Copy and paste issue.
For quite awhile I’ve not been able to keep the reference attached to the text when I copy and paste. The example below describes the procedure. I’ve posted this in the logos community forums, and others are experiencing the same thing, but no one has a fix for it.
1. I block a verse out and choose “copy.” I get this:
"The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men."
No reference included....
2. I block the verse out and choose “share” then choose “copy”, I get this:
"The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men."
3. In order to get the reference to stay with the text, I must choose “share”, “message” then take the text in the iMessage and block it out, then choose copy. It is then that I get this:
"The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men.";nasb95
What is the true fix for this rather than the cumbersome fix I’ve developed?