What gender is the Aramaic word KEFA (כֵּיפָא)?

Placyd Kon
Placyd Kon Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic (http://cal.huc.edu/djpa.php?lemma=kyp+N ):

Below: J. Levy, "Chaldäishes Wörterbuch über die Targumim und einen grossen Theil der rabbinischen Schrifttums" ( http://cal.huc.edu/showlevy.php?page=1:361 ): 

Below: Jastrow, M. (1903). A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature and II (Vol. 1, pp. 634–635). London; New York: Luzac & Co.; G. P. Putnam’s Sons):

כֵּיף, כֵּף f. (b. h.; כָּפַף) 1) [ball,] rock.—Pl. כֵּיפִים, constr. כֵּיפֵי, כֵּפֵי. Y. Shek. VI, 50a; Gen. R. s. 23, v. בַּרְבַּרְיָא.—2) (v. כִּיפָּה) arch, tuft, umbel. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. V, 5 כ׳ של נייר a tuft of papyrus; כ׳ של סיב of hemp.—Pl. כֵּיפִין, כֵּפִ׳. Ib., sq.; v. כִּיפָּה.

כֵּיף, כֵּיפָא I ch. same, rock, stone, ball. Targ. Is. 32:2. Targ. Prov. 17:8; a. fr.—Y. Shek. V, 48d היי דין כ׳ מקורר וכ׳ which rock (when bored) will give forth water, and which. &c., v. שְׁרַבְרוּבֵי.—Pl. כֵּיפִין, כֵּיפַיָּא, כֵּיפֵי. Targ. Y. I Deut. 32:13. Targ. 1 Kings 19:11. Targ. Ps. 104:18; a. fr.—כיפי טבתא pearls, jewels. Targ. Prov. 3:15; a. e.—M. Kat. 25b כ׳ דנורא (Ms. M. טיפי) fire-balls; כ׳ דברדא hail-stones. Y. Ab. Zar. IV, 43d דאת … אילין כ׳ thou must remove these stones. Keth. 112a bot. מנשק כ׳ דעכו kissed the rocks (Rashi: corals) of the shore of Ptolemais (as sacred ground); Y. Shebi. IV, end, 35c לכֵיפָתָא. Ib. מתקל כֵּיפֵי weighed the stones (to demonstrate his appreciation of the sacred ground); a. fr.—Esp. כֵּיפֵי (v. supra) precious stones, jewelry (prob. amber, v. כֵּיפָה). Erub. 96b; Keth. 81b כ׳ תלא לה has he jewelry suspended on it (his opinion)?, i. e. must his opinion absolutely be accepted?—B. Bath. 52a B. Mets. 35a אפקיד כ׳ וכ׳ gave jewelry in trust &c. Ib. הב לי כֵּיפַי (Ms. M. כֵּיפַאי) give me my jewelry back; a. e.—3) also כַּפָּא (cmp. גֵּיף, כַּף &c.) shore, border. Targ. Jud. 7:12. Targ. Is. 19:7 ככֵיפֵיה (ed. Lag. ככפיה; ed. Wil. בכיפי, corr. acc.) like its shore.—Pes. 4a, v. אֲסִיסְנָא. Ned. 40a bot. נהרא מכֵּיפֵיה וכ׳ the Euphrates grows from (the waters coming down) its shores (not from rain); Sabb. 65b; Bekh. 55b. Koh. R. to XI, 1 הוה מיטמר בכיף ימא (some ed. בכֵף) was hiding himself at the sea-shore; a. e.—Pl. as ab. Targ. Is. 8:7 כֵּיפוֹהִי; Targ. Josh. 3:15 (some ed. כַּפּוֹהִי).—Sabb. 65b מכֵּיפֵי some ed. (v. supra).—M. Kat. l. c. נשוק כ׳ … אהדדי the shores of … touched each other (the waters rising to the level of the shores; Rashi: the arches of the ruined bridges, v. infra).—4) arch, vault, v. כִּיפְתָא.—5) cap, v. כִּיפָּה.—6) bundle, sheaf, v. כַּפָּא. [כיפא, Tosef. Mikv. IV, 5, v. כִּיפָּה, end.]

כֵּיפָא II m. pressure, necessity, v. כַּיְיפָא.

כֵּיפָה, כֵּפָה f. (v. כֵּיף) 1) ball, stone. Ohol. VIII, 5 כֵּיפַת הברד hail-stone.—2) resin (or something similar) found in balls. Tosef. Dem. I, 29 כֵּפַת המרחץ ed. Zuck. (Var. בפת, emend. by El. Wil. קופת) resin used (with oil) in the bath-room.—כֵּיפַת הירדן Jordan-resin, amber (an adapt. of Eridanus, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Electrum, Lübker’s Reallex. s. v. Electron). Kerith. 6a (one of the ingredients of frankincense).—3) ball, lump. Y. Sabb. V, 7b bot. (in Chald. dict.), v. גְּבִינְתָּא. (Jastrow, M. (1903). A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature and II (Vol. 1, pp. 634–635). London; New York: Luzac & Co.; G. P. Putnam’s Sons.)

Below: The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon (http://cal.huc.edu/oneentry.php?lemma=kyp+N&cits=all ):

Which of these entries is correct? Is the Aramaic word  KEFA (כֵּיפָא) masculine or feminine?

