "John 17:3", Verbum can look up the verse in my preferred bible, but for those who don't know English, this would be confusing for them. Not sure what is the best approach... Any thoughts?



    Would it be an acceptable solution to use find and replace to say  "若 17:3 (John 17:3)"?

    The second part would be nonsensical to a non -English soaker,  but would provide a hyperlink and allow more powerful searches of the document. 

  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    In the ideal world, the Logos autodetect for links would recognize the links in the language set in the document itself. So I would want to make sure that the document is set as Chinese in both the Word Processor creating the pb, and in Logos when you compile it as a Personal Book. If this creates the links you want, great! If not, it at least has not been too much effort wasted.

    But if this does not give you the desired output, then you can tag the links yourself. In my PB's, I have done the tagging fully manually because I trust myself to interpret the text and provided the links more than any macro I can write. These links can either be as hyperlinks in the source document itself - which lets them sort of hide in the background and just work - or can be inserted in the text itself. In PB's I have created, I have put them in the text itself because it is easier for me to proofread them manually if needed. Of course, what exactly works best for you, well, is what works best for you - not necessarily what works best for me.

    Anyhow, the syntax would be [[Label >> Link]]. For example, "In [[verse 16 of the 3rd chapter >> John 3:16]], John provides a summary of why Jesus came." The compiler would take this and display "In verse 16 of the 3rd chapter, John provides a summary of why Jesus came." with a link inserted. The end user would not see the syntax/languages involved...

    Linking can get a bit complex, especially as you add links to different types of documents. A decent starter for more information is on the wiki.

    The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann

    L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials

    L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze

  • Deacon Steve
    Deacon Steve Member Posts: 1,047 ✭✭

    Not sure if you have looked through this support article on the wiki regarding personal books.  Here is the link: