Preparing Library

Bob Soule
Bob Soule Member Posts: 445
edited November 2024 in English Forum

What is this "Preparing Library" doing? I first thought it was building the index, but I see now index is a separate process.




  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,820 ✭✭✭

    Bob Soule said:

    What is this "Preparing Library" doing? I first thought it was building the index, but I see now index is a separate process.



    Are you refering to Stage 1 or 3 ?  Stage 2 is gathering of data from each resource for the index... Stage 3 is compacting all that data into an effiecent index.... Stage 1 is the black box i think you are asking about.... a guess is  that it is doing an inventory of our resources, see what's there, what's not, checking if there are any updates to resources and if there are any program updates... after that it prepares a mainfest of anything that requires dowloading...

    I too would like to go beyond my guess to fact.