SUGGESTION: Automatic audio reading plans

Phil asked us to give suggestions for L8, and then told us that we could post suggestions for mobile as well. Here is an idea I don't believe I have heard mentioned before. 

I have come to really enjoy listening to audiobooks in the car. I would like more audio bibles for sale, but the BIG new feature would be the ability to listen to your bible reading plan automatically (i.e. It would follow the reading plan from the first reading to the last reading without user input). 

Ideally, the plan would start reading and continue to the end of the day's reading and stop. 

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  • This is a great idea. Adding it to our list for consideration. 

  • Ryan
    Ryan Member Posts: 3

    This would be a great for those who commute long distances to work - please add this feature to the mobile app!

    Thank you!

  • Grant Baker
    Grant Baker Member Posts: 8


    It would also be awesome if the accessibility voice could be accessed from the mobile app (like pushing cmd/ctrl + R on Logos desktop) and also read to you as described above. 

    Soli Deo Gloria