Bug (Android 5.16.2): Reverse Interlinear English Bibles not showing Greek and Hebrew words

Harry Hahne
Harry Hahne Member Posts: 962 ✭✭✭

The information about Greek and Hebrew words in reverse interlinear English Bibles no longer works properly, as of Android 5.16.2.

In NASB 1995, no information is given about Greek or Hebrew words. In ESV, the information pertains to the wrong Greek or Hebrew word. For example, in Luke 16:24, if you long press on "called", the Greek word for "have mercy on" (ἐλεέω) is parsed.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy S7 with Android 7.0.



  • Harry Hahne
    Harry Hahne Member Posts: 962 ✭✭✭

    I uninstalled the and reinstalled app and the problem seems to have corrected itself. It is not the first time that similar problems have occurred after an update.