Millennial Harbinger, Abridged Vol 2

This is vol. 2 of the Millennial Harbinger Abridged. The MH was begun and primarily a mouthpiece for Alexander Campbell, one of the founders of the Cambell-Stone movement. There are 40 years/volumes (1830-1070) of the Millennial Harbinger and I have found relatively few good pdfs to convert individual year volumes. (I have placed 2-3 years on this forum earlier).
In 1902, Benjamin Smith took the MH and cut out the material that was definitely time specific and then arranged much of it topically. While there is much from the MH not in these volumes, it provides a good background of Stone-Campbell early thinking.
Volume 1 (available here)
1. God
2. Jesus Christ
3. The Holy Spirit
4. The Bible
5. The Kingdom of Heaven
6. Religion & Christianity
7. The Gospel
8. Doctrines of Redemption
Vol. 2
9. Christian Duties
10. The Church
11. The Reformation
12. Our Missionary Organizations
13. Mr. Campbell's Work
14. Misc.
15. In Memorium- Alexander Capbell
16. Indices
Here are a couple of pictures that can be used:
Thank you Cal.
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Thanks for volume 2.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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I immagine that most who read or have this resource understand that there are all sorts of problems with Alexander Campbell's theology. Though he obviously helped to encourage some important changes in America, including emphasizing the importance of the Scriptures as our greatest authority and emphasizing the importance of believer baptism. However, the most troublesome problems of his theology include:
- A sort of modalism regarding the Trinity by the movement he co-founded. Campbell, however, was much more affirming of the doctrine and wrote essays defending Trinitarian theology while sharply criticizing Unitarianism. But some sersiously accused him of a vagueness in his teaching regarding the Trinity.- He maintained that faith in Christ was not a gift from God, and regeneration was not necessary for it, because this saving faith was merely a rational human response to testimony provided in the Bible. It was, in essence, nothing more than intellectual assent to the proposition that “Jesus is the Christ” based upon adequate evidence. He taught that the natural human mind was capable of this faith without a prior work of the Holy Spirit. The biblical teaching regarding the need for Regeneration (“ye must be born again”) was practically nullified by equating Regeneration with post-conversion Baptism.
- A common liturgy that emphasized baptism “for the remission of sins,”- Campbell maintained that the office of “pastor” was an unbiblical legacy of sacerdotalism inherited from Catholicism
- A general refusal of others' voices, like the forefathers of the faith, calling them polluted instead of valuing these voices and checking them against the Scriptures.
A few links for reading: -
Ah, yes. Alexander Campbell is not a favorite of some evangelicals. Since this is not a forum for theological debate I'll simple acknowledge that those are (some of) the accusations that have been made for over 175 years and have been extensively debated (and, at least in my mind, addressed).
Since Logos Bible software is widely used in the Christian world, the PBs found on these forums come from a broad variety of Christian perspectives. My attitude towards them is that which I take towards all human doctrinal writings: Use them as you would eat fish--take in the meat and spit out the bones that might make you choke.
All the best,
Cal H.
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Thank you for providing these files, Cal.