Android Back Button: Table of Contents navigation
Fr Devin Roza
MVP Posts: 2,413
In v6 of the Android App, the navigation in the table of contents is "broken" as regards the Android back button.
If you open up a table of contents menu that "drills down" into a sublevel (typical in Bible Dictionaries, for example, or Lexicons, where there are many entries), and then tap the Android back button, the table of contents closes. Instead of closing, it should take you back in the navigation of the table of contents to the top level.
This bug is new with v6 - previously it worked correctly.
I noticed the same thing. Thank you for posting!
Mike Measley
Using Logos Desktop Software, Proclaim, Faithlife Groups, Faithlife Apps (Android),
Windows 10, Android 7, Chromebook ( Desktop Remote)